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     When we go home I hugged Tom and thanked him for the movie. We went in the living room to see everyone else watching tv. Edd was the first to see us.
"Hey guys"! Edd said getting up to hug me and Tom.
"Hey Edd" Tom said glad to see him. I look and see Tord giving me a weird look. Tom must've noticed.
"Stop looking at Margrett like that" Tom said getting a little angry. He walked over there as if he was going to make him stop.
"Being a little protective huh"? Tord said standing up.
"Yea maybe a little" Tom would snap back.
"Guys is all this necessary"? I say. They both look at me and Tord gives me an evil grin.
"Well Tom, let me tell you something" he begins to say.
"What"? Tom snapped back.
"I fucked her last night" Tord said. Everyone went silent and looked at me. I was redder than a cherry.
"Uh Margrett"? Edd tried to say.
"You owe me a mirror"! Matt randomly blurted out.
"I-I uggghh" I press my hands against my face.
"Listen Tom, I can explain ALL of this" I try to speak but he puts his hand up.
"No-just don't. I don't want to hear it" he said slowly, and staring at the ground. I look at Tord then turn around and go to my room. I slammed the door as hard as I could so Tord could tell how pissed I was. I lock my door and start crying. I slide down the door holding my knees up against my chest. Why would Tord say that? Tom. Ohh god I messed up bad. Someone interrupted my thoughts by knocking on my door.
"Margrett? It's edd. Please open up" he says trying to help as usual. I don't reply.
"Margrett I know you're in there" he tries again. Again I don't reply. I could hear him sigh.
"Margrett please. I have to know what happened" I could tell he was getting annoyed.
"Fine" he says and walks away. I begin to tear up again. I crawl in bed covering myself up. I cried until I fell asleep.

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