Chapter 15

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Colby's POV:

"Oh God," As soon as I said that everyone looked at me.

Oh shit.....

"Oh God do I love hanging out with you guys and uh....girlfriend..." I awkwardly laughed.

Kelianne gave me a what the fuck look, while Mary had a look of satisfaction, and Sam....well Sam's face was completely unreadable. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

"So how long have you been together?" Mary asked looking at me and than to Kelianne.

"Two weeks," I shouted.

"A month," Kelianne said.

We both looked at each other than at them. They both looked confused and I decided to take action in stead of letting Kelianne.

"We've been together for a month and two weeks. It's been....uh great," I said awkwardly laughing.

" I never would have guessed you guys were a thing. You never act like a couple," Sam said completely avoiding my eyes.

"Uh yeah that's because um......"

"That's because we didn't want to come out and say we were dating to early in case....well in case it didn't work out. Don't want to put stress on a new relationship..." We both awkwardly laughed while Mary just smiled.

"I totally get it and I so glad you finally found someone Colby," Mary said grabbing Sam's hand.

Okay first of all bitch what do you mean FINALLY found someone! I could get someone if I want. Second it's not like it's your business anyway! And third if this girl doesn't get her hand off my my friend I'm gonna lose my shit.

"So this is so great.....blah blah blah," Mary kept blabbing on but I just couldn't focus. All I could think about was the fact she was all over Sam.

Take your hand off Sam. TAKE your hand OFF Sam! TAKE YOUR HAND OF SAM!!!! TAKE YOUR HAND OFF SAM OR I WILL DO IT FOR YOU!!!!

"Hey, are you okay?" Kelianne whispered to me.

I looked over at her and nodded.

"Are you sure? You are clenching your fist and you look...well you look extremely.....angry,"

"I'm fine," I say to her. She grabs my hand and squeezes it and I unclench my fist.

"Awe, you guys are so cute!" Mary shouted. "Don't you think baby?" She looked over at Sam as the rest of us did.

I hadn't noticed before but Sam had been staring at me. I tried not to meet his eyes when I noticed but it was to late and I couldn't look away. I felt my whole body heat up and we weren't even touching, we weren't even talking, we were just staring at each other. I felt more confusion in this one moment than in my anatomy class during my senior year.

This moment lasted forever at least it did to me.

Looking into Sam's eyes I noticed something I had never seen from him at least not towards me. He had.....well I'm not sure and it can't be accurate. It looked like lust but than quickly changed to confusion. He was about to say something when Mary jumped in with a nervously irritated voice lacing her sentence.

"Don't you think baby?!" She said jerking his arm a bit and raising her eyebrows.

Sam immediately broke his gaze from mine and looked at her.

"Uh....yeah totally baby," He said acting like he was paying attention but we all know he wasn't.

After that the rest of the meal was awkward but nobody wanted to be the first to leave before the check came so we all sucked it up and waited.

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