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(A/N- kind of a smutty chapter for today, after all, they haven't been in a physical contact for two years.)


"What is she doing here?" Kira shouted in surprise as she saw me holding Aurora, I quickly put Aurora down, what the hell is Kira even doing here? I thought I made myself clear that last time she stopped by my house, showing off her brand new Ferrari.

"Kira, why don't you leave my house? It's not your house, you know." I said, the blonde girl that was in front of my clenched her jaw, she walked pass me, putting my keys in my hands, I let out a sigh in relief, she's leaving.

"I still want to know what this bitch is doing here." she demanded, Aurora looked up at me and she didn't look very amused with Kira's bitchy attitude.

"I moved here, do you have a problem?" Aurora dared to talk, she didn't look stressed or bothered by Kira's presence, yet, I knew she wants Kira to be finally gone.

"No, not at all." she said with her famous fake smile and got away from my property. I turned to look at Aurora, she looked tired and exhausted.

"Don't tell me you actually feel intimidated by her." I said, that's the first thing you should not tell the girl you love the most, you should never include the word intimidating when it comes to your ex girlfriend. I know Aurora will never feel that way because of Kira, Kira is nothing compared to Aurora and the both of them knows it.

Aurora just licked her lips, rolling her eyes as if she felt I'm not on her side. Well, no sex for me tonight I guess.

"She will never bother me, she means nothing to me and she never will so you'll have to understand it sooner or later." shs said, she looked hotter when she got mad at me and I couldn't hide the fact I wanted to crash her into the wall and kiss her or lay her on the bed, watching her naked body as I'll be on top of her. I wanted her, I needed her. I feel like I'm the same sex animal I used to be back in the university, the one that thought about sex and about sex only, I was brainless at the time, at least now I'm a little be wiser.

"Don't give me that look." I said, she couldn't help but smile at my comment, she just got closer to me, tip toeing so she could reach my lips. She pressed her lips to mine softly, at some point she bit my lower lip, bruising it but I couldn't hide it, I liked it. She was rough and soft at the same time, making it seem as if she is quite of a naive girl, she was the complete opposite.

"You know I like it rough." I said, winking at her after she pulled away. She let out a giggle, who is this and where is the real Aurora at? Since when did she become this giggly child? Well, I don't know her for two years, I guess I have to learn all about the woman she became in these horribly long two years.

"Why don't we go to your room and I'll get to see that body of yours?" she said, dragging me upstairs to our new bedroom. I guess I will have sex tonight after all.

In the middle of walking to our bedroom, I picked her up, kissing the hell out of this girl, I kicked the door open while she was passionately kissing my neck, licking it and sucking it just like I love. It made me turn on so bad, I wanted her now.

I put her down on the bed, she giggled once again as she saw me trying to get that shirt off my body, it was harder than it looked, as I finally got thay shirt off me I noticed she already took my pants off. She wanted it as much as I did. I took those stupid Calvin Klein boxers, I never liked them but Kira insisted, she said she likes this brand better than my last ones, she made me throw all my superheroes boxers I've had because it was too childish in ber opinion. Aurora liked them and that's all that matters to me.

"Someone got bigger." Aurora said, it seemed as if she was drunk, but she wasn't at all. Aurora was already undressed, her clothes were somewhere on the floor, her bra and panties were nowhere to be seen, don't tell me she wasn't wearing any.

"Where is your panties or bra?" I asked as I got on top of hed, it was the least sexiest thing I could possibly say to her during sex, we were never good at dirty talk, maybe she was but I sucked at it.

"I didn't wear any." she said with a smirk, quixkly grabbing my fac eand crashing her lips to mine, my body began to tingle, I was already hard for her, I was since I saw her wearing that exposing shirt earlier but that doesn't count.

I quickly pushed it roughly into her clit, a loud moan escaped her mouth, forcing me to pull away from her juicy sexy lips. Oh God, she is so hot.

"Robert!" she screamed out, her moaning turned me on even more, how could it even be possible to happen? "Lewy!" she moaned, a smirk formed on my lips, next time I know I'll scream 'sleeping beauty" and my life will be complete. I let out a few groans every now and then, I never was never the type to moan and scream throughout sex, on the other hand, Aurora was a loud type of sex partner and it was so turning on.

"Oh, Robert! Faster!" she screamed, her body began to shake, I began to get faster and rougher, the sound of her moaning in my ear made me reach climax faster. I quickly got out of her body, her body was sweaty and shaking, yet, she reached my dick before I could cum and licked it all up, swallowing it, she wanted to suxk my dick and I allowed it, the touch of he juicy lips around me made me feel so good, it was my pleasure, feeling her around me.

She sucked it, I couldn't hold it any longer, in addition to all of this, her fingers were scratching my butt, probabaly leaving red marks on it. I didn't mind, all I wanted was her.

As we were finally over with the oral sex session, we bofh laid down on the bed, I looked at her and a smile formed on my lips, I love her more than anything in the world. She is truly the love of my life and I will never think that only because of a good sex I just shared with her, it was always more than this.

"I'm so in love with you." she said, getting closer to my sweaty naked body, she pecked my lips, for soem reason I felt my cheeks burning. Was I blushing?

"Robert Lewandowski, are you blushing?" she asked me with an amused smirk.

"No, I will never blush."

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