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I went to go get the mail. As I walk downstairs I see Edd drinking his Cola, and Matt admiring himself in the mirror.
"I'll be right back" I somewhat shout.
"Ok" Edd somewhat shouts back. I open the front door and head towards the mailbox.
"Hey"! Someone says to me in a sexy tone. I roll my eyes and look at this man, and the two guys standing beside him.
"What"? I spat out.
"Why is such a beautiful woman like you staying in a crummy place like that" he says pointing to Edds house. I look at his house and smile.
"Well you know, this place looks better than yours" I shrug and continue on.
"But that's just from a woman with good taste" I smirk and begin to walk away. The next thing that happened was two hands touched my shoulder. I dropped the mail. I was being drug into Eddwardo's house.
"Ed-" someone's mouth covered my mouth. I was set on their couch and Edwardo started taking his shirt off.
"You'll like this" he says while sitting on my lap facing me. He cups my face.
The door busts open. I look over and it's Edd and Tom.
"Guys"! I say trying to get out of Eddwardo's grip.
"Let my sister go Edwardo" Edd says. He runs at Edwardo and knocks him off my lap. Tom takes my hand and brings me outside.
"You ok"? He asks.
"Yea. He's just a perv" I say.
"Yea. He is. Did he hurt or touch you"? He asks.
"Other than sitting on me and touching my face, no. But I really need to scoop my eyes out"! I say rubbing my head. Edd comes out.
"Come on guys" he says. We walk back home. Matt must've picked up the mail. We walk inside and I go to my room.

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