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"Robert?" I turned around to face the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my whole life, my ine and only, my first true love. She was the love of my life, I can't let her go this time, I can't fuck everything up, I love her way too much.

"Hey." I said, pretty confused by her presence here in particular, Nat and Mats got away somehow very fast, leaving just the two of us here to sort things out.

"You were amazing." she said, smiling a bit, I missed this contiguous smile of hers so bad. I smiled at her words, getting a little bit closer to her.

I looked down at her, doing whatever the hell I wanted at the moment, the onky thing I wanted to do was to kiss her and that's exactly what I've done, she didn't push me away, she kissed me right back, letting me feel her soft lips on mine once again. As her tongue entered my mouth I felt alive again, that's all I wanted to feel ever since she left me, I can't blame her, I was the problematic one.

As we pulled away she bit her lips, looking up directly at my blue eyes, she had a sad look on her face, all I wanted to see was her happy old self, the one I used to know back in the university days.

"I still love you." she blurted out, I wanted to cry out and hug her, telling her everything will be okay, that we will sort things out even though I know it will be too hard for the both of us, especially for her.

"I fucked up so bad, I did that one horrible thing I tried my best not to do, I'm so sorry." I said, she shot me a sad smile as if she was about to break down and cry her heart out and it was the last thing I wanted to see now, it breaks my hear seeing her crying roght in front of me.

"What can we do?" she asked, her eyes were glowing, I bit my lips because I knew she wasabout to cry.

"Forgive me, we can work things out, just please give me a second chance, I love you more than anything in the world, no matter what I'm doing, I'm thinking about you only, I don't want to lose you again." I said, brushing my fingers throuhh my hair out of stress, I have no idea what will be her reaction.

"Then, don't lose me again, Robert, you know exactly how I feel about you, it's not a second chance anymore, you got your second chance a long time ago, when you fucked up at the club and ended up kissing another woman while you invited me to the club, but, this was such a long time ago and my life for you grew bigger each day that passed and I love you way too much to give up on you now." she said, I just pressed my lips to hers, she drove me insane, I love her more and more even when she's not around.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked her after I pulled away, she blushed for some reason, the last time she was blushing like this was when we first started dating officially back in the old university days. Raphael and Marco used to make fun of her rosy cheeks.

"I want to see how we can work things out from now on, you just have to promise me one thing, you will never make me feel as bad as you did that night, you will treat me like I am deserved to be treated, you will respect me. This will be thelast chance you will get Robert, I swear." she said and I could tell she was beyond serious, I couldn't help but smile, I was too happy at that moment.

"I promise you, Aurora, I will never be sp stupid again, I love you so much." I said, pecking her lips once again, I could feel some of her lipstick being stained on my lips now making me look like a fool.

She smiled, even giggling a little, she is my happiness, my one true love. She is the woman I want to spent the rest of my life with. And I will marry her in the future, there is no doubt about it.

"Someone's birthday is coming really soon." I said, winking at the love of my life as we both got into my Audi, Mats texted me he drove Nat to her hotel and went back to his place afterwards.

"I wonder what a certain person will get me for my birthday." she said, smiling sheepishly, she never cared about birthday presents nor birthday parties, it reminded me of nineteenth birthday party, we were dating and to get back at me for dancing with a random girl, she kissed no other than Paulo fucking Dybala.

"Don't worry about your present, I have something I planned a long time ago." I said, all I can say is that I ppanned it even when we were in Dortmund.

It was something I wished could happen a really long time ago, but I was a coward, I was too afraid to do but now I have nothing to lose.

"I hope it's good." she said, I couldn't help but smile, I felt her lips kissing and licking my neck throughout the car ride.

She drove me so damn crazy, I loved it, I love her and I will always be so in love with this girl.

The girl that won me just by the look she had on her face when she first saw me naked in the communal showers, everybody talked about how I have a weird hobby about walking around naked for no reason and she didn't know about it yet, she just entered the university to see my unexpected penis and if that didn't happen, we could never end up together, we could meet each other but she won my heart at that night.

And ever since then, I'm fucking in love witht he woman of my dreams, the one that changed me, made me a better person and taught me how to open my heart and finally love someone and I couldn't thank her more.

And it all happened because she saw me naked.

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