Chapter Fifteen

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As the days leading up to Alice and Loki's departure for the city went by, Tony watched them like a hawk, much to Alice's discontent and Loki's confusion. As much as he hated Loki, he could feel that the two seemed more distant than before. He felt delighted to see that Alice appeared to be almost avoiding him. When the day came for it, Tony put his plan into action.

The drive to the park was silent as usual, but this time, the silence was due to both of them being afraid to speak up about their feelings. Nonetheless, they both knew they wanted each other and, for some reason, they needed each other more than any other time they had been together. Once reaching the park and seeing that Happy was out of sight, Alice took his hand and led him down the streets towards the hotel. Meanwhile, Tony had been following Happy's car with a few SHIELD guards to get to the bottom of things. Once in the hotel, Alice checked them in and they rushed towards the elevator. Once they put in their floor, they both went to click the close door button before anyone could get on. As the elevator began to move, both were all over each other. Loki pushed Alice back against the wall and ravished her body as she wrapped herself around him, throwing her head back as she allowed his access to the flesh of her exposed neck.

Tony parked the car on the sidewalk and took in the hotel before exiting the car with the guards. He walked over the front desk despite the whispers and points from the guests.

"What room is Alice Stark in?" Tony asked them.

"I'm sorry sir but we cannot disclose that information." The receptionist replied.

"My name is Tony Stark and my daughter may be in some serious trouble. What room is she in?" He told the man.

"1400. Fourteenth floor suite." The receptionist spoke.

"Thank you." Tony smiled.

The receptionist handed him a key to the room and Tony nodded his head. As he turned to head down to the elevators, his smile disappeared and all he could see was red.

Alice was seated in Loki's lap, both naked, kissing him as his hands ran up and down her backside, feeling her smooth skin. She pulled away from him and Loki looked up at her as he panted softly.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" He blurted out.

"I haven't been avoiding you." She replied.

She leaned forward to kiss him and furrowed her brow as he put his finger to her lips.

"You have and you cannot deny it. Why?" He inquired.

Alice sighed as she put her head.

"Is this all we are?" She retorted.

"What?" He chuckled.

"The relationship we have going on right now. Is this all it ever will be? Just us fucking all the time?" Alice questioned him.

"I am attracted to you, Alice." Loki replied.

"And so I am to you, but is that it? Just an attraction? Can nothing else come from this?" She asked frantically, hating that she sounded so desperate.

As she asked him those questions, Loki was reminded of himself as a teenager. He had been courting a girl and soon into the relationship, he had asked her the same questions only to get the response of she was just attracted to him and nothing else. She hadn't seen their relationship going anywhere in the future and he was hurt. He smiled weakly and placed his hand on her cheek, loving how she leaned into his touch without question.

"Is this why you've been distant from me? You were afraid of what I will say?" Loki questioned her.

She nodded her head and Loki tsked before laying a kiss to her cheek.

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