Chapter 1

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Colby's POV:

"Colby get the fuck up!!!!" I felt someone jerking me. "Dude come on!" Ugh!!! Stupid Sam. I opened my eyes to see my best friend Sam staring down at me. "What the hell do you want! It's literally...." I looked at my phone. "Eight in the morning. Shut up and go back to sleep," I said pulling the blanket over my head. "No come on we have to film a video!" He said. "We can do it later. Why does it have to be now?" I groaned. "Please..." He said. "How about you ask me later," I said curling into a ball.

The next thing I know my blanket is being ripped off of me. "What the hell man?!" I say reaching for my blanket. "Come on. You at least have to get out of bed," he said. "Fine," I groaned grabbing my blanket. "In ten minutes," I say cuddling back up in my blanket. "Colby don't make me get the bucket," immediately my eyes widened. I threw the blankets off of me. "You wouldn't!" He smirked. "You and I both know I would," I rolled my eyes giving into his threat. "Fine," I groaned as I got out of bed.

"Can I at least get some privacy please?" I say to him. A little embarrassed that I only had boxers on. Which was weird. I've never been embarrassed before.

"Okay sure," he laughed. He shut my door and I huffed and puffed but I put on a t-shirt and sweat pants and walked out.

Sam and I have been best friends since we were about fifteen. We actually met for the first time in band camp. Hey don't laugh, band camp is actually pretty cool. So don't judge. But anyways he's been my rock for about four years now. I honestly don't know what I would do without him. We actually started talking because we were the only people we both recognized at that camp. What actually brought us closer was Mary Jace. The hottest girl in band camp. Sam and I were totally in love with her. All we did was talk about her. It's not creepy....whatever shut up. But after that trip we basically became inseparable. And as for Mary Jace she moved about a month after that trip and we never really heard from her again. But we weren't really that close so it wasn't really a huge deal. I mean besides the fact we had a major crush on her but ya know you get over that stuff eventually.

"So what do you want to do today?" Sam said smiling. "Ugh! I have to actually do stuff today?" I complained. He just rolled his eyes. "Yes!" He said. "Fine! Why do I always cave?" I asked mostly talking to myself. "Because I'm your absolute favorite person in the whole world," he said with that cocky ass smirk that I absolutely hate and he knows it. "I'm starting to change my mind," I said jokingly annoyed. Sam grabbed his chest pretending to be offended. "That was just hurtful Brock!" He fell back onto the couch. "Yeah yeah drama queen," He sat up. "Excuse me. Thats drama king," he said correcting me. "Not from where I'm sitting, it isn't," I smirked. "Im gonna get you for that Brock," He said scowling. "I'm so scared," I waved my hands up in "fear". Which Sam didn't like. "I'm gonna get you," I just laughed. " what do you wanna do today since you woke me up?" Immediately his mood changed. "Um how about we just hang at the mall with Aaron, Taylor, and Kelianne if she's free?" He said. "Yeah sure but if we eat lunch you are paying for me," I said. "Fair enough," he shrugged.

"I can't believe I'm up at ten in the morning on a freaking Monday!" I say getting dressed. "Do you ever stop complaining?" Sam joked. "Shut up! You're the reason I'm up," I yelled from my bed room. "Well that's true," he said sticking his head in my room. Luckily this time I had all my clothes on.

"So are we meeting them at the mall or are we going to Taylor's first?" He thought about it for a second then shrugged. "I guess just meet them there," I nodded my head and put my shoes on. "Oh my God..." I heard Sam say under his breath. "What? Is something wrong Sam?" He immediately jerked his head up. "What? Oh no. It's nothing," He smiled. "You sure? You look like you saw Casper the ghost or something," I teased. "Yeah I'm sure. We should probably head out," Well that was weird but it's also Sam so I didn't put to much thought into it. I walked out of my room and into the kitchen were Sam was standing just staring at his phone. "You sure you're good man?" I asked. "What? Oh yeah! You ready to go?" He asked. "Uh...yeah," he smiled. "Then I guess we should go then," He picked up my keys and threw them at. "Yeah I guess so," I said following behind him.

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