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She didn't come home after last night, I was too drunk to find out where she is. I can't understand her, why did she leave so early last night? Because you were dumb enough to ignore her existence by talking to Anna. Anna was nice and funny, it felt as if I was back in Poland, she reminded me of there so much. 

I woke up, seeing a girl laying beside me, that wasn't Aurora and I knew it, I looked down at her, seeing she was completely nude. I fucked it up. I quickly got up, I was disappointed at myself, I had the girl and I screwed it up.

"Anna, did we have sex?" I asked her as I noticed she was already awaken, she nodded her head, I took a deep breathe. What am I supposed to do now? I wanted to be back with Aurora for so long and now that I finally made it, I slept with a girl I barely know. Aurora and I are back together for four days and I already cheated on her.

I decided to call Mats, I can only guess she stayed the night at his place. HE picked it up after a few rings.

"Yes?" he asked, he sounded tired, he was probably hangovered after last night.

"Is she with you?" I asked, brushing my fingers through my hair, I was naked after having sex with a person who is supposed to be my girlfriend's friend, I can guarantee they are not friends anymore.

"Robert, she is about to get on a flight back to Dortmund, you ruined everything and I don't believe there will be a second chance for you this time." he said, his harsh words hit me, there will not be a second chance for me this time.

"How does she know?" I questioned my friend through the phone.

"How does she know what? Don't tell me you have slept with this Polish woman!" he exclaimed and I punched the mirror, breaking it into pieces, I already have bad luck so seven years of it won't bother me.

"Mats, I don't know what to do." I said, looking down at my fist to see it's bleeding non-stop.

"I don't know, you fucked it up really bad, I have no solution for you this time, my friend." he said, he sounded so stuck up at the moment as if he knew I'll ruin everything.

Everybody knew.

"Fine, I understand you're sick and tired of me but you're my friend and I need your help." I said, my voice got deeper, I was mad at him and at myself, mostly.

"And I have no solution for you, Aurora left the place she loves the most just for you but you had to ruin it all, she's absolutely broken-she's shattered and I guess you had fun last night, fucking the hell out of a girl you just met." he said, well, he has a reason to yell at me like this. I brought it to myself, I caused all of this trouble and I should be the one to fix it. Only thing is-I have no idea how I could possibly fix it.

"So, I have no chance." I finally said, realizing how badly I fucked my life up.

"You have to find out by yourself." Mats said before hanging up.

I threw the phone, breaking it also into pieces, that's the second phone I break in a matter of a few weeks. Also, it's the second time of my injuring my fist until it bleeds just because I'm an angry, idiot, stupid boy who can't grow up.

I covered my fist with a bandaid before going up the stairs, straight to my room. Anna was already getting ready to go, I thanked God for that. A smile was plastered to her face as soon as she faced me, I don't want to imagine how I felt while having sex with her. She pecked my lips, causing a frown to crawl up to my forhead, I hope she knows there won't be a next time.

"I'll see you soon." she said before getting out of the room. I followed her, I grabbed her arm, she turned around to face me.

"I don't think there will be a next time, Anna, I cheated on my girlfriend with you, I don't think we should meet once again." I explained to the Polish woman that looked as if she is going to ignore all of the things I have just said.

"So, I'll see you soon." she insisted, finally exiting my house and going away.

My fist was still bleeding, I guess I have to check it but first I have to try to call Aurora before she goes on the plane.

She never answered any of my calls, I called her too mant times, I called her twenty three times and still, there was no sign from her. I can understand why she hates me so much, why she ignores and avoids me but, she slept with Paulo, it's worse in my opinion.

I could never justify what I've done, Aurora and I were dating at the moment and I cheated on her, yet, all I could think about was the fact she had slept with Paulo Dybala behind my back. But you slept with a girl practically in front of her. Aurora probably saw it coming, she knew something will happen between Anna and I, but she didn't say anything about it.

The thought of her having to see Anna and I being all over each other at the club, having fun and talking in Polish, haunted me, I hurt her. I will never fully understand how bad it was for her seeing the love of her life, slowly cheating on her right in front of her beautiful brown eyes. Those eyes probably began to water as soon as they witnessed the sight of Anna and I. I was beyond broken, thinking about Aurora having to see it. That was officially my worst behaviour, I crossed every single line that could exist.

I love her, I'm so in love with, but I ruined it, I caused all the pain she's going through right now.

I thought that time she kissed Dybala right in front of me was the worst thing that could possibly happen, I was wrong. I never imagined myself cheating on her like this, she had to see all my actions a few minutes before I took Anna to my house and slept with her on the exact same bed Aurora and I had sex on a couple of nights before that.

It was terrible, I was terrible.

I decided to call Marco, I knew she will be soon at his place and I wanted to tell him all about what happened before he'll judge me. And I know Marco will judge me after that. I dialed my best friend's number, waiting for him to finally pick up his damn phone.

"Don't try to justify your actions because I already heard about what you've done." he said immediately as he answered, they already took Aurora's side and I could understand why.

"I slept with her as well." I admitted, I heard Marco sighing, he was tired of all the drama I caused and so did I.

"Don't you dare getting near Aurora once again, I swear, if you hurt her one more time-"

"What will you do? Marco, I'm not afraid of you and you know I'll do anything just to get her back." I said, he was so mad at me, after all, I have hurt this girl too many times before that, he was sick of seeing his best girl friend getting hurt time after time by the same man.

"You already did, now you lost her and you have to give up now, it's enough. You really did cross a line." he was dissapointed, he sounded just like Mats, even harsher.

"I know, I'll fix it.

"You have nothing to fix anymore, leave her alone."

I will never leave her alone, I can't stay away from her and I already proved it. I have to work hard to get her back this time.

UNDRESSED◦ROBERT LEWANDOWSKI [2]Where stories live. Discover now