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"C'mon Lewy!" Marco yelled at the television as we watched the Bayern Munich game, it was the first time I watched a match of Robert playing for Bayern Munich. The camera was focusing on him for a moment, I bit my lips, he was so handsome. He winked at the camera, making me feel some type of way.

"He's so hot." I mumbled, both Mario and Marco looked at me in surprise.

"Say it again so I can record it and send it to him." Mario said, getting his phone out of the pocket, I rolled my eyes at Mario. As a welcome celebration, Marco decided to give Mario a haircut, he fucked it up so badly.

"Shut up, chipmunk." I said, looking back at the screen. Mario and Marco were shirtless, watching the match while I was wearing a pajama, my hair was up in a messy bun.

A few minutes later, Robert scored a goal, as he celebrated the goal, he pointed at the camera, Mario and Marco stared at me once again. We all knew it was directed to me and there was no need to deny it, I couldn't help but smile at his gesture.

I was still in love with him.

The first half has ended, during the break Mario and Marco had a fight over who is going to score next. I ignored them and uploaded a picture of me to Instagram from the previous modelling project I've had. I started modelling not so long ago, someone sugested it would be a great idea. I didn't mind, it was extra money and my other job didn't really help me out with this one. I was working in a clothing store, it was a good money nothing more than that.

When the second half started, I noticed Robert wasn't focused at all, his mind wasn't on the match, he looked tired and confused. He was replaced a few moments later, I looked at the guys, they continued watching the game for Mats.

I watched the game, seeing an upset looking Robert sitting on the bench made me feel like shit, he loves playing so I guess not playing must suck for him. I remember whenever he had to miss a game due to a fight he got upset, he watched the game wishing he cpuld be on the pitch as well.

As the match ended, Marco recieved a phone call, Mario and I stayed in the living room as Marco talked on the phone in his room.

"Aurora Rose, what is this picture?" Mario exclaimed as he showed the picture I uploaded to Instagram not so long ago. I made a face as if I didn't know what he was talking about.

"What's wrong with that?" I asked him, taking his phone ffom his hands, noticing I have over one thousand likes already, why did I have so many likes? I didn't follow many people either, I followed Denis, his girlfriend, Nat, Francesca and the guys that went tk the university with me and that's it. When Robert became famous, I gained followers, I don't like sharing my life with strangers very much so that's why it's rare I post a picture.

"Your whole body is exposed to the public, I don't want strangers to sexualize me best friend." Mario said, making me smile, I hugged him tightly. He was so sweet. I knew what I was getting into, being a lingerie model means I have to expose my body every now and then, I was aware of the consequences.

"I love you too, Mario!" I said, he rolled his eyes at my childish behaviour. I was now reminding myself of my old self that was so childish back there in the university of arts.

Every single time I thought about the university of arts, I thought about my first year, that painting of a naked Robert is still up in my room from the days we were still dating. After Robert won the bet we had, whether he will play for Borussia Dormund or not, I modeled for him, I am pretty sure he still has this painting of me.

When Marco finally came back to the living room, he looked beyond exhausted.

"Who could it possibly be?" I asked him, I was pretty suspicious, I already had a feeling I know who is the person that called him.

"Robert freaking Lewandowski." Marco muttered, sitting back on the sofa, he changed the channel we were watching to the Atletico Madrid match that was about to end in any minute.

"What did he want?" that was Mario being all curious.

"He was yelling at me because of a certain picture a certain someone posted on Instagram." he said, I bit my lips, trying not to laugh at Marco's explanation, he was being such a drama queen sometimes.

"What was I supposed to do? He doesn't need to care that much about a meaningless picture I've posted." I was mad at Robert for some reason, why is he acting so protective when we are not dating anymore, he should move on. But I don't want him to, I thought to myself.

"Well he is and you have to deal with it! If I'd see a picture of my ultimate ex, modelling only in a bra and an underwear, I'd go nuts." Marco said, I rolled my eyes, I'm not the one to blame here, Robert broke up with me, he gave up on me and I can do whatever I want to do now. He has no power on me.

"But you don't have an ultimate ex." Mario pointed out, Marco punched his ebst friend playfully.

"It's an example, dumbass." he said and I decided to go away from there, I went to my room and laid down on my bed.

I want him so bad but at the same time I want him to be gone from my life, why did I fall so deeply in love with this guy? I knew from the start that he was no good but I decided to go there anyways. Stupid me, I had no idda what I got myself into in the first place. I never expected him to be so handsome, charming, kind and smart, I thought he's a player and I will be his one time fling.

But I wished from the start, that we will end up together, there was something about him. There is still soemthing so interesting about him that makes me feel some way.

I love him, I love him so much, he will always be my first true love, my only love.

At that moment we talked about our relationship right before he moved to Munich, he wanted to break up because he thought I won't move with him, and I wanted to tell him I am ready to move to Munich with him. I didn't get the chance to tell him about it, I was the cause to our terrible breakup. That breakeup broke the both of us into pieces.

And I know he still loves me, I am still in love with him and we can do nothing about it.

Maybe two people that fell madly in love with each other, are not belong with each other. The whole world is against us, we will never end up together, maybe we weren't meant to be after all.

But I still love him and will never get over it, you will never forget your first true love, I can't erase him from my mind, even seeing him with other girls, attending to events, it just makes me jealous because I love him more than I should.

I don't know what is should do with all those crazy feeling I have towards Robert, I am clueless.

My phoen buzzed, snapping me out of my deep thoughts about Robert. Paulo called me, I wondered what did he want now?

"How are you doing, my princess?" he asked me, it was weird hearing it from his voice, I was so used to Robert calling me that nickname. I missed him calling me his sleeping beauty.

"I'm doing okay, how are you?" I asked, my voice sounded weird.

"I'm fine, I was wondering if you'd like to come to Italy and watch my next match." he said, it will be a great move of my whole plan moving on from Robert.

"I'd love to."

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