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(A/N- just so you know the next chapter will be the last one, it will be an epilogue, this is officially the end of Robert's and Aurora's journey.)


"Happy birthday." I whispered in my girlfriend's ear as I woke up. Aurora groaned, she liked sleeping way too much and it wa sso ironic, she is named after the sleeping beauty. She quickly turned around to face me, she was so beautiful even that early in the morning. It was finally Aurora's birthday and I got too excited, she will be so surprised by my present for her.

"Let me sleep." she muttered, throwing a pillow at my face, I chuckled and got up from the bed, making my way to the bathroom to get myself ready for the special date I planned for Aurora and I.

I showered, brushed my teeth, fixed my hair and wore my clothes on, meanwhile I buttoned my black shirt, walking towards our room again to see she was still asleep.

"Aurora, we have to go now or else we won't get the table I ordered." I said and she groaned, she was probabaly still too tired from last night's event, we went to huge birthday party for her that Marco and I had planned but today was her real day and she desrves the present I prepared for her. "Aurora!" I shouted and she got up immediately, stumbling on her way to the shower.

I went downstairs to watch some television while she got ready. Out of nowhere my phone started ringing and of course it was Marco.

"You haven't gone on that date yet, right?" Marco asked me as I picked up the phone, I rolled my eyes.

"Not yet." I answered my best friend.

"Okay, just making sure, good luck." he said before hanging up, that was a quick call.

I placed the phone aside. I took a free day from training today so I'll get to spent Aurora's birthday with her, I began to get nervous, too nervous in my opinion. I brushed my fingers through my hair non-stop which is basically the one main thing I do when I'm too stressed out.

When Aurora walked downstairs I was speechless, her tanned skin tone looked so amazing with the dark red tight long dress she was wearing, she barely did her makeup and left her hair down just like I love. She was breathtakingly stunning, she smiled as soon as she noticed my reaction.

"I guess you love it." she said getting closer to me and pecking my lips. I smiled at her, the girl of my dreams is turning twenty five and I couldn't be happier, that age meant something to me. I was twenty five when I left Dortmund for Munich, that's the year I became the man I always wanted to be.

"Are you ready?" I asked her, taking her by her hand towards my favorite black Audi.

We both sat in the car, I started driving, she held me this whole time, she remembers how hard it was for me to drive a car after such a long time, she was with me when I drove for the first time since the accident, the accident that killed Scarlett.

"Where are we heading to?" she asked me, looking around at the view from the car, looking so prefect.

"Somewhere nice." I answered simply, noticing she's glaring at me, she wasn't so amused.

"Lewy, don't start with me!" she joked and I couldn't help but laugh as soon as she mentioned that awful nickname, I was so used to it now.

"Hey, sleeping beauty, why don't you just take a nap?" I said, teasing her, she rolled her eyes and I could see she was trying her best not to laugh at my terrible joke.

"You're lucky I love you enough to forget the fact you used a sleeping beauty joke right now." she said, I laughed, she was so sarcastic and I loved it so much about her.

As we arrived at the restaurant I ordered a table for us at, I hurried to open the door for Aurora, she frowned as I did that, I was never the lovey-dovey romantic guy and I guess it was weird for her witnessing this love gesture.

We walked there hand in hand, the waiter asked for my name before he saw my face, when he noticed who I was, he turned red, embarrassed by the fact he asked for my name and I didn't care about it, he should be proud to let my ego down a little bit.

He lead us to our table, it was place in front of an amazing view, this way I've got to see two of my favorite views, Aurora and Munich. Aurora gasped as she noticed the view, making me smile at her reaction, I was proud of myself for planning the whole thing even though I should give Marco, Mats, Mario and Thomas some credit for that.

"It's so beautiful." she said, staring at my blue eyes.

"What? Me? Yes, that's obvious but what about the view?" I asked, making fun of the moment, she smirked at me, clearly trying to show my childish joke isn't affecting her.

"You're a typical Robert Lewandowski." she said and I shrugged.

We ordered a breakfast for the two of us, obviously we both ordered Aurora's all time favorite drink, lemonade.

When the food reached out table, I could see how hungry Aurora was so I decided to wait a little bit until I will reveal my present for her.

"Do you like it?" I asked her as I stuffed my mouth with soms food, she nodded her head, her mouth full with food reminding me her old nineteenth self for some reason. She was the eaxact same girl I've met in my last year in the university of arts in Dortmund.

So funny and cheerfully happy, alwayz having a wide smile on her face even when she's sad, she's always trying to help other people in need and never think only about herself, she will do anything to make other people feel happiness and I loved it so much about her.

I dropped my keys to the floor on purpose, I bent down on ghe floor and when I lifted my gaze up to Aurora, I took the ring out of my pocket. I knelt down, showing her the ring, she gasped, she still had food in her mouth.

"What are you doing?" she whispered-yelled, almost on the point of crying in happiness. I smiled widely at my beautiful soon to be wife.

"Asking you to marry me, what does it look like?" I said sarcastically, she smiled, cried and laughed in the same time. I bit my lips, looking up at her, waiting for her answer.

"What are you waiting for? Ask me." she said, I let out a chuckle.

"My beautiful princess Aurora, will you marry me?" I asked her, I was so nervous, almost stuttering out of stress.

"Of course I will, Lewy."

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