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(A/N- happy birthday to the loml, had to bless you all with this picture of him.)


"Do you know how is she?" I asked Mats, we wwre both on our way to training and all I wanted to talk about was of course, Aurora. It's been a few days since she left back to Dortmund and I can't focus on anything else but her.

"I do but I don't think I should tell you." he said, I rolled my eyes, he's supposed to be a friend of mine but he really doesn't act like one.

"Mats, I just want to know how she feels, that's it, nothing more." I lied, of course I wanted more, I want to be near her once again. How could I possibly ruin the relationship I've always dreamt about? I was so stupid. Anna even keeps calling me after that night and I keep ignoring her. I cheated on the love of my life with a girl I barely know and the thing that hurts me the most is the fact I made her come with me to Munich and I was the one to destroy it all.

"She cried for two days straight, she never eat or drink and it's all because you made her come to a place she didn't want to go to in first place and cheated on her, you're a great person." Mats said, I clenched my jaw, trying my best not to get hurt by his harsh words. I know he's siding with Aurora and it's okay, I understand him, I'm the bad guy in the story but he has to remember he's my friend too.

We drove in silence to the training ground, I didn't have much to say in the subject and neither did Mats. I was hurt but I knew Aurora got hurt this time, not me. I am a horrible person for doing it to her and I know it, I don't plan to deny it. I just want to apologize, I want her to know how sorry I feel because of what I've done.

Mats parked his car in the parking lot, we both exited it, we walked in separate, I understand he's dissapointed in me. I reached the changing room and changed into the training kit. Thomas immediately noticed something was wrong between Mats and I.

"What's going on?" he asked, he looked worried, he has nothing to worry about, I was the one to screw it all up, my relationship, my life, the strong friendships with my best friends, it's all me.

"I cheated on her." was all I managed to say, I started walking to the training ground, Thomas followed me.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he exclaimed, another friend of mine is dissapointed in my bad behaviour and I was ready to deal with it.

"I don't know." I blurted out, I was clueless, I have no idea how could Aurora forgive me, at least I have to try and tell her how sorry I am. I have to talk to her and explain everything.

"Well, clearly, you should know, Robert, you worked so hard to get her back and now you just gave up like nothing?" he asked, I frowned, he's trying to say I shouldn't give up on Aurora and I couldn't understand why he would say such thing? I destroyed her life, also mine and now I shoudl continue the battle? It's worthless, she will never love me back after what I've done. I did one of the things I hoped I will never do, I crossed every fucking line that ever existed and now he's telling me I have to continue trying to get her back? He's out of his mind.

"You're crazy." I said, stretching before running from one side to the other.

"So you're saying you worked for nothing? Lewy, you should work you ass and get her back, she worths a hard work, Aurora is the one for you and you and I both knows it. I'm sure Aurora knows it as well." he said, I let out a sigh, trying my best not to smiel at his words. Aurora is the one for you. He can't imagine how happy I was when I heard these words coming out of his mouth, I thought she is the one from the moment I met her in the communal showers.

"I don't know how I will do it, how cab she possibly forgive me?" I asked him, he shrugged. Well, Thomas you're not such a good help.

"I'll think about it, Lisa will be happy to help too." he said, now he's reminding me he has the most perfect relationship in the world while I ruined mine.

"Thank you." I quickly said, passing the ball to Alaba, he passed it to Thomas.

"Now, what happened between Mats and you?" he asked, I rolled my eyes, he's referring to it as Mats and I are a couple, we are friends we will sorts things out soon enough.

"He's taking sides." I said, Thomas nodded in understanding. Thomas never met Aurora so he doesn'tt know how likeable she is, every single person she meets becomes her friend out of nowhere, and that's what happened to her with Marco, Mario and Mats, as I began to fall in love with her, my best friends fell in love with her personlity, considering her as one of the guys. I was fine with it. I never got jealous of my friends being around Aurora and I never will, i trust all of them. Thomas could be siding with Aurora if he met her, but he didn't and it made me feel grateful I have at least one person trying to help me.

"They're close, I understand him." Thomas finally said.

As the training session was over, I reached Mats before he could go away.

"I'm sorry." I said, clenching my jaw a bit, I was never the type to apologize and feel good about it later. It was hard for me apologizing to people I've hurt.

"You shouldn't say that to me, you know." he said, I let out a sigh, of course I know it. I got into his car, our friendship is way stronger than that.

"Scheisse!" I muttered as I saw a picture of a certein someone on Instagram, Mats stopped driving and looked at me in horror.

"What's wrong with you?" he screamed at me, I showed him the picture.

  aurorose9_: the moment when you realize marco is actually a good photographer😮

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  aurorose9_: the moment when you realize marco is actually a good photographer😮

"Now you finally realized what you've lost." he said, it was true, I just lost the most perfect girl I could ever have and I knew there is no way she will get me back. I can assure she wishes for my death to come soon now, she had her reasons.

"I lost the one."

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