Chapter 14

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Hi I know it's been a while but hey can't blame me for being busy. I just wanted to go ahead and thank every single person who has read, liked, and commented on my book. It means the world to me and to see my book be at almost six thousand reads (now passed six thousand. Thank you) is just amazing. I know I thank you guys a lot but I truly mean it when I do. Also I know this book isn't going as fast as some would like and I promise I'm working on that but I'm afraid to speed it up to much and it feel rushed but I don't want it to drag on either so I'm trying to find a healthy middle. I swear I'm working on it. But again thank you guys so much and have an amazing day you beautiful people and I'm done talking now so I will let you read on to the next chapter!!XD

P.S. Also I do realize that Sam does now in fact have a girlfriend. I just wanted to state that I in fact did not create this book because I thought Sam and Colby were actually together, would I like them to be sure, but I wrote this because they have one of the most beautiful friendships I've ever seen and I wanted to write about the love that they truly have for each other. It may not be in a romantic way but who cares. I have gotten hate comments, that have now been deleted because I do except criticism but not hate, that say I shouldn't write this because they are not really together. Well if the case for writing is for the topic to be real or based of real events well I guess nobody should write anything really. The Harry Potter series shouldn't exist, or basically any book on this app or any book that has been created, but hey what do I know. All I'm gonna say is this isn't hate I'm just saying in my opinion I see a friendship that is beautiful and I wanted to glorify that, even if it was in a romantic way. If you don't like that than please, with all due respect, discontinue reading this book because I will not have hate on a book that I've written for fun and that I and many others enjoy. Again this is not to target the people who have been supporting me but the hate that I've gotten. Thank you to all the amazing people supporting me and I truly hope you love this book. Thank you and have a lovely day you amazingly beautiful people.XD

Colby's POV:

"Please tell me Sam didn't just say hi to us," I say to Kelianne.

"Okay he didn't just say hi to us....feel better," She said trying to crack a joke.

"Not funny!" I whisper yelled.

"Hey guys! What a surprise to see you here!" He said walking over to us.

"Yeah....I definitely didn't expect to see you here," I said awkwardly.

"We should totally sit together!" He said looking over at Mary who just smiled.

"Um actually....." I was about to tell Sam that I would rather stick forks in my eyes, okay not exactly that, but I would be thinking that will I told him no when Kelianne jumped in and cut me off.

"We would love too!" She said smiling at Sam avoiding my gaze.

"Awesome!" Sam smiled even bigger and than walked over to Mary.

God the way his smile just lit up a whole room, the way his shirt hugged his body so that you could see every single muscle on his body, the way his jeans cupped his....OKAY FOCUS! You can not think about your best friend in that type of way in a restaurant with him only ten feet away!

I pulled my self out of this day dream state I had gone into to find Kelianne just staring at me. At first it was amusing until she realized I had came back to reality.

"How the hell could you agree to sitting with them Kelianne! This is exactly what I wanted to avoid today! I wanted to avoid any and everything that had to do with Sam," I practically yelled.

"Keep your voice down Colby! Look don't worry about it okay. What's the absolute worst thing that could happen?" She said.

Before I could list anything she grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the table. I jerked my arm out of her grip as we sat down. I shot daggers at her than turned to look at Sam and Mary who didn't seem to notice.

"So....this is uh.....great I guess," I say trying my hardest to smile but I failed miserably.

Thankfully they once again were to oblivious to notice. Sam and Mary were annoyingly flirting with each other while Kelianne and I were just sitting here awkwardly waiting for the waiter.

"So um Colby you should get a girlfriend!" Mary said breaking her gaze from Sam. She said it in a kind of hasty way.

"Excuse me?" I didn't know how else to respond to that. I mean where the hell does this bitc.....girl get off telling me I need to be in a relationship. Like what the fuc......

"I mean, I have a friend who kind of has a thing for you and I think you two should go on a date," She said much happier than the first time.

"He can't!" Kelianne jumped in.

Mary's 'smile' faded and she started to glare at Kelianne.

What is this girls problem right now?

"And...uh why not?" She asked almost gritting her teeth.

"Because......because he already has a girlfriend!" She said.

"He does?!" Mary asked.

"I do?!" I shouted.

"" Sam asked looking dead at me.

"Yup he's got a girlfriend and she's pretty awesome!" She said milking it.

"Oh really?" Mary said questioningly.

"Yes really," Kelianne replied.

"Okay who is it?" Mary asked.

At this I panicked especially when she looked in my direction. I didn't know what to say and I was tripping over my words. I was about to tell the truth when once again Kelianne stepped in and saved my ass but also dug a deeper grave for me to rot in.

"Me," Everybody at the table, especially me, had there jaws to the floor.

A second later Mary went from hostile to excited.

"Well that's awesome!!!" She said jumping in her seat. She looked at Sam as I did as well. The look on his face was anything but enthused.

"Isn't that great babe?!" She said to him.

"Yeah....that's's great," He said weakly smiling.

Something is wrong with him and I think he noticed I could tell because his attitude changed immediately.

"That's awesome guys! I'm happy for you," His attempted smile got bigger but he was still off.

I thanked them both than leaned over to Kelianne.

"What the hell Kelianne?" I whispered to her.

"Look I panicked but just shut up and follow my lead. I have another plan," She said smiling.

"Oh God,"

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