Movie Night

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     I took a short nap and woke up with my arms and legs hurting. I knew I was gonna feel that sooner or later. I sit up in my bed and stare at the floor for a few moments. I take my sweatshirt off forgetting I still had the bandages wrapped around my arms. I was wearing just a plain white tshirt. I get up and walk downstairs to see Tom and Matt watching tv. I hope they aren't watching the news.
"Hey Margrett" Matt says.
"Hi Matt" I say back then look at Tom who's holding a whole bottle of Smirnoff.
"Hello" Tord says sneaking up behind me. I jump and turn around.
"Oh hi" I say looking at his bandage on his cheek.
"What happened to your arms"? He asks pointing at my bandages.
"Oh I...fell down a steep slope and landed in a thorn bush" I explain examining the bandages.
"You must've landed on the bush pretty hard then"? Raising an eyebrow.
"Ha yea, I was moving down the hill pretty fast" I say rubbing the back of my neck and giving a weak smile. Edd then walks in on the awkward silence.
"We should have a movie night"! He says with excitement.
"What a brilliant idea" Tord says walking to him.
"Ooh, what movie"? Matt asks getting excited.
"Return of insane zombie pirates 5"? Tord asks giving a weak smile.
"Sure" Edd says.
~Time Skip~
"I will bring a mattress down here for the people who have to sit on the floor down here" I offer.
"Want help"? Tom asks.
"Sure" I say and walk upstairs. We grab my mattress and start heading downstairs. We almost made it all te way down when I missed a step and tripped backwards. Tord caught me holding me by my upper arms. I just stared at the ground blushing.
"You okay"? He asks.
"I-I am-m-fine" I say trying to get up.
"Haha good, you don't want to get any more hurt than you already have" he tells me. He helped Tom take the mattress. They put it in front of the couch and Tord put in the movie. Tom and I sat on the mattress and the other guys sat on the couch. We were all eating popcorn and drinking whatever. Tom convinced me to drink some vodka. I took the popcorn bowl and noticed it was all gone. I got up to make more and Tord walked in the kitchen after me. I put some popcorn in the microwave and when I turned around Tord grabbed me and pinned me against the wall.
"I know who you are" he says staring into my eyes.
"And you better watch your back" he finishes.
"I don't know what you're talking about" I say pushing him away. He gives a small laugh and shakes his head.
"Listen, Margrett, let's make a deal. You keep my secret and I'll keep yours" he says while taking the popcorn out. I give a small nod.
"Good" he walks out with the bowl of popcorn. I stayed in the kitchen shocked. He really knows who I am.

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