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My heart was beating faster, why a photo of me shirtless was posted in Aurora's Instagram account? the caption said 'mine'. Why does a twenty seven year old man is so worried about a post in his ex's Instagram. Because I'm childish and still in love with her, I thought to myself.

I went to trainings, driving along with Mats, I drove him there. Who could possibly think I'll drive someone anywhere while being still a paranoid about crashing the car once again.

"So, you are still acting like that because of what Aurora posted?" Mats asked me, I breathed out, nodding my head slightly.

"I didn't expect it." I simply answered his question.

"You should thank God she didn't post a photo of Paulo Dybala instead." Mats joked, a chuckle escaped his lips. I frowned, I didn't hear about the guy in a long time.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, why did he have to mention this asshole's name out of nowhere?

"Oh, don't tell me you don't know about it yet." Mats said, I was about to park the car in the parking lot, I stopped the car and looked at him, just say it already!

"C'mon Mats!" I screamed, almost losing my mind.

"I don't know if I sh-" he started saying but I cut him off, "Mats!" I demanded, I wanted to know what could possibly happen.

"They fucked not so long ago." he finally said, I punched the wheel, I was furious. I cursed in Polish. How could she do that? When Mats managed to calm me down, I was breathing heavily, I took a deep breathe and parked the car.

Paulo needs to start praying he won't face me anytime soon.

"Are you okay?" Mats asked as we both headed to the training ground, I looked at him, how could I be okay after hearing the girl I'm in love with fucked the guy I hate the most.

"No." I said as we changed into the training clothes, I was ready so I hurried to the pitch, running and trying to relax before anybody could talk to me.

"Is there something wrong, Lewandowski?" that was Jerome Boateng's voice. Yes, that's the person I need to hear right now, I thought to myself. I hate the guy and he hates me, it's mutual. I hated him back in Dortmund and now I hate him when we are in the same team.

"Do me a favor, stay away." I said, running faster, I knew he just wanted to say a word about Aurora, everybody in team knew about her, most of them had a crush on her and Jerome was one of them. This son of a bitch.

Couldn't they find a girl for themselves? Why does everybody want my girl? Well, she's not mine anymore. It's almsot psychotic thinking about all the guys that wants her or at least consider he as a hot girl.

"Lewy, is everything fine?" Thomas asked me, Thomas was my favorite, he always listened to my problems and for some reason this silly guy gives the best advices.

"She slept with him." I simply said, I couldn't look at his eyes.

"Aurora and Paulo?" he asked and I nodded my head slightly, biting my bottom lip, it was way harder than I thought. I know I tried to move on but Kira, Helen nor Cece meant something to me, they were nothing. I spent the past two years sleeping with random girls again. I had nothing, all I wanted was her. I tried to think about her eith other guys, I can't do that. I don't want her to be with anybody that is not me.

"I will kill him." I muttered, I was furious.

"You need to calm down and you knoa there is a match against Borussia Dortmund very soon, why don't you invite her?" Thomas asked, I raised an eyebrow at him, what mad him think she will agree to my invitation, it's not like I didn't try it before.

"She won't listen, the only person she is going to listen to is Marco." I explained to onf of my best friends in the team. We were running from one side of the pitch to the other.

"And what's the deal between her and Marco, you don't worry about it?" Thomas asked me, it turned out sounding rude but I knew he didn't mean it. Marco will never ever in million years want a girl I want, it's an agreement we had back when we were only eighteen, in our first year in the university.

"He's like her brother, nothing more than that." I told him before trying to train on scoring goals, Manuel tried to stop my shoots to get into the net. Luckily, he couldn't catch even one.

"You need to just do whatever you want, if you really want her, go and get her." Thomas said, I let out a sigh. Only if it was that easy, I thought to myself.

"I want to punch Paulo, can I do that too?" I asked, Thomas didn't look so amused with my bad joke.

"Maybe you'd get lucky enough and we'll play against Juventus this season." Thomas said, I looked up at the saky as if I was praying it will happen.

I wanted to face Paulo after all these years, showing him he's nothing again. Just like the old days.

As soon as the training session was over, Mats and I both drove to my place, I needed some company after what I found out today. I couldn't believe everybody already knew all about it and I had no idea.

"Don't tell me you're going to be that quiet for the whole day." Mats whined referring to my strange quietness. I didn't want say anything.

"If I want to be quiet, I will." I told him, driving a little bit faster, Mats shot me a look, he knew I was angry at the moment. I didn't even want to hear his voice anymore, I was gdtting mad at my best friend for letting me know about this horrible situation.

"So wild of you." he joked, I couldn't help but smile at this. "I wasn't the one to sleep with her, he was, you should be mad at him." he said, I clenced my jaw as soon as he started talking about the son of a bitch.

"I am, it's just that it seems like everybdy knew all about it but no one bothered to tell me." I explained him. That's when it hit me, it was like the university days all over again, she kissed him in front of me and I got mad, I left her alone at her birthday.

"That's because everybody thought you moved on, clearly you didn't." Mats said, I bit my lips, looking only at the road.

"I never moved on." I answerd.

"Explain me why you fucked so many girls for the past two years, you even had some girlfriends, doesn't it seem to you like you moved on?" my best friend asked me, I know he tried to make me realize how stupid I was acting, instead of getting her back, I tried to get back at her.

"I know, I know, but it was all becasue of her." I said, I parked my car in my house's parking lot.

"Don't you dare blaming it on her, you were the one to break her heart." Mats accused me of breaking Aurora's heart now, what is wrong with the world?

"Sorry but she was too depressed when she found out I'm moving, what could I possibly do about it?" I asked him, I was yelling at him now. I was furious at my best friend for being on Aurora's side.

"She was depressed because she knew you won't give up on that move, she wanted to stay with you and at some point she was ready to move with you but you had to be an asshole and break up with her!" Mats screamed back at me. My face fell, I was hurt to find out about it only now. I could fight for her if I knew this before. "I'm sorry, Robert, I shouldn't have said it." he took his words back.

I just looked at him, biting my lips, trying my best not to think about the girl I lost two years ago, I broke her heart but mine was broken a long time ago. As soon as I heard about the transfer to Bayern Munich I knew it will mean only one thing-saying goodbye to the person I love the most, I knew she will never move to Munich, Dortmund was her real home.

"I never knew she wanted to move with me." I said, Mats hugged me, trying to comfort me. He couldn't comofrt me, no one could. I was already broken, I will never be fixed.

Aurora fixed me once, but she was also the one to break me.

"I knew you still love her." Mats said as he pulled away. I couldn't look at him now. We entered my house in silence.

"I never stopped loving her."

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