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(A/N- who do you want the next story to be about? Plus, I want to have a rant book, so many others already have one and it seems cool.)


"What the hell is your problem?" Mats screamed as he entered my house, I rolled over on the sofa to face him. I've been laying on the sofa for a day now, I didn't bother getting up nor going outside for even a walk. I deserve all that pain.

"Mats, go away." I said, taking a deep breathe before getting up to get a glass of water. I apssed by a mirror, I looked like shit. I haven't shaved, I should've done it yesterday but I passed and now I look completely like shit.

"You fucking had a threesome, what the hell? I thought you were over with all of this." he said, his voice softened as he realized how red my eyes were. He brushed his fingers through his dark hair, he looked stressed out, more than I am.

"I got mad at her for flying to see Paulo so I called this ex of his, the one that cheated on him with me." I quickly explained to my best friend, I sipped on the glass of water and sat down back on the couch, Mats took a seat as well.

"After that phone call she decided to fly here instead, she wanted to see you, she fucking ditched Paulo just for you and you had to fuck some girls." he was so disspaointed at me, it made me feel worse. I covered my face with my hands, trying my best not to show how bad I feel.

"I didn't expect her to be here, I just wanted to forget." I said, looking up at my friend, he shot me a sorry look, the one you get when you really fuck up.

"You didn't expect her? Well, that's because she wanted to surprise you, she's staying at my place until tomorrow I think, you better prepare yourself some good-ass apology." he said, patting on my shoulder as he got up, making his way outside. "Thank you." I said under my breathe, he was already gone.

I went to my room, shaved my facial hair, fixed my hair and put on some clothes. I looked quite normal now.

I rubbed my eyes, looking at the mirror to see how red they look, I was still looking horrible, fucking hell. I let put a sigh and headed to my car. For some reason, I thought about Kira, I wonder what she has been up to since I broke up with her.

I drove to Mats' place, he wasn't living so far away from my place, when I arrived I felt like I was about to puke. I don't know what I'm going to say to her, she hates me, she hates me so much right now. I have a weird feeling that every word I'll say, will make me sound more stupid than I already am, I have a feeling I'm going to screw this up even more.

I parked the car, I got out of it, brushing my fingers through my hair nervously, I just don't want to see her crying.

I opened the gates, I was right in front of the door when I thought to myself this must end up like a disaster, I never really succeeded in expressing my feelings right, it's quite a huge problem and I know it won't work this time, I have to somehow save myself.

I took a deep breathe and knocked on the door, I bit my lips, waiting for someone to open the goddamn door. When someone did open the door, I was surprised to see it was Aurora. She closed the door as soon as she saw me, I had to stop it with my own hands.

"Go away." she said, emotionless, her hair was braided into two braids, she was wearing a sweater and some jeans since it was pretty cold today.

"Hear me out, please." I begged her, I fucked up real bad this time.

"Robert, believe me, the last thing I want to do right now is to hear your stupid excuses, so please leave." she said, I let out a sigh as she tried to close the door once again.

"Aurora, please let me explain." I begged her, I saw some tears streaming down her cheeks. Oh fuck.

"I don't want to hear you." she whispered, she let go of the door and I finallt entered the house. Where the hell is Mats? It was probably a part of his plan to get Aurora and I to solve our problem for once and all.

She looked at me and the only thing I could see was how hurt she looked, it seems as if she could kill me with this look. I tried to get closer to her but she took a step back. I desrve it.

"You were about to see Paulo even though you know all about my history with this guy, I wanted to get back at the two of you by sleeping with Paulo's ex, I'm sorry you had to see it." I told her, she cried even more at my words. I rubbed my eyes, I couldn't see her like this.

"Why do you always tend to think sleeping with girls will make you feel better? you have some serious issues." she said, she was emotionless, she wanted to break me apart but the only thing she didn't know was that I'm already broken, she broke me a long time ago.

"It's all because of you." I whispered, she looked at me with shock.

"And now you blame me for your actions? Robert, we will never work together, don't you see?" she asked me, I bit my lips and looked down at the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, I got closer to her but she didn't step back this time.

I brushed my finger down her cheek, she looked up at me, the tears were still streaming down her cheeks and I knew it was all because of me, I caused her so much pain.

I thought I was the broken one, but I was so wrong. She was.

"You wanted to forget me by flying to Italy, I wanted to forget you by sleeping with girls. Aurora, I'm trying to get over you for two miserable years." I told her, she looked down. Yet, it didn't matter if she was crying, she still looked so breathtakingly beautiful, there was something about her that was so unique.

"But you dated so many girls." she whispered, her voice was about to break and I felt like my heart is about to get broken again by the same girl.

"But they meant nothing to me, all I ever think about is you." I said, she looked up and stared at my eyes, her deep brown eyes showed me how broken she was, she was empty, she was no longer the happy girl I used to know.

"It doesn't matter now, we will nver get back together, the both of us know it won't work." she said, that's it, my heart got broken once again.

"Don't do that." I was so helpless, I didn't know what I should do and the only thing I could think about was dumb, but I had nothing to lose. I crashed my lips to hers, she was surprised but didn't pull away. I had to feel her one more time, the touch of her lips on mine made me feel alive again

"Just hear me, okay?" I asked her as we pulled away, she slightly nodded her head. "I am still so deeply in love with you, I will always love you. There is no excuses for what I've done, I just want you to know I will understand it if you'll not forgive me. But, you are so important to me, I will never give up on winning over your hear again. I'm going crazy without you." I told her, seeing her beautiful brown eyes watering broke me.

"We can't get back together just like that, I don't think we will ever be together again, please understand me." she said, and I put the my singlasses on, I was well prepared for a rejection. I bit my lips before pressing my lips to her forehead, she was crying and it hurt me.

"It's okay, I love you." I said, getting out of the house, I was sad, furious and hopeless at the same time, what will I do without her? It can't end like this, we need to end up together, we are meant to be and she needs to realize it.

I fucking love her.

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