The Woods

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Tom finally got out of the shower. I told him we should go to the woods today. He gives me the 'why the hell' look. I roll my eyes and tell him he's going one way or another.
We go to the woods. Just Tom and me. We start walking and get to know each other better. As we're walking I look and see a steep slope that leads down to the river. I avoid that side as much as possible but I don't want to make Tom think I'm a wuss. As we walk I heard a twig break, startling me I jump and slide down the slope.
"AHH" I scream. I grab a small tree on my way down to stop myself.
"You okay"? Tom shouts down jumping from tree to tree to reach me. The tree snaps and I continue to fall. I land in a thorn bush.
"I'm gonna feel that one tonight" I say to myself. Tom finally reaches me and helps me out of the thorn bush. I could tell I cut my lip. My arms and legs were scratched up bad and my back, I couldn't feel at the moment. My sweatshirt and jeans were ripped and dirty.
"We should get you home, and clean you up. Just so you don't die because of an infection" Tom says holding my hand.
"Yea, good idea" I groan. We found a pathway back up to the sidewalk and we managed to get home around seven.
As we walk through the door Edd comes running up to me.
"Marg-" he begins to say. I cut him off.
"Edd, I'm fine. Just a little incident. Nothing major" I tell him. I sit on the couch and turn the tv on. The news was on.
"Margrett Sherbert, case missing. If found please contact the police" the news lady says.
"Oh no" I say and quickly change the channel. Tom walks in with gauze and disinfecting liquid. I clean myself up and Tom takes the remote changing it back to the news.
"-wanted for major crimes, and hacking the red army. So if any sightings of her please contact the police right away. Thank you and goodnight"! The news lady finishes.
"I wonder who was wanted"? Tom asks looking at me.
"Beats me" I reply.

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