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6:45 am

NO BREAKS AT ALL. I've been at band practice all week. I just want to sleep peacefully but NOO this practice is mandatory.

People were wide awake mainly those freshman. Surprisingly Jordan was asleep sitting in Indian style, he's usually the energizer bunny. Tiffany was out of it. Well it's kind of her fault because she was out with Rueben.
I sat by Jordan and laid my head on his back and tried to sleep.

"Oh it's early but the more productive we are we'll be out of here." Our music instructors spoke over the mega phone.
I got up and pulled Jordan up

"This is some bull." Jordan was irritated. He's never really irritated unless something really happened or he's extra tired.

Jordan and Tiffany started out stretches. When it was time to run our laps I just walked until the few last were on the field.

"Okay everyone start at the top of our opener."

I rolled my eyes.

12 pm

We finally finished the opener and middle of our balled at 11 and had 1 hr of sectionals and I was ready to go home and sleep for the rest of the day.
I hopped in my car and started blasting Old Chris Brown.

My car phone announced:
Call from Mom Call from Mom.

"Yes Mother"

"Hey Pooh. Did you dad mention that we were having gust over at 3"
I swear these people don't tell me anything.

"Seriously mom I just has 6 hr practice."

"Please just pull through your siblings aren't to thrilled since they just came from there honors study."

"Fine who's the people anyways."

"Some college friends from LSU. Their kids are coming by and they have a son your age. He's pretty handsome" she's always trying to get me with some guy.


"Suite yourself maybe"

"Wait mom hold on for a sec"

"Welcome to Starbucks order when you're ready."

"Yes can I get a venti iced Carmel macchiato two shot please and a chocolate cake pop.

"Is that it."

"yes it is"

"8.75 at the window"

"Really Dri that's so extra you ain't that tired. And a cake pop too."

"Oh but I am. You need anything while I'm out.

I paid for my cake pop only. Turns out I have a free coffee. I go there to often.

"no babe come on home"


I headed home and when I got there my twin siblings were talking to my dad in Japanese. My dad thinks we should learn a language at a young age.

"Itadakimashita! Watashitachiha-gai de taberu koto wa hijō ni jūyōna". ( what's so important that we eat outside). My little sister Maddie asked very irritated

"Because it's going to be a lot of us." My dad looked at me. "Coffee really Jace. Jace is my middle name. I don't really like my name so I just go with AJ.

"I didn't want to entertain I just want to sleep. 6 hour practice man." I tried to plead my case but it failed

"Yes dad I mean cmon besides we don't need more than us and a box of pizza and movies." Mykel my little brother said.

"Honestly dad you always do this this is some bullsh"Maddie said

"You better not finish that." He gave a stern look and my sister Maddie walked away.

My phone buzzed.

Jeremy Hill

Jeremy just transferred but he seemed to know everyone based on football. He had no problem adjusting.

J.Hill:Are you busy tonight I kin da needed some help in Chem

To J. Hill: Huh?! Aren't you supposed to be out on a Sat"

J.Hill:Girlfriend has the chicken pox. I brought her over her get well stuff today."

To J.Hill: Well you're sweet... But I actually kinda am my parents invited some people over but if you want I can come over or vice versa."

J Hill: Okay thanks I appreciate you I'll come over tomorrow since my dad is with his new girlfriend

To J Hill: Okay see you tomorrow I'll send you my address"

I quickly showered throwing on a Rise Against sweatshirt and jeans since the weather was officially 70 and dropping.
My hair was in two braids and I took out my contacts and put on my glasses. The green in my hair was showing today.

"Can you change your sweatshirt please" my mom pleaded

"No I like my shirt" the twins were wearing a shirt that said "I hate people" gotta love my twins. "Look at the twins shirt"

The door bell rang and my dad rushes to go answer it.


I looked at my siblings and went quietly walked up the stairs to our rooms.


"Wareware wa shitai ikemasen" (we don't want to) my brother mykel yelled. The twins are more rebellious than me and plus I wanted my coffee so I went downstairs

"Anata ga daun shite koko ni anata no o shiri o shutoku ikenai baai, puragu to subete ga anata no rimen ni hara remasu. Soko ni detekuru watashi ni okonau ikemasen" (if you dont get your butts down here, everything with a plug will be attatched to your backside. Dont make me come up there"

"AND CHANGE THOSE DAMN SHIRTS" my dad turned back and smiled. He's such a butt

My mom noticed me and motioned me to come.
"This is my middle Adrienne. This is Odell Sr or he said just call him SR Heather Jazzy Kordell Sonny and their Oldest Odell.


"You look just like your mom when she was at LSU." Odell's mom stated.

I literally just smiled. I don't care

"Okay so I hope you guys are hungry. Um Adrienne can you take the rest of the stuff outside."

"Odell help her please."


I went to the kitchen to grab the food.
"Why are so mean." He blurted out.

I ignored him and started carrying out the food.

This is going to be one long dinner

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