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"She is going to see Dybala playing?" I asked Mats, I was so furious. I swear, next time I see Paulo I'm going to kill him with my own hands. Paulo has gone too far with this one, I don't even understand why she agreed to fly all the way to Italy just to see him playing.

"Fuck, relax and sit down, you're going to lose it." Mats shot right back at me, he was just looking out for me, he's my best friend, I shouldn't get angry at him.

I took a deep breathe before I'd do anything dumb, I sat down at that coffee shop we were at, Mats told he has something important to tell me and I did not expect him to say that, out of all the thing in the world he wanted to talk about Aurora and Paulo. I hate Paulo. I don't get it, why is he still trying to win her heart? Can't he just give up, everybody knows he will never get her, it's obvious.

"Why did he invite her to Italy?" I asked, I wanted to know what are his intentions, if he thinks he can get her, he's so wrong.

"I don't know, Mario called me yesterday and told me all about it, she is flying today I think." he told me, it didn't help me, I can do nothing about it. It's so frustrating knowing she's about to fly to see him and my hands are tied, I can do nothing to stop it from happening.

"Fucking hell." in addition to those words, I let out some curse words in Polish to escape my mouth, I swear I will kill this guy someday.

"Call her now." Mats demanded as he sipped on his coffee, why was Mats acting like a responsible adult now? I remember the days he got drunk until he pissed on himself and now he is the wisest guy I know, or is it just that Mario, Marco and I stayed stupid as hell.

I quickly dialed Aurora's number, it rang three times until she answered my call. I bit my lips, I have no idea what I should say to her.

"Robert?" she asked through the phone, her soft voice sounded the most precious thing in the world.

"Don't go there." was all I managed to say, hoping that a part of her will listen to me, I believe I still have a soft spot in her, I still believe she feels something for me. Well, I hope so.

"I'm almost in the airport, Robert." she said, when she said my name like that, all I could feel was hurt, it felt like she didn't have any extra energy for me anymore.

"Aurora, tell the cab driver to drive you back to your place, I'm not joking." I told her and Mats looked surprised as soon as I said those words, I have nothing to lose anymore, I don't give a single fuck.

"Robert!" she said, probably offended by my words.

"I'm not joking, don't go to see this dickhead." I said, Mats chuckled, I smirked as well.

"Bye Robert, I'm one minute away from the airport, I can't talk right now." she said, oh fucking hell, why did I even think she would listen to me and go back to her place, it's ridiculous.

I hung up, at least I tried, I though to myself. I looked at Mats who shot me his best sorry look, I was still furious at Paulo but just hearing Aurora's voice made me feel a little bit better, her voice always changed it all and made me feel better.

And that's the meaning of true love, just hearing the voice of the person you love makes you feel better immediately.

I can't get over the fact she is really going to fly to Italy just to see Paulo fucking Dybala, I get it, he's trying to get what's mine ever since that threesome incident I had with his ex girlfriend and some other girl I don't even remember. It was his problem his girlfriend preferred me much better. She wanted it, not me, I just didn't care having a threesome once again.

Ant then I realized that ex girlfriend of Paulo lives in Munich, fuck him and Aurora, I'm going to have a threesome with her once again. I want to hurt the both of them so bad, Aurora hurts me every time and it crashes me that I can do nothing about it. Fuck them all.

Psycho Robert is back in action, fuck me.

"What are you thinking about?" Mats asked me, I shrugged, there is no way I'm not telling him what's my plan.

"Nothing, I'm going back to my place, call me in two hours." I said, leaving some money on the table before heading to my car, I have a feeling my plan is the dumbest plan on earth, yet, I don't give a damn about it.

Somehow, in a magically way, I found Paulo's ex's phone number, I told her to bring one of her friends along with her, turns out she lives not so far from my place, she has a boyfriend she doesn't mind cheating on with me. This will be her second time cheating on her boyfriend with me.

I was already naked, back to the old habit, she knows me and she knows how I've acted in the university so she won't be surprised. The doorbell has rang, the time has come. I opened the gates and the door to my house, these two looked as if they were about to piss themselves as they saw the sight of me naked in my living room. I'm not going to fuck on the bed I'm sleeping on, it will be on the sofa, that's enough for these girls.

I can assure they had a really good time just from the sound of their moans, they were having a lot of fun here and it just reminded me of the university days, I fucked a new girl every single day, orgies and threesomes were my favorite until I met Aurora. Why am I still thinking about her? She made it very clear she wants nothing to do with me, after all, she's flying to see Paulo fucking Dybala.

a knock on the door inturrpted me, I left the two girls laying on the sofa, I took my phone and saw fifteen new messages and missed phonecalls. I fronwed, what the hell is going on? They were all from Marco, Mario, Mats and even Thomas.

The person that knocked on the door knows the password to the gates, no one knows it except for Thomas and Mats, I tried to read some of the new messages but failed to read them as I heard another loud knock.

"Are you coming back?" one of the girls asked. "One second." I told her, should I open the door while being naked? yes, it's my house, I don't care.

I opened the door and my heart almost fell to the floor, Aurora, what is she doing here? I wanted to puke as soon as I thought about her seeing the girls in my living room and I know for sure she had the exact same thought. Fucking hell, I screwed everything up once again.

"I fucking came here for nothing, I had a feeling you were doing something shady!" she screamed at me, tears were streaming down her cheeks, she slapped me, I felt nothing but pain in my heart. The love of my life is here, seeing this terrible thing. She stormed back outside and I was still shocked. Why wasn't she in Italy?

What is she doing here? I looked back at the two girls and let out a deep sigh. "You can go now." I told the both of them.

"What do you mean?" it was that ex of Dybala that talked, how could she not understand I need to get the hell out of here before I'll go mad.

"Get the fuck out of here!" I screamed, the both put the clothes back on and disappeared behind the brown door, I punched the wall, causing a big pain to the same hand I injured not so long ago.

"Scheisse." I muttered under my breathe, looking for some band aid to cover up all that mess in the kitchen.

How could I possibly ruin it all again? I keep going over the same mistakes.

UNDRESSED◦ROBERT LEWANDOWSKI [2]Where stories live. Discover now