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"Get me a ticket for tomorrow, I guess." I finally told my manager. I was talking to him about flying to Dortmund for a day, turns out I can't do it until tomorrow due to the game we have today. I didn't care about the game, all I wanted to do was to see her and tell her how I truly feel, when I'm sober and not when I'm acting like a psycho drunk guy.

"I'll give you the ticket tomorrow." he said, I nodded my head and got out of his office. As I exited the building I noticed some paparazzi trying to snap some photographs, I couldn't care less. I entered my car and drove off to my house.

As I parked my car, I noticed a red Ferrari in my garage, what the hell is going on? I never had a Ferrari, even if I had, I would never spent my money on a red one.

I got out of the car, judging the strange Ferrari that was parked next to my Audi.

"Do you like my new car?" a familiar voice asked, itbwas the gold-digger herself, Kira. Why the hell is she here? I thought I made it pretty clear when I broke up with her.

"Not really, now can you move it and drive away from my property?" I said, shooting her an unamused look, for some reason, she was quite afraid of me sometimes. Who wouldn't?

"I just wanted to show you my car, and," she started saying, she got closer to me, her body was touching mine, she was too close. She looked up at me, hoping she will get a kiss, too bad for her.

"Go away from my house." I demanded, she looked down and got into her car, finally driving away from here.

I entered my house, locking it behind me. I let out a sigh, I have to go to the stadium. I wanted to get here, eat, take a shower and leave but this gold-digger completly distracted me. I quickly ate some cereal while watching the television-an old match of Juventus with Paulo was on. This son of a bitch, I thought to myself.

I took a quick shower and wore a Nike hoodie on, I put a pair of jeans and some random Nike shoes from my big collection, Aurora always used to brag about the huge amount of shoes I own. She always comes back to my mind, I can't stop thinking about this girl.

When I was finally ready I drove to the Allianz arena, I was so tired and my mind was still wandering back and forth between the match I need to get prepared to and the fact I will get to see Aurora tomorrow.

I texted Marco, making sure Aurora will be at their house by nine. I didn't tell him I'm going to visit, I will surprise him as well.

As I parked my car, noticing Mats' car already there made me sigh in relief. Who will I talk to about Aurora if not with Mats? Of course Thomas tries to help sometimes but he never met her so he has no idea what she is like. On the other hand Mats is a friend of Aurora, he knows how she acts.

"Lewy!" it was Jerome, teasing me with my old nickname, I have no idea how this nickname of mine became so well known.

"What do you want?" I asked him as he joined me on walking to the changing rooms.

"How did it go with your sleeping beauty?" he asked, I wanted to punch him for using the nickname I gave her in my last year of the university. He sounded so stupid, making me want to crack that sculpted nose of his.

"Perfect." I lied, he doesn't need to know the truth.

We finally got to the changing rooms, I went straight away to Mats, a frown formed on his forehead as he saw me being so stressed out.

"What's going on?" he asked me as I changed into the training clothes.

"I'm flying to Dortmund tomorrow, do you want to join?" I asked him, he is the only one I really count on here. Mats is my only true friend, I know him since I was eighteen, I trust him the most.

"You are flying to Dortmund?" he exclaimed, almost screaming it. I shot him a look, he immediately shut up. I didn't want my teammates to come up and ask me all about my short flight to Dortmund, it's none of their businesses.

"Is it a yes?" I asked him and he shrugged, it was a yes. We all went uo on the pitch, warming up before the match. Of course Mats and I trained together. I couldn't help but to think about the whole crew being back together, just like the old days in the university.

After training we all headed back to the changing room, changing into the team uniform this time. Everybody called me a betrayer for leaving Borussia Dortmund and moving to Bayern Munich, but to be honest, I get excited every single time before wearing my Bayern Munich's jersey, that's what I dreamt of for so long and I finally achieved my goals.

As we waited to get back on the pitch, Thomas and Mats were talking about something and I didn't pay any attention to them. I could only think about seeing Aurora again. Seeing the beautiful girl that has my heart for almost six years now, even if I wanted to, I couldn't get over her.

"Lewy, are you okay?" Thomas asked, snapping me out of my daydreaming, I looked at him with a confused look.

"Yeah, yeah, my mind was somewhere else." I told him, he quickly nodded his head in understatement.

Going on the pitch made me feel more focused, I tried to keep my mind away from Dortmund and Aurora. I thought about my match and only that.

As usual, shaking hands with the players of the opposite team was my favorite. I'm about to destroy all of you, I thought to myself as I shot a faoe smile to the player I was shaking hands with.

"When you score, think about her." Mats whispered so only I coud hear, I nodded my head slightly. It wasn't like I haven't done it before, it was my routine of scoring goals and dedicating all of them to her.

And it happened after a few minuted into the first half, I scored a goal, I jumped in happiness, looking for the camera and pointing to it, hoping she sees it. The teammates hugged me, celebrating with me.

A few minutes after my first goal, I scored another one, fucking hell, I'm on fire.

And again, my usual routine, scoring a goal, pointing to the camera and celebrating with my teammates. It used to be more fun in the university? The celebrations were the best, most of the teammates were my best friends and Aurora was always there for me, watching me playing for her.

Aurora, always made me so excited and thrilled before my football matches because I knew she will be there to watch me at my best.

And she is not here anymore.

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