Chapter Fourteen

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Loki was starting to grow frustrated with Alice as they were training. She was unfocused and her mind seemed to be in another world.

    "Alice? What are you doing?" He asked.

    She was brought out of her daze and sighed as she shook her head.

    "Sorry. I was just thinking about our little predicament and how we can resolve the issue." She replied.

    "That's nice but this is more important right now." He stated.

    "I know." She sighed.

    As the hours passed them by, Alice could not open up her body to allow herself to control the Bifrost. In the end, both of them knew it was a lost cause. Loki knew that only Heimdall could teach her and he could not leave his post and neither could Alice come with him to Asgard against her father's wishes. Seeing that this type of training had gone to waste, they decided to have a sparring match together. As they fought, Alice kept thinking of ways they could meet in private without it being in the lady's or men's bathroom. Towards the end of the match, a lightbulb went off in her head and she quickly dropped to the floor as Loki swung his fist at her. She swiped her legs across his and knocked him to the ground. As he laid on his back, she hovered over him and smiled down at him. He gave her a look and raised his brow at her.

    "What is it now?" He asked.

    "I think I know the answer to our 'predicament'." She replied.

    "You do?" He said, propping himself up on his elbows.

    "Almost every week for one day, I would usually go out into the city to get some fresh air, go shopping, or just take a walk to clear my head. You're technically my bodyguard now so you would be escorting me. And I know just the place where we can be together. The hotel where Marilyn had her party." Alice explained to him.

    Loki sat up on the floor and Alice clapped her hands together as he processed her idea.

    "Just once a week?" He asked.

    "Oh, come on, Loki. We don't need to do it that badly." She laughed.

    "You're right. Plus, it'll be fun teasing you throughout the week until we meet up at that hotel." Loki explained.

    She playfully punched his arm and the two got up from the floor and left the training room. They were walking down the hall together towards her break room to have lunch together away from everyone else.

    "So, I think it is safe to assume that I'm not going to be able to figure this whole Bifrost thing out if I don't meet with High-doll?" She asked him.

    Loki laughed at her pronunciation and smiled down at her.

    "It's Heimdall. And're right. This is one thing I don't know how to teach you and I hate having to admit it." He replied.

    The two sat down at the table and began to eat the food Alice packed away in the refrigerator.

    "Well, when you do leave'll have to go alone?" She inquired softly.

    "Most likely. Your father, along with everyone here, will not let you leave." He told her.

    "But, going to Norway and meeting with this Heimdall would allow me to understand and control my powers to their full extent, no? It would help me." Alice explained to Loki.

    "That is true." Loki said.

    "So, if we make an argument for it, I might be able to persuade my dad into letting me go with you." She told him excitedly.

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