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"What did he say?" I asked Marco, I wanted to know what was so important that Marco had to leave the room so I won't hear them talking. I already assumed it was about me, it was crystal clear.

"Nothing much, the witch and him are broken up, if you were worried I'll say something about the little fling you had, well, I didn't." I smiled at him, I didn't want Robert to find out I had a one night stand. Me, Aurora Rose, had a one night stand for the first time in my whole life. It was someone Robert knows very well, if he dated five hundred girls in the past two years, I can have a one night stand with any guy I want.

"Thank you." I simply said as i made my way to the kitchen bringing the both of us some food.

"You know Mario is coming over in a few minutes." Marco informed me as I brought some pasta I made earlier, I was taking care of the food and Marco took care of cleaning the house.

"I'm so happy he's back." I said, handing Marco a bowl full of pasta, he shot me a smile.

The past two years were a disaster, I'm better than I was a year ago, I was going crazy back then. He left me and I knew from the start he would do it, yet, it was impossible for me to let him leave me like that, he knew I would never leave Dortmund, it was my home now. The day he told me he's leaving, that he signed a contract and he plans on moving to Munich I cried, I couldn't say a word but when I did I screamed and yelled at him. We broke up that day, he told me we can't be together if I'm not accepting the fact he's going to be happier there. I tried my best to be happy for him, I really tried but I couldn't. I love him, I still do.

I never attend to any of the matches between Borussia Dormund and Bayern Munich, I can't see his face, when he comes up on the television, I always change the channel. It was almost a major problem for me. I wanted to see his face, I couldn't.

The Euro taking place in France didn't help either, I promised Antoine I'll come to see a match of his, I came for the final of course but if Robert would've known this, he woll be crashed. I didn't come to any of his matches with Poland, God, I didn't even watch my country's matches.

A certein someone opened the door, I already knew it was Mario so I wasn't surprised. A cheeky smile formed on his lips as soon as he saw us, he hugged his best friend first before pressing his lips to my forehead. I smiled as he took the seat beside me.

Marco took it very hard when Mario left to Bayern Munich, he legit cried because of it and I understood him, it was his best friend, well, he didn't react like this when Robert or Mats left because he already knew these transfers will happen. With Mario leaving, it surprised him.

"So, what are we watching?" Mario asked, looking at the television.

"Man, you came in like you didn't just come back to Dortmund, show some excitement!" Marco said, I could see Marco was happy with his best friend being here again. Who wouldn't? I hoped the next one to be back will be Robert. I knew it will never happen but I kept hoping.

"Let me calm down from that crazy flight, the guy that sat beside me told me I look like a stupid football player, I thanked him for that. What a great flight." Mario said, I tried my best not to laugh.

"Well, you do look like a stupid football player." I told him as I ate some pasta, he shot me an unamused look, I just kissed his cheek.

"When are going to be back with Robert? I've heard some rumors you two are having a secret relationship." Mario blurted out, my eyes went wide as I exchanged looks with Marco. I expected this subject to come up but I didn't expect it to come up that soon.

"The rumor is untrue and no talking about Robert for a while." Marco said, saving me from admitting what I've done not so long ago. I knew that as soon as Mario will find out, he'll go and tell Robert and when Robert will know, he's going to go mad. Some unsolved drama will be happening all over again.

"Fine, fine, what about Paulo Dybala?" oh shit, he already knew.

"Don't tell me Robert already knows about it." I said, praying to God Robert has no idea.

"No, it seems as if everybody knows except for him." he said and I let out a sigh in relief. Thank God he doesn't know. It's not like I worried he will be mad at me, we're not together so he has no right. I was afraid whenever he'll get the chance to face Paulo in on of his games, he'll punch the shit out of him.

It was just a party night at Dortmund, almost everybody came back, Nat, Frencesca and Paulo happened to be there too. I was still not so over Robert, honestly, I will never be but I just wanted to forget for one night, it felt good to be so important to someone once again in such a long time. Paulo made me feel good and that's all I wanted.

"And if he knows, it doesn't need to bother you, you have a new life and he can't do nothing about it." it was just Marco giving me the best friend advices I needed to hear.

"It's not me that I'm worried about, he will finish Paulo." I said, brushing some fingers through my wavy dark hair.

"So what? Paulo needs to learn his lesson finally." Mario said, I shot him a look, it was rude of him. I knew he hates Paulo, Marco does too but for some reason I felt hurt by his sayings. I don't want anything bad to happen to Paulo.

"Remember that one time, his nose was so broken he had to go with a band covring it for a month? He looked like a fucking hamster." Marco exclaimed, giving his best friend a high five. I rolled my eyes at the two childish guys I had to deal with.

"That happened because Robert right?" Mario asked, I wanted to disappear at that moment. It happened because of me technically, Paulo touched me and it drove Robert crazy.

"Can you at least show Robert some love?" Marco asked all of the sudden, how could I do that? I looked at him witha frown.

"How?" I simply asked. Mario took my phone from the table, clicking and scrolling, when he was over he handed me my phone back, I shot Mario a look, all I saw was a photo of Robert posted in my Instagram profile, this bastard.

 Mario took my phone from the table, clicking and scrolling, when he was over he handed me my phone back, I shot Mario a look, all I saw was a photo of Robert posted in my Instagram profile, this bastard

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  aurorose9_: mine😍

Now I'll get plenty of hate messages from his fans, not that I'm not getting any now. Now his stupid ex will see it and it will drive her nuts. The media is going to post about it and it was all because of Mario and Marco's dumb idea. Honestly, I couldn't care less anymore.

I just wondered how Robert is going to react to the fact I posted a shirtless picture of him aftwr we haven't spoken for two years, all of the sudden saying he is mine. I let a sigh.

I hoped I'll get the chance to know how Robert reacted.

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