Chapter 30

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Chapter 30:

Sam's POV:

"Colby went home with me last night?"

"There's no way! I remember it being Mary because....." I stopped mid sentence

"There is no way it was Colby"

Kelianne rolled her eyes. She cracked a bit of a smile and fiddled with her index finger.

"Sam I'm telling you, Colby came home with you. It couldn't have been Mary because she and I rode home together with everyone else," not even making eye contact she tried to fill me in.

She's lying. How could it be Colby if I remember doing stuff with Mary. I know I got fucked up but I'm not that much of a light weight. I know for a fact it's Mary. But if so where is Colby? If he came home with me where is he?

"Well if Colby came home with me where is he?" I whisper low so I didn't wake up the other people In the room.

"How would I know? When we all came home we were wasted. We didn't stay up much later and you two were no where to be found," she said getting irritated. "So you tell me where he is Sam," crossing her arms she glared at me.

I groaned knowing fighting wasn't gonna solve anything.

"Have you tried calling him?" She questioned.

"Shit, I didn't even think of that,"

"You're an idiot Sam," she rolled her eyes heading to the couch.

"There is no need to insult me. You should know where your boyfriend is," I snap.

"You should know where your best friend of ten years is! Especially when he came home with you last night!" Shouting at mid to high volume. I could tell she regretted doing that as she rubbed her temples.

"Look whatever. I'm gonna get my phone than we'll go upstairs so our fighting won't wake everyone up," grabbing her phone she pushed past me heading up to the second floor.

I followed close behind. I'm annoyed with her and her unwarranted attitude but I am more worried about Colby. I hope that dumbass didn't get himself lost or something.

We reached the top of the stairs. She dials his number and places the phone by her ear. It takes a second but we hear his phone go off.

"Where's that coming from?" She ask putting the phone down.

We walk a little down the hall and hear it coming from a bedroom. M-my....bedroom. I look over at kelianne and she gives me a look.

"Look he wasn't in there when I got up this morning, so if it's in there I don't know how it got there,"

She scoffs and goes to open the door. And like we thought we heard it ringing. She walked over to the side of the bed and knelt down.

"Found it," she held it up for me to see.

So if his phones here, where the hell is he?

"So where is he?" She kind of had a worried look on her face.

"I don't know. Maybe we should go driving around to look," I suggest.

"Should we wake the others up?" I asked.

"Have you met any of them while they're hung over. We're better off getting help from the raccoons that are just chilling in the trash," Kelianne is mean when she's hung over.

"Come on, ill get the car. Grab some Advil and water Incase he's hungover or still drinking," she says pushing past me.

Why does she seem so ill with me? What the fuck did I do?

~~~~~~~10 minutes later~~~~~~~

"Alright hurry up Sam!" Kelianne shouts from the car.

"Shhhh! I'm coming," I whisper yell back.

Rolling her eyes for the millionth time this morning she puts the car into gear as I open the door.

"You know if you keep rolling your eyes they're gonna pop out,"

"Shut up Sam," She grumbles

"What's your problem with me?" I finally just blurt out.

She gets kinda taken back but pulls forward and gets on the road. She doesn't really answer just kinda cuts some looks at me. Is she gonna answer? Is she debating? What's going on with everyone? I feel like everyone's lost their fucking mind around here.

"It's not my place to tell you Sam,"

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean,"

Inhaling she sighs quite loud.

"Exactly what I said Sam. It's not my place to tell you what's going on. Either you need to figure it out or....." trailing off she grips the steering wheel.

"It's not my place like I said,"

Not satisfied with the answer but refusing to keep talking I just rolled my eyes and turned to the window.

What the fuck does that even mean? Not her place? Who's place is it then? What happened last night and why does she know more than I do? We better find Colby fucking soon because I'm so sick of being in this car with her.

"Where do we even begin to look?" I look over at her and realize we don't know the area at all.

"I didn't even think of that," I say back. "I mean it's not like he could have gone to far,"

"I don't know. Colby can be pretty determined," she whispers

"What's that supposed to mean?" I look over at her.

"For someone so 'hungover' you ask a lot of questions," snapping at me she stops at the stop sign.

I notice a few feet away a sign that reads 'nearest town 10 miles away'

"Hey do you think that's where he is?" Pointing at the big green billboard.

"I guess it couldn't hurt to check it out,"

Kelianne starts the car back up and down to this town we go. That moron better freaking be there.

Authors note:

Hi babes it's been a long while but I've finally gotten back into writing! I said I wouldn't give up and I'm not. I promise the next chapter will be up sooner than this one just bare with me. Have an amazing day my loves. ~ XOXO

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