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Yes we go to school in the rain but this is bad. We were on lock down by 2nd period. We couldn't go home until the storm calmed down. Ironically I was in a room with Jarvis, Kota, Kenzie, Victor, and Adrienne. Jeremy didn't come to school because he caught a bad fever.

"This shit bites. I'm hungry and I want to go home" Kota whined as she sat in Jarvis lap who looked equally annoyed.

It was cold in the room and everyone was cuddled up. I looked at Adrienne who was staring out the window balled up. She had a book in her hand.

There was a knock on our door.

"It's Mr Jasper and security." I opened the door and he came in.

"Um so you guys were going to be here for a while so I brought blankets, water and chips. Sorry the blankets are limited." I nodded.

We were stuck in this room for about 3 hours now and it wasn't getting any better that I could here Adrienne's teeth chattering. I grabbed a blanket and hugged her from the back with blanket around the both of us.

"Odell what are you doing." She tried to move

"I'm helping a friend. So in that case hush and accept my offer" I'm cold to and I know she's cold. She was trying to fight sleep as well but I knew she was tired.

"Hey Dri are you and Odell back together because I'm sick of his rat." Victor asked and I put out my middle finger.

"No I'm serious. I don't want her around especially for my party I'm throwing on Christmas break because she wines to much and just doesn't. Kiss and make up." We both chuckled.

"As stubborn as we both are. I think we've come clear. I still love Dri and she know that but it's for the best." I implied.

"What about you Dri because I want that peach cobbler." Jarvis added rubbing his stomache.

"I agreed. I still love him but yeah it's better off as friends."

"Bullshit." Reuben and Tiffany came in our room.

"So let me tell you what Odell said about Dri after he told her he was just friends" Rueben said.

"Tell us" Kota said mugging me.

"No Rueb"

"Shut up  cherrio head. So after he told Dri that he called me and said I think I made a mistake. I called it off with Dri. Let me remind you the boy was almost in tears. He's all Rueb I'm in love with her and I want her still I don't know what to do."

"FINALLY GOSH. ODELL I TOLD YOU" Kenzie jumped up.

"Babe chill the baby" everyone turned their heads to Victor and Kenzie.


"Victor I told you, you're mouth."

"You guys are pregnant" Kota looked.

"Well I'm late and I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive. We have a doctors appointment but we don't know yet. But for Vic's sake I don't want to keep the baby" he looked at Kenzie and walked out of the door.

"We'll talk later okay Dri" I whispered in her ear. Me, Rueb and Jarvis went after him.

We spotted him in a corner.

"Vic man I'm sure she wants the baby" Rueb said patting his shoulder


"Wait Kenz why not keep the baby" Kota asked

"Because Vic has a lot going for him. He's already set for USC and I don't want to ruin that for him with a baby. His dreams will be crushed and I want to see him happy. Especially if he doesn't want me anymore if I keep the baby"

"Vic loves you hun and I'm sure you want to protect him but please and I'm begging you. Don't make the same mistake I did by letting a good one go. He just wants to make you happy and I want to see you happy. I understand you want to protect him but there's more important things like my niece or nephew inside of you." I told her and hugged her.

"Okay I'll talk to him and thanks guys" Kenzie said hugging all of us "and Dri please get Odell. I liked you two together. He made you happy" I smiled but everyone needs to understand it's not that simple.

After 5 pm they gave us some nasty chicken sandwiches but Odell devoured mine. Victor was still upset with Kenzie but he was still with her. They had a lot to talk about.

I found myself drifting off.



I guess I was drifting off "Never mind go to sleep baby girl" he kissed my forehead.

Did he call me baby girl?

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