Chapter 34

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Kelianne's POV:

It's starting to get dark and with each passing moment I grow more and more worried about Colby. I swear to God I'm gonna fucking kill him. I don't even care. I'm going to punch him in his stupid beautiful face. Why haven't we heard from him yet! Something must be wrong.

"Earth to Kel!" Alice says in a high pitched sing song tune.

Jeez and I thought no one could top Mary's annoying personality but Alice takes the cake. She's so a nice way to put it.

"What?" I say, my tone much harsher than intended.

She scoffs.

"We we're talking about the game plan. To find cobs," she says with a pout.

What is with these stupid nick names. We don't do that in this group unless it's like something mean in a funny way. She's irking me more than normal.

"I know. He's my friend...and my boyfriend!" I retort. My utter annoyance clearly visible.

"He's all of our friends Kel. Don't make this all about you," she says with an offended face clutching her non existent chest.

Damn I don't know if my worry for Colby or Alices attitude is making me this mean but damn I'm mean today.

I feel my face heat up with anger. As I'm about to go off Sam chimes in to try and keep the peace. He knows either Mary will be mad if he doesn't step in or I'll knock a gap into her front teeth.

"Okay so what are we thinking about d-doing?" His voice kind of cracks towards the end. I can't tell if it's from nerves or if he's trying to hold in a laugh.  

Alice seems to forget about me and turn to speak to Sam. I catch her glaring at me a time or two but I just roll my eyes. After the plan is discussed we all start to head back to the cars.

"If it means anything if you and her fought my moneys so on you," Sam says almost falling over from laughter.

"It better fucking be or I'll kick your ass too!" I say chuckling. "I can't stand her. What kind of plan is 'so basically keep looking like we're doing and we'll find him' like that's not a plan,"

Sam just laughs as we almost reach the car. I hear Mary and Alice's voice not far behind. I glare at Sam as if to say why'd you invite them in my car. 

"She's my girlfriend. I couldn't just say no,"
He defends.

"Yeah but I could," I retort. I go to say it but Sam gives me pleading eyes and I stop in my tracks.

"You're lucky we're friends Sam, I swear I'm about to kick everyone's ass," I say.

A second before I open my car door I feel my phone vibrate. It only takes a second to read the name on the screen and realize it's Colby! Omg he's okay!!

"GUYS!!!!! GUYS!!!!" I scream before anyone drives away.

"Colby texted me! He's okay. He's back at the house," I say almost exploding with relief.

I look over at Sam and his face has the same look of relief as me. He hugs me and I text Colby back threatening him. Than realizing maybe I shouldn't be so harsh on him. He clearly got lost this long for a reason. Or maybe he wasn't lost just needed time away. And after everything he's been through I don't blame him.

I look over to Mary who has kind of a hurt expression that Sam didn't hug her and I kind of feel bad but at the same time I wanna laugh in her face. Damn, Alice makes me so mean. Maybe we can 'lose' her too. I laugh to myself. I'm brought out of my thoughts by everyone celebrating and cheering.

"Man we're gonna have to bust his balls about this now," brennen says.

"Bruh he'll never love this shit down," Nik says.

"Y'all leave him alone. I'm sure he's had a hard day and he doesn't really need you assholes making him feel worse," Sam snaps.

Catching everyone off guard, even himself for a second. He quickly recovers from his faltered state and wraps his arm around Mary who looks quite concerned but keeps her mouth shut.

Good choice.

"Can we please go back home now? I'm starving," Aaron says.

No one knows how to break awkward silences like him. He really is the comedian of the group. Everyone chuckles and he gets a few jokes at his expense. He laughs them off and we head to the cars. Of course Alice and Mary joined sam and I. I'm thankful though Sam sat up front with me instead of letting Alice. I would have punched him and I think he knows that. I'm ready to punch Colby for scaring us like that. We turn into the direction of the house and shortly arrive.

We all head inside and the boys are going wild looking for Colby. This is going to be an interesting night. I can see the nervousness return to Sams face as he enters the house last. He shuts the door slowly. I walk over to him and place my hand on his shoulder as he jumps.

"You okay there? You seem more worried now than before," I say giving him a slight smile.

"I...uh..." he starts but quickly stops. "I...."

He stops once more and it's driving me crazy! What is this boy trying to get out?

"Sam just spit it out!" He flinches and fiddles with his fingers.

"Kelianne, I think I remember what happened last night," he says all in one short breath.

I am completely taken aback. This is a good thing right? Why does he look like he's seen a ghost? What the hell happened between them last night? And what even triggered his memory?

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