Chapter Thirty-Three

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Loki was waiting at the front of the alter with Thor to his side. As he looked over, he swore he could feel the presence of Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg, and Sif with him. He then felt Thor's hand on his shoulder when he saw Pepper and Marilyn enter the room to take their seats. Thor gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze as he smiled at him.

"Thank you." Loki whispered.

"You're welcome, brother." Thor whispered back, letting his hand drop.

"Here we go." Loki inhaled deeply.

As the main doors opened, Loki eyes widened as his jaw dropped seeing Alice in her dress. She beamed with excitement seeing Loki's reaction. As Tony quickly glanced over at Alice, seeing the elated expression on her face, the tears in her eyes, and the flush in her cheeks made him see that Alice truly loved Loki and the mirrored expression on Loki's face made Tony see that the two were a match made in heaven. Upon reaching the end of the aisle, Tony placed a kiss on Alice's cheek as Loki walked down the steps. He quickly thanked Tony and took Alice's hand in his, helping her up the stairs. When Tony took his seat next to Pepper, she took his hand in hers and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"You look stunning, darling." Loki whispered.

Alice beamed as she blushed taking her spot on the small, raised platform. Heimdall took a step forward and started the ceremony. When it came to the vows, Heimdall had asked Loki to speak first.

"I never thought I would have gotten this far in my life. There were several moments in my life where I thought, 'this is it.' But having gone through those experiences and having learned from them, I can say I have grown in ways I never could have imagined. But you taught me so many valuable lessons and even helped me grow too. I owe who I am today, standing in front of you who is ready to become your other half, to you. I am not one for these grand gestures as you know but it seems as though I was waiting for you for most of my life. I cannot thank you enough for all the love, kindness, and support you have shown me in these past three years. And as your husband I vow to protect you until my dying breath and love you even in the afterlife. I will try to ensure all your days are filled with joy and happiness because I know it's what you deserve. All I have left to say is I love you with my entire being and I would do anything for you. I love you, darling."

Loki then placed the ring on Alice's finger and chuckled softly to try and break the silence. Heimdall then asked Alice to speak.

"I too could never have imagined my life ending up like this. I mean, I never thought I would have superpowers, become a goddess, or even live among gods. I always thought I was destined to live my life out of an office chair doing paperwork and training for a job I would never get. And when we found out about my powers, you and Thor came to help me without even really knowing anything about me. And you...although we did butt heads at helped me so much in such a small amount of time. I never thought I'd meet anyone like you, Loki. You understand me and love me for who I am and I am so happy I that I can say I understand you and love you all the same. I am so thankful to have you in my life and to have the honor of being able to call myself your wife is amazing! We have grown so much together and I can say I am a better person because of you. As your wife, I will always be there for you whenever you feel sad or alone in the world. I will make sure you know you are loved every day. I love you, Loki. You are my everything."

Loki beamed with pride as Alice placed his wedding band on his finger. After that, Heimdall tied their hands together with golden silk to signify the bond they had now created. When Heimdall announced them as a couple, Loki eagerly wrapped his arms around Alice's waist and pulled her in to a kiss. She laid her hands against his chest and smiled through the kiss, hearing the crowd applaud. When they pulled back from the kiss, they took a moment to figure out how to untangle themselves from the silk and laughed as Loki got frustrated and used his magic to make it disappear. They then walked down the steps and down the aisle. They were to head down to the banquet hall when Loki quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her into a secluded room. He shut the door, pushed Alice up against it, and kissed her deeply.

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