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"You're late." Thomas stated as I made my way to the pitch, as usual, for the past few days, I'm always late for every single training session. I can't make in time only because I'm drinking too much on the night before. All because of Aurora.

"No shit." I answered to my german friend. I began running, noticing Thomas is right next to me.

"Would you stop being so childish and fight for you love? If you really do love her, you shouldn't drink so much every single night." here it is, Thomas Muller's daily speech for his hangovered Pole friend. I was sick of him trying to make me learn a lesson in life, it's exhausting already and it's only been a week.

"Are you done yet?" I asked him rudely, he rolled his eyes and brushed it off, Mats joined us now. Another German friend whoch means another speech for my drunk self.

"He's acting like a douchebag once again." Thomas whined, Mats let out a sigh. He was sick of me too.

"Aurora is coming to our next match, get yourself prepared." Mats announced, I raised an eyebrow, is she really going to watch a Bayern Munich match? Why would she do it after all I've done to her?

"I have a feeling you are not saying the truth." I told Mats.

"Do you want to see the text messages? When have I ever lied yo you?" he asked and my heart started racing so much faster, she really is going to watch me playing. Just the thought of her watching me again like the old times, made me go insane. I crave her even after all, she will always be the one I'll chase, no matter what happens. But this time, I screwed it all, it was my fault and I needed her to forgive me. She has to.

"How did you convince her?" I asked him, watching as he brushed his fingers through his black hair.

"It wasn't so hard, I asked her if she could come and see me playing after such a long time and she agreed, but, she said she doesn't want to see you. I didn't promise anything, I know you'll want to see her." he explained to me and I nodded, pulling my best friend into a hug. He knows how much she means to me and it meant so much for me that he was ready to help me out to get her back. All I needed from him was just support.

"Thank you." I mumbled and he just nodded. 

Soon enough, the training session has ended, I was forced into going to the coffee shop with both Thomas and Mats. I was too tired and still hangovered, my headache was going worse from minute to minute. It all reminded me of the university days, how I got drunk every single night for no reason, just because a certain girl kept breaking my heart again and again. This time, I was the one to break her heart, still, I had no choice but to get drunk and forget all about her.

As we took a seat in the table for three, some people started recognizing us, asking for pictures and autographs, I didn't mind. In order to grow to be the best football player in the world, you have to have fans and of course to do whatever they wish for. I liked it, at first it was quite overwhelming, soon enough, I got used to it.

The two Germans ordered coffee while I got myself iced tea.

"It's freezing outside, how can you even drink that?" Thomas exclaimed as he watched me drinking the iced tea I ordered.

"Simple, I just drink it." I said, he rolled his eyes at my annoying attitude. Even I noticed I was too annoying at the moment.

"Ignore him, old Lewy is back." Mats muttered before he sipped on his cup of hot coffee.

"Which old Lewy? The one that played in Borussia Dortmund or the one that fucked every single girl in the university of arts in Dortmund?" Thomas asked Mats, Thomas was aware of my bad behaviour back in the day, of course, my German friends told him all about it.

"The university Lewy." Mats answered simply, I groaned. I'm here and I can hear every thing they are saying, yet, it doesn't seem to bother them.

"Stop." I warned Mats, who just chukled to himself. He tried to annoy me and he obviously succeed.

"Aurora said she will bring a friend, the Argentine one." Mats informed me and I raised an eyebrow.

"Natalia will come to our match?" I asked, I never liked Nat and I don't think I will ever do. This girl is a cousin of the main son of a bitch on earth.

"Who is she?" Thomas asked with a frown.

"Dybala's cousin." Mats informed our cloeless friend.

"Why the hell is Natalia coming as well?" I asked once again, clearly, Mats is not going to answer me anytime soon.

"She is going to move to Germany soon." he dropped the bomb, Nat was nothing but a troublemaker. She was the one to tell Aurora about Paulo's plan-threatening me not to come anywhere near Aurora, also, I came to Aurora's dorms several of times just to see Nat fucking Isco or Alvaro, begging me not to tell the other what I've witnessed. I hate the girl.

"Fucking hell, I saear if she changes Aurora, I'll make sure she will go back to Argentina." I said, sipping on my iced tea.

"She's not that bad." Mats admitted, I wasn't so amused with his words, clearly, he knew nothing about Nat except for the fact she is Dybala's cousin.

"She is the worse, she made Aurora to come to the club once only wearing this tiny dress, so you remember?" I exclaimed and Mats just laughed, I was being too dramatic.

"You're a drama queen, Lewandowski." Thomas said, I pu ched his arm playfully, the both of them just love messing with me and I couldn't stand it.

"Says the one that screamed his lungs off as he saw the Nike shoes he wanted so bad are sold out." I said, Mats and I both burst into laughter at that moment.

"That clearly doesn't count."

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