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I got my phone out of my pocket and texted Aurora, informing her I will be back in a few minutes, we already landed back in Munich and I was determined to get back home. I wanted to see Aurora so bad, hearing her voice through the phone wa anothing compared to seeing her face to face.

To: Aurora
From: Robert
I'll be home in a few, what are you doing?

I clicked send, I looked around me to see Mats being too energetic in my opinion. It was only a matter of minutes until I'll get away from these crazy guys.

At least it's nothing like the rides we had in the university, we were young, childish and hormonal, madness is what happened there. One time, Rafinha picked a girl from Hanover all the way to Dortmund just so he could sleep with her. I liked the girls from our area so I did nothing similar to that, except for the girl from Stuttgart but that doesn't count.

To: Robert
From: Aurora
I'm hanging out with a new friend of mine, she's Polish too!

I frowned, when did she get the chance to meet new people already? I guess she met her at work. I wanted to tell her not to trust anyone, even though Aurora grew up, she's stilk the same naïve girl.

I sent her a quick text saying I'll be back in ten minutes so she better hurry up. I want to see her again, this breathtaking girl never leaves my mind. I constantly keep thinking about her and it's driving me insane, at least she's mine again.

"Who are you texting?" Jerome asked, why does he want to know anything? It made me sick, he should stay away and be quiet or else I will finish what I've started the last time we got into a fight during training. It took me ten minutes to calm down, he acted like a three year old boy, saying I tackled him in purpose. This son of a bitch.

"One guess." I said, I was sick of him and didn't care annoying him for the rest of the ride.

"Aurora Rose, is it?" he asked, I wanted to punch him until blood will start coming out of his nose. I tend to punch people in their noses, it's an easy target for me. My favorite was Dybala, I cracked his nose up, leaving him looking like an hamster even for the photos day. "How's your sexy girlfriend even doing? I saw the picture Dybala posted yesterday." at that moment I lost it.

I punched him right in his nose, I could feel his nose cracking as soon as my fist touched his nose. Immediately, Thomas grabbed me and took me to the back of the bus, I didn't argue, I got what I wanted. Mats followed us, he was ready to tell me how horrible I was to Jerome and how wrong I was by punching in front of the whole team. Typical Mats.

"What the hell is wrong with you? How many times I must remind you, you're not in the university any more." I rolled my eyes at Mats, Boateng gave me a reason to finally punch him and I did it, I actually felt good about it, it's like a part of me was finally sent free.

"He talked about Aurora, I had no choice." I told my best friends, they both looked at me as if it wasn't normal, Mats was used to me punching any guy that talks about Aurora but it was the first time Thomas sees it, Thomas looked beyond dissapointed at me.

"You had! You could curse him in Polish or something, what if he sues you? It's not a playground anymore Robert, you can't get away like you did nothing wrong." Mats said, he was trying his best to prove me how wrong and bad my actions are. I felt very good, I finally got the chance to punch Jerome and shut his big mouth up. It was only the start, Jerome will soon get what he deserves.

"He can sue me, I have enough money to afford it." I said, I didn't care.

Our team bus was finally parked, I quickly got away from there and headed to my car which was right next to Jerome's.

"I swear to you, Robert, this is the last time you lay a hand on me." it was Jerome, I turned to look at him and a smirk appeared on my face as soon as I saw the bandage covering his bleeding nose.

"Oh yeah?" I said, chuckling to myself, it was a funny sight.

"I'll sue you next time." he warned me even though he knew money was never a problem for me.

"At least you know there will be a next time." I said before getting into my car and driving back home.

It took me five minutes to get to the house, I drove as fast as I could, it reminded me of Scarlett for some reason. Anytime I drove like a crazy person I thought about a car crash and the next thing that comes to mind is Scarlett. Poor Scarlett. A painting of her from the university was still up somewhere in my house, I usually avoid looking at it but I can't ignore the painting's presence forever.

I parked the car in the garage and hurried to the front door, as I opened it, I saw Aurora sitting on the sofa, talking to a stange woman that sat across from her. I guess that's her new Polish friend.

"Finally." she said with a wide smile, running into my arms, I couldn't be happier. I lightly pressed my lips to hers. her black hair was down and she was wearing a simple onesie, yet, she looked like the hottest girl on earth. That's only because she truly is the hottest girl on earth.

I pulled away and shot that friend of hers a smile, I was being polite towards Aurora's new friend.

"Jestem Anna." the girl said in Polish, her shiny blue eyes were staring at mine, I couldn't take me eyes off of the Polish girl for some reason. I shook her hand quickly. She looked quite nice.

"It's nice meeting you." I said with a smile, Aurora didn't look happy. She was jealous once again and I could understand her, I was a jealous person most of the time.

But, even though Aurora could never know what will happen in the future, she was jealous for a reason.

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