Chapter 23

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I am back my lovelys!! Short authors note for today. I just wanna say thank you once again for all of your support and it means the world. Please enjoy this chapter and have an amazing day you amazing humans!!! ~ XOXO

P.S. I just realized it's been almost a year since the first chapter was released and I can't believe how long it's been and how far this story has come. I just want to give a quick shout out to all those who have been here since the beginning as well as those who have joined along the way. This book would be nothing without y'all and I wanna thank you for everything. I'm so happy my book is now at over twenty thousand reads. You guys and gals are amazing and I love you beautiful humans! Have an amazing day!!! ~ XOXO

Colby's POV:

Well this car trip is fucking terrible. Hour one Sam almost killed us. Hour two Mary talked non stop until about half way through hour three. Some how Sam got her to fall asleep and I thank God for that. Hour four was just painfully silent. Hour five and six consisted of more of Mary talking and the radio not playing any good music. By the seventh hour I was officially done but I was thankful we only had an hour left. I thought we did until we were stuck in traffic for another two hours. After about ten hours of the absolute worst car ride in history we finally arrived at the cabin and we all couldn't wait to get out of the car. We all grabbed our bags and ran inside.

Once we walked in I was completely mesmerized by the cabin Mary had booked. It was huge and it seemed to never end. The floors were wooden along with the walls. It had a lot of antique furniture but a lot of high end appliances. It was absolutely stunning.

"Kelianne this place is amazing.....but it's so huge. We don't need all this space," I say still astonished.

"Ha, you never know," She replied.

I look over at her and she shoots me a smirk and a wink and I know she's up to something. This place must tie in with her plan she mentioned earlier. She is the greatest and scariest women I've ever met in my life.

"So what are we gonna do guys?" Mary said throwing her stuff, as well as herself, on the couch.

"I figured after that drive we were just gonna go to sleep," Sam said sitting next to her.

"Yeah! I think sleep is a good idea," I agreed.

"What? That's just a waste of the rest of the day! We could go out partying or something but we are not going to waste tonight sleeping!" She said over dramatically.

"I think it's a great idea," Kelianne chimed in.

Immediately everyone in the room looked at her. I didn't even have to look at Sam to know we were both giving her a 'please shut up' look. She quickly looked between all of us before stopping once she met my gaze.

"It'll be fun to go out tonight. I think we should do it!" She said giving me a smile then looking at Mary.

"Mary you should plan what we do," With that permission Mary jumped up and started talking a mile a minute.

She started throwing out ideas to Sam before dragging him upstairs to his room. Mary just laughed at her enthusiasm. She started to walk up the stairs as well but I grabbed her arm and turned her around.

"Kelianne what the hell was that? Why would you agree to going out with them on a night where Mary is planning the whole thing!" I shouted.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me into one of the five bedrooms downstairs. There were nine rooms in total in the house. Four upstairs and five downstairs. This place was huge and I had no idea why. Well I didn't until after Kelianne pulled me into the room.

"Colby keep your voice down! Look I have a plan. It requires us to be gone for a little while for the whole thing to take place. So you need to suck it up and go up stairs to our room and get dressed!" She said yelling at me.

"Yes ma'am," I say back.

She slaps the back of my head and we both laugh. We open the door and grab our bags and head upstairs.

This should be an interesting night.

~~~~~ a little later ~~~~~

"Okay lets go!" Kelianne shouted up stairs.

"Damn Sam and Mary are taking forever. What do you think they are doing?" I say looking at Kelianne.

"Ha, what do you think the odds of them having sex?" She said jokingly.

Immediately she looked over at me and gave me an apologetic look. I shook my head and looked back up the stairs. A second later Mary came walking down with Sam right behind her. He looked amazing. He was dressed like his normal self but he looked so amazing. I couldn't break my gaze from him. I think he noticed, because once he made it down the stairs he cleared his throat and I looked away. There was an awkward silence but was quickly broken.

"Okay lets go!" I yelled heading towards the door.




Everyone headed towards the car. Sam was about to get in the drivers side but I walked up behind him.

"Uh S-Sam......maybe I should drive," I say not looking at him.

"I'm perfectly capable of driving!" Sam said opening the car door and slamming it quickly behind him.

"Whatever...just trying to be nice asshole," I mumbled to myself.

"Don't let it bother you," Kelianne said grabbing my arm.

She jokingly shoved me into the car and we both started to laugh. I heard an annoyed sigh come from Sam and I just rolled my eyes.

"So Mary what exactly are we doing?" Kelianne said.

"Don't worry! It's a surprise," she said back.

"Yeah that's not cute. Just tell me," Kelianne replied.

It took everything I had not to burst out laughing.

"Fine....we are going to eat at this little Italian restaurant and then we are going clubbing!" She said excitedly as Sam finally started the car.

"You realize we aren't old enough for that right?" I say to her.

"Don't worry about that," she smirked at Sam.

Oh Jesus. We are going to go to jail. This bitch is going to get us arrested.

I rolled my eyes at that and started looking at the window. I seriously hope whatever Kelianne has planned fucking helps this already shitty weekend. If not than I may just walk into open traffic. That would be much better then this.

"I can't wait to super drunk!!" Mary shouted

"Yeah me too but not for the same reason," I whisper to Kelianne.

"No kidding," she said laughing.

We both started to uncontrollably laugh and we got a confused look from Mary and a quick dirty look from Sam. We both ignored it and silently thanked God we at least had each other during this double date tonight. I don't know what I would do without Kelianne.

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