Chapter 28

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Sam's POV:

"Beep beep beep beep"

I awoke to the sound of my alarm going off. I immediately pulled the cord out of the wall without even opening my eyes. I laid in my bed not moving with the worst possible headache. What the hell happened last night? I can only remember bits and pieces.

I remember going to the club with Mary, Colby, and Kelianne. I remember the rest of the group showing up. I remember ordering the taxi. I remember walking through the door but nothing about getting home. I remember downing a shit ton of liquor and than waking up to the alarm. They're a ton of blanks and holes from last night. I have no idea what happen but maybe if I ask Mary she can tell me. I'm pretty sure she rode home with me. I know someone was with me. I mean I remember kissing her on the ride home. I haven't felt a kiss as powerful and as pleasant like that in a long time.

I open my eyes quickly just to shut them again. The only light in the room was from the outside shining in through the windows above the bed. Though minor light it still was to painful to deal with head on. I took a few blinks to adjust my eyes. Once I could actually keep my eyes open I decided to turn my body to face Mary and see if she was awake. I turned my whole body and saw nothing but an empty space.

For a moment I was confused but I remember how drunk she got and thought maybe she had gone to the bathroom for the night after we got home. I laid a moment in bed and than lifted my groggy self up. I pulled off the cover and went to stand up but could barely manage.

It took a second but I was up and out of bed throwing on my sweatshirt and opening the door. I closed it quietly and headed for the stairs.

As I was walking down I kept trying to remember last night. I didn't have a drop of alcohol until after I got home, so how come I can't remember anything before than. I swear I'm never getting drunk again....or at least that drunk.

I reached the bottom of the stairs to see several teens passed out on the floor and all over the furniture. All were my friends aside from one girl I didn't know but recognized to be the bartender girl from last night. She was snuggled up with Aaron on the couch and they actually looked pretty cute. I can tell by the scene before me I really missed a lot after I left.

I scanned the room to see if everyone had made it back last night and by the look everyone was here. Even Mary who was passed out next to Kelianne and the other girls. That's weird....maybe it happened later in the night. Maybe I fell asleep or something and she wasn't done drinking. I quit worrying about that to notice the only person missing from this array of drunken teens is Colby. He wasn't any where in the living room. Maybe he went to bed? Or stayed out? Or maybe met some girl....but wait! He's with Kelianne so that last one couldn't be it. Where did he go?

I decided I'd check his room and if he wasn't there I'd wake up Kelianne and ask her. I headed to his room, which happened to be on the bottom floor. I quietly knocked on the door to give him a bit of a warning that someone was coming in. I slowly slid the door open to see an empty mattress. The sheets haven't even been touched. It's like no one even slept in here last night. I know for a fact Colby didn't make his bed. He never does....ever. So, if he didn't sleep in his bed and he's not in the living room....where is he? Where did he go? Is he okay? That's it I'm waking Kelianne. He's my best friend and I need to make sure he's okay!

I walk back into the living room and around one of the many drunken teens. I lightly shake Kelianne whispering her name as I do so. At first she didn't respond but a shake or two later she groggily opened her eyes. Squinting at the small amount of lights lighting up the room. She groaned quite loudly but no one seemed to bothered by it. She didn't open her eyes or really acknowledge me. I'm pretty sure she was waiting on me to say something. I stood there kinda staring at her for a second before I see one eye pop open.

"Well are you gonna say anything? I know you didn't just wake me up to have a freaking staring contest!" She said loudly. Proceeding to grab her head after.

"You okay?" I ask knowing she just had a hangover.

She gave me a stupid look and nodded.

"Okay whatever you have to say will have to wait. I'm going to get some Advil and water and you can come with I guess," She said slowly making her way up from the sofa she was currently sharing with one of her friends.

"Okay," I said slowly following behind her to the kitchen sink.

She grabbed a glass in the cub-bard near the fridge. She placed it under the faucet and turned on the sink. The water poured out of the tap making light trickling noises that sounded like hammers banging against nails. I cringed as Kelianne did too. She than turned off the sink and grabbed the bottle of Advil just sitting on the counter.

"Already prepared for this morning?" I slightly laughed.

"You have no idea," She said back.

"Need any?" I nodded and took the glass and the bottle out of her hand. I took a couple than sat both things down.

I was kind of looking around when I noticed Kelianne staring at me.

"So you gonna tell me what's on your mind or are you going to continue to act all weird and anonymous?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

I cleared my throat and fiddled with my fingers. I grew slightly nervous. Not exactly sure of the reason. I took a breath and proceeded to ask Kelianne.....

"Have you seen Colby?" I asked.

She looked taken aback by my question. She had a surprise look on her face that quickly turned to humorous.

"I haven't seen him since last night...." She started.

"Not since he left the club with you," She finished.

"He what?"


I am so sorry I haven't been active lately but I have been so busy with work and applying to colleges. It's been absolutely insane. But through everything all your loving comments and messages have never failed to make my day! I appreciate and truly love all of you! Thank you for everything and I'm so happy to share this chapter with you all! I love you all and I hope you have amazing days lovely's!!! ~ XOXO

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