Misfit Toys

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As I drove to school, it finally dawned on me that it was my last year of high school. I never really liked school that much but I've had so many memories in this school with the most amazing friends. We called ourselves "Misfit Toys". We all have known each other since we were kids, we knew everything there was to know about one another. But I was the closest with two; My sister, Dixie and my bestfriend, Xander.

As I pulled into the school parking lot I gently laid my head on my steering wheel and sighed. I closed my eyes and drifted off into my own world, but I was suddenly pulled back by a slight tap on my window. Xander. I smiled and rolled my window. "Hey pretty girl! " he smiled at me and kissed my cheek. "Hi you gorgeous thing." he walked over to the passenger side and jumped in my car. "Hey, Rox?" he looked at me with a stern look. "Yeah?" he played with his fingers for a few seconds then looked out the window. I looked at him. "Is everything okay?" he still remained silent. After a minute of waiting he finally looked at me. "Would you ever want to.. you know, hang out, alone.. sometime? " Taken back by his question my eyed widened.

"You mean, like.. on a date?"

"Yes, a date."

I smiled sweetly at him and got out of my car. He followed alongside of me watching. He gently grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. "I'd like an answer.. " I kissed his cold cheek and whispered "Pick me up at 5.. I'm yours for the rest of the day" He wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up. He had such a strong hold, it was nice. He gently set me back on my feet. "Thank you, Roxy." I wrapped my arm around his as we walked into the school. Every day we walked into the school like this, nobody questioned it. We never stood out.

"Hi, babe!" My friend, Cat ran up to me and snatched me from Xander. I looked at him and for the first time I noticed it pissed him off. I hugged her and went back to him. She ran over and jumped into her boyfriends lap. I couldn't keep my eyes off of Xander.  He was such a cutie. I smiled a bit then held him close.


"Just a little, I don't see why they keep it so cold in here."

"I think they're trying to freeze us. "

"I agree"

We smiled at each other then my sister walked up. "Roxy, did you grab my book off the counter? I looked all over the house this morning and I can't find it anywhere. " I sighed. "Yeah, it's in my car, where you left it." She walked away. "What's her deal?" I looked up at him, "Her and Trae have been fighting like crazy. It went on all night; Slamming doors, screaming, calling each other names," I paused "They're getting violent. I've had to get between them at least four times in the past week." He sighed and shook his head. before he could say anything more the morning bell rang. he pulled me to his side and we walked to class.

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