I Refuse

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       I woke up to Edd knocking on my door telling me breakfast was ready. I refused to get up, plus I wasn't even hungry. I got up and went to my dresser and looked in the mirror. What a hoe. You're an awful person. I look at all my belongings on my dresser and I took my arms and swept them on the floor. A picture frame broke and my jewelry box spilled all my bracelets and earrings. I drop to my knees and sob. Another knock was at my door.
"Margrett please come out" Edd pleaded. I don't reply and sob even more. I go and grab my gun from under my pillow. I start shooting the walls and door.
"Go away Edd"! I screamed and shot the doorknob. I could hear his footsteps going down the stairs. I sigh and drop my gun. Stupid Tord! This is bull. Then again there was yet another knock on my door. I get up and swing it open.
"Edd for the-" I stop and see Tom. He has bags under his eyes and he looks like he's been crying for hours.
"Tom, I-" I try to say but he stops me.
"Don't" he says. He lookes so tired.
"Did you sleep at all"? I ask worried.
"I don't know" he says.
"How about you"? He asks.
"I think for a couple of hours" I say looking at the floor. I begin to tear up again. Tom hugs me tight and whispers in my ear.
"I know Tord too well that he probably forced you into having sex with him, so I'm not mad at you. Please I still want to be yours if you feel the same way" I look up at him and tears full my eyes.
"I really do Tom, and I promise it won't happen ever again" I say putting my face in his chest.
"Okay" he whispered.

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