The Wedding

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I stare at the test in pure awe. "What the hell am I supposed to do now?" I whispered softly.

I need to call Xander. No, I can't. I can't tell him yet, not now. I'll wait until after we get married. Shitty I know but I don't want to be in the same situation as before, I don't think I can't handle something like that again.

I put the positive test in the trash and hurry out the store making sure nobody sees my face. I jump in my car and breathe slowly. I have to tell somebody, I can't just keep it to myself.

I look at the time gasp, "shit!" I have to meet the girls to get ready, I can't be late to my own wedding. I pull away from the store and rush back to my grandmothers house. Before I have time to get to the door, Dix and Sky are there to greet me.

"Where have you been?! We went to wake you up and you weren't there!" Dixie was in a panic mode.
" I'm fine, I just needed to run to the store, I didn't know it would take that long. I apologize."
She hugged me tight and sighed "Okay, but we have to leave in 5 minutes, your hair and makeup appointment is in half an hour."
I ran upstairs and threw on the first thing I grabbed and hurried down stairs, they were all waiting for me at the door.

We arrived at the salon about 10 minutes before our appointment. I sighed in relief.
"Anything specific you want done ma'am?"
I smiled, she was very pretty, she had a very strong French accent but her English was amazing.
I thought for a second "For my hair I'd like beach waves, nothing too crazy." We both laughed "That is doable, and for makeup?"
I thought for a second, Xander never sees me with a full face of makeup, I should surprise him. I smiled to myself.
"Something natural, but I want the eyes to pop. Winged eyeliner, soft lilac, and long lashes."
She nodded and began working on my makeup. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. Me, Roxanne Michaels was getting married in only a couple of hours, to the man of my dreams.

I looked around and saw my 5 of my favorite people getting their hair and makeup done and boy, did they look amazing. My mind trailed off for what seemed like only 5 minutes when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Are you ready to see?" She said softly smiling.
"Yes." She turned the chair around and i couldn't say anything. I have never been or felt this beautiful before. I was beyond happy. I felt the tears coming. " Oh no sweetheart! Don't mess up your makeup, you look beautiful." I smiled and thanked her, within an hour all the girls were done. We paid them and went back to the house. I hadn't heard anything from any of the guys today, I wonder what they're doing.

As soon as I picked up my phone to call tank, my phone rang, it was Trae.
"Hi Roxy! Xander wanted me to check on you, he's tied up trying to get ready."
I smiled, "I'm fine, we just got back from the salon, we're all getting dressed now." I heard him whispering, I assumed he was relaying the message to Xander.
"Okay, he said he will see you at the alter." He laughed and hung up quickly.
I set my phone down and looked at my dress. This is the beginning of the rest of my life, I couldn't be happier right now.

The girls help me put my dress and heels on. About five minutes later, tank peeked in the door "It's time." I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks.

We headed downstairs towards the garden. The girls kissed my cheek and went out with the guys. I was alone. I took a deep breath and walked towards the door.
I heard soft music began to play. Rather than the traditional 'Here comes the Bride' the song Through the Dark was playing. It was a soft instrumental song but it was just as beautiful. I slowly made my way through the beautiful flowers and I saw him. He was looking down his feet. Everybody stood up and gasped. He did too. His eyes met mine as I walked down the isle slowly. My heart was about to beat out of my chest. I'm doing it! I am actually doing it. I was cheering on the inside but all I showed was a soft smile. I looked to my right and saw Jacob sitting there, smiling at me. He gave me a thumbs up as I walked past him. It wasn't until I got closer, that I saw Xanders face, he was crying. I knew it wasn't because of him being unhappy, it was because he was happy, happier than he's been. At that moment I could feel our hearts connect and I felt the spark I felt when we first kissed. I picked up the pace hoping nobody would notice, I really needed to be by his side.

I approached him and he gave me a swift kiss on my cheek
"I love you, baby girl." He whispered.
"I love you too."

"Everybody may be seated."

: Xanders POV:

I could feel my palms starting to sweat, I haven't seen her yet. What if she changed her mind last minute? What if she leaves me standing here like an idiot? No, she wouldn't do that. I shook the horrible thoughts away and looked up. I gasped.

She was stunning, the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my entire life, and IM marrying her. I felt the tears forming at the corner of my eyes. I didn't even try to stop them. She looked gorgeous. She was so graceful, I feel like I've died and she's the angel coming to take me to heaven. I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

Her mouth turned into that beautiful smile that I've adored for years. I couldn't wait until we were able to share a last name.

"I do." She whispered as she smiled at me. I could feel my heart beating a mile a minute, I was so overcome with joy I picked her up and spun her around.
She giggled "Put me down baby, we have to finish."

This was it, I'm finally married to my best friend.

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