Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"You have to tell them." Loki scoffed.

Alice was pacing back in forth in the backyard as Loki was knelt down planting new seeds in his garden.

"How am I even supposed to start off the conversation? Just go up to them and be like, 'Hey, mom and dad! So I'm going to become a true Aesir and outlive you for five thousand years. Sound good? Great!' That's ridiculous." Alice explained.

"You've had a few months to think this over." Loki sighed as he put his tools down.

"I know! What's my dad going to think? He's going to be livid!" Alice argued.

"You're overthinking this. If this is what you want and you've already made up your mind he can't stop you. He's not in control of what you do." Loki explained to her.

"I know that too! It's just with everything else going on...I don't know what they'll think. I don't want them being unhappy with a choice I've made." She protested.

"Why would they be unhappy? You even told me you wanted to do this because it was help you to reach your full potential. Wasn't that one of the reasons why your father sent you here?" He questioned her.

"Yes, it was but not to be given the opportunity to live thousands of years! How do you think I'll feel knowing that most of my family and friends will die before me? How do I tell Marilyn? I haven't even spoken to her in two years? Should I just drop by and tell her 'Hey, I'm going to become a god and live until I'm five thousand years old and you'll be dead six feet under!' I'm basically dropping a bomb into their lap with this." She argued with him.

Loki stood from the ground and walked towards Alice.

"Their reactions shouldn't matter because you've made up your mind," He told her. "You've made up your mind, haven't you?"
"Yes." She replied weakly.

"Alice..." Loki raised his brow.

"I have, Loki! I want to do this! I just don't know how they'll handle it. Finally you're getting along with my dad and if I told him this, I'm afraid he'll think you put me up to it and revert back to how he was before." She confessed.

Loki took a deep breath as he wrapped his hands around her arms.

"Listen to me, Alice. He won't do that. This is your life and you're in the only one in control of it. I didn't put you up to this-"

"I know you didn't!"

"And I know that," Loki interjected. "If this is the path you want to take, I'm more than happy to make it possible for you. If you change your mind, I'll be okay with too."

"I'm not going to. I'm not going to regret this decision. I want to be who I was meant to be." Alice told him.

"And that's exactly what you tell them." Loki grinned.

Alice was about to speak when she processed what he had said. She began to smile and hated knowing that Loki was right.

"It feels really good to be right." He chuckled.

Her smile vanished and she playfully pushed him back as she walked over to the small garden.

"You know I'm right." Loki sauntered over towards her.

Alice looked over her shoulder at him and rolled her eyes. He then ran towards her and she quickly stood up and began running away from him laughing. He caught up to her and wrapped his arms around her from behind. He lifted her up off the ground and kissed her neck.

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