Tords Back

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     Toms laying on me on the couch, we were making small kisses here and there, when we hear the front door swing open. We both jolt up and see Tord.
"Oh it's just Tord" Tom casually says, glaring at Tord.
"Hello old friends" Tord says.
"What are you guys doing...alone"? Tord asks looking at our awkward position on the couch. We both blush and sit normally on the couch.
"Uh-just talking" I say and make a quick smile. Tord nods slowly raising an eyebrow.
"Well-" Tord says and Edd comes down.
"Will you guys quiet down" he says rubbing his eyes.
"Oh sorry" Tord says rubbing the back of his neck.
"Well ima go to bed" I say standing up.
"Yea me too" Tom says standing up next.
"Oh Edd did you order my new window"? I ask before heading upstairs.
"Yea they installed it too" he says yawning.
"Great" I say and go to bed.

Toms POV
     I was lying on top of Margrett giving her small kisses. I was about to say something when the front door swings open. We both jolt up and look to see its Tord. I'm not happy to see him, but I'm also not surprised he's here since he said he was moving back in. After I mentioned it was just Tord he walked over and asked what me and Margrett were doing? I look down at out position. I'm kneeling over her, one hand by her head to keep me from falling on her and the other on the back of the couch. We both blush and she just told him we were talking. It wasn't the way excuse but it was still better than what I could've came up with. Then Edd comes down telling us to quiet down. We weren't even that loud. Margrett got up yawning and saying she was going to bed and so I decided it was pretty late so I should too. Then we all start heading for our rooms, but as I enter my bedroom I look over and see Tord looking in the kitchen.

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