Chapter 22

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Okay okay I said a few nights ago but I fell asleep, lost some of the chapter, and got busy while writing this chapter so put down your pitch forks and torches. I know last chapter was sorta boring but I promise this one is going to be sooooo much better. Thank all you amazing peoples for all the support you've given me and I love you guys so much!!! Have an amazing day you beautifully amazing peoples!!! ~ XOXO

Colby's POV:

"I can't believe we are actually going on this trip with them," I said rolling my eyes as I continued to pack.

"It's not like we had much of a choice Colby. Mary was not taking no for an answer," Kelianne said back.

It's been a few weeks since the whole Sam and I kissed situation happened. Things have been super weird since then and Sam and I don't typically stay alone in the same room more then we have to anymore.

Our excuse that we were going on a double date later that week was something we told Kelianne because on some level Sam and I knew we weren't gonna let that happen. Well that was the plan until Sam slipped up and Mary found out. Kelianne, myself, and even Sam kept trying to come up with why we couldn't that Saturday. Well after a lot of pushing and shoving some how we ended up 'agreeing' to a couples weekend get away with them at a ski cabin. What is my life right now?

"This weekend is going to be hell, you know that right?" I groan.

"Don't worry Colby. I have a plan," She says with a devilish smirk.

"You are one scary women," I say laughing and throwing one of my shirts at her.

She threw it back at me and we continued to do this until Mary came bursting through my door, without knocking I might add, saying it was time to go. Kelianne and I mustered the best fake smiles we could and walked towards the door. We walked into the living room with our stuff where Sam was standing on his phone.

Things are definitely different between us. We don't speak to each other unless it's important or shorter then five words. He has refused to make eye contact with me since and he mostly stays in his room, on his phone, or is completely gone. I should have never kissed him but I warned him. He brought this on himself. I keep trying to reassure myself but nothing I say is working anymore. Before the kiss I could just pretend that things were going to be okay but I can't pretend. I can't ignore what happened. I can't forget that I kissed him completely sober, in the middle of the day. I can't ever forget that he kissed me back.

"It's time to go!! Is everyone ready?" Mary said excitedly.




Was all she got back. She frowned a little bit and headed for the door. Sam followed not so far behind and Kelianne and I shared a look of amusement. We rolled our eyes and walked out leaving Sam to stay behind and lock the door. I glanced back to see him quickly avert his eyes. This silence is killing me. I think I would rather him be pissed at me and yelling then not saying anything at all. At least if he was mad and yelling I would know what he was feeling and thinking but now I have no clue. I can't read the emotions in his eyes because he never looks at me anymore. This is going to be the longest three days of my life.

We headed down to Sam's car where he and Mary got in the front and Kelianne and I sat in the back. It was silent for a moment until Sam cranked the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

"This is gonna be sooo fun!" Mary yelled looking at Sam.

"Yeah sitting in a car with you for eight hours then spending three days together...what a blast," Kelianne whispered mocking Mary.

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