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Tord was holding onto my arm tight.
"Send in the helicopter" he shouted to the front desk.
"Helicopter"?! I say in surprise. He turns back and smirks.
"Well yes, we can go for a little ride" I try to break free but it was no use. He then dragged me outside and threw me in a helicopter. I noticed a side door right away, and a button that would open it.
"Now all I ask, is for the information you took from the red army" he says while taking out a cigar.
"Id rather die" I say crossing my arms. Now we were way over the ocean and I started to panic a bit but didn't show it. Tord just sat there smoking his cigar and watching my every move.
"You ready to speak" he finally speaks.
I look around, looking for any parachute. Nothing.
"No" I say. He shrugs and doesn't seem to be getting angry. Where is he even taking me? I stand up and walk to Tord. I sit on his lap facing him, and I put my arms around his neck. Maybe distracting him will give me enough time to escape.
"You want to get physical"? He asks putting down his cigar. I blush and nod.
"Ok. Let me get something first" he says and gets up to go and get a box that's in the front of the helicopter. I quickly hit the button and the door slides open.
"What the-" he looks back. I look down and turn around. I'm over an ocean but see some land. Looks like I could possible survive this.
"Your gonna die" he tells me.
"I said id rather die than tell you why I know" as soon as I said that I leaned backwards and was falling towards water. Tom. I'm a little disappointed in myself that I never told him that I really liked him. What would Edd think? The water was getting closer by every second. I soon hit the water and swam back up. I look up and see the helicopter is going back towards land. I swim back for land. I just gotta see Tom.

Toms POV
     Margrett said she was going for a walk. I thought she would be back for dinner, but it's been four hours and she still wasn't here. Edd and I were getting worried and Matt was still mad at her.
"Edd, should we go look for her"? I suggest.
"Yea, it's gonna be dark soon" he replies. We get in the car and start driving to the park, the store, the bar. She was nowhere to be found. I like her a lot. Stop. Don't think about that. She probably doesn't even like you in that way. As I'm thinking looking out the window Edd slams on the brakes.
"Edd what th-" I look up and see Margrett dripping wet. It's not even raining. I get out of the car and Edd follows.

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