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It was already 2nd semester of junior year and things were looking good. I had Dri all to myself, Amanda transferred and my friends were good well almost all of them.

Kenzie kinda invaded our date night. We were catching up on Once Upon A Time since we had our busy schedules.

"Okay so we were going crib and curse at shopping with our parents and then Vic had the nerve to say my parents have bad taste in colors. We're having a boy and he wants the room all black, ALL BLACK. Hell no and you know what" she grabbed my skittles. "His mother told me that I need to start being more sensitive to Vic's feelings because he wasn't around his dad that much and I was. GET OUT CHICK." She grabbed our pizza and started eating them too. "Next time could you guys not put mushrooms on the pizza". I rolled my eyes.

"Hey Kenzie babe" she looked at us and then began to cry.

"Oh god I'm sorry you guys. I just needed to vent and  Kota is gone to Cali for a conference and Jarvis is cranky. You guys are easy to listen to but I'll leave"

"DELL MAN. I NEED TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT KENZIE SHES DRI" he cut himself off when he say Kenzie crying and even harder.

"Look y'all I love y'all dearly but I haven't spent time with my baby in months and she's going to be busy for a while so please not to be rude but yeah" I sighed and then looked at Dri who was on her phone checking out Oxford stuff. I wish she would reconsider.

"Hey you guys can you please not do this in here. I haven't seen Dell really and I want to hang with him. Here take the box of pizza and settle this because Vic you're about to be a dad and I know your parents want to help but you alway agreed to love Kenzie UNCONDITIONALLY...just get out love birds." I was shocked at Dri. My baby. My baby. My baby

It was around 11 o'clock and we were getting into season 3. She looked sleepy and irritated. She was looking at her phone too. I quickly took it and I read what she was reading.

"Adrienne Whitfield, we are pleased to announce that you along with 30 other students have been invited for early admissions to Oxford in London England." I looked at her and she got up.

"Babe when were you gonna tell me. This is great you're gonna be British and I'm gonna be the NFL husband and" she looked down.

"I'm not taking it" she looked at me and then began picking up trash.

"Why" she exited my room and I followed her downstairs.

"Odell can we not argue about this please babe things are getting good with us and I don't want to mess that up." She threw away the pizza box.

"Dri baby this is a once in a lifetime opportunity go" she sighed and leaned on the counter. "And plus there's FaceTime and texting and I could see if I could go out there once every 2 months."

"Odell I don't know okay maybe I should settle for Auburn but then I'd be considered stupid for not going and staying by my man who's dreams could be shattered and. OH GOSH ODELL IM SORRY I DIDNT" I hugged her

"Naw baby it's cool I could be a househusband to all you our 6 six kids" I pecked her forehead and laid back in the bed.


"Cmon baby I wanna build a dynasty full of Beckhams. I think we should get started early." She literally ran away.

"Odell I'm not ready. I want to wait okay" he poked my stomache

"Okay" I took off my shirt.

"You're such a tease Odell" she rolled off the bed and stayed there for the rest of our movie night

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