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"Why do you think going to your football match will make me feel better?" I asked Marco as we both ate our lunch, I cooked it since Marco is a walking disaster when it comes to cooking food.

"I know it will make you feel better, in fact, I bought something that will make you feel a lot better." he said and I frowned, he quickly headed to the fridge and handed me a huge bottle of beer. I smiled, at least he's trying to cheer me up

"Did he sleep with her?" I asked as soon as I opened the bottle, no one wanted to tell me if he did, I ran away only because he treated me like I don't exist, it also seemed like he prefered her company way more.

"Aurora-" he started saying, brushing his fingers through his perfect styled blonde-almost brownish hair. I rolled my eyes, he's going to come up with the same lame excuse all over again.

"I came back a week ago and I think I deserve to hear it, finally, I know it happened I just want to hear it from you." I told him and he slightly nodded his head. I had a feeling Robert slept with Anna, it was obvious. I laughed to myself, I couldn't cry anymore, I did it too much in the last few days.

"That's what I needed, a closure." I said, Marco looked at me with hope in his eyes.

"Don't say that, you two are the most difficult people I've met but together, it's a miracle, you two belongs to one another, you may not want to admit it, but you know it's true, it will be stupid to give up on him." Marco was finally over with his speech, I clapped my hands as he finished. I will never get back with Robert Lewandowski, never.

Robett is the only one I fell in love with, he became worse than Emilio, Emilio cheated on me with plenty of girls, yet, I never fell deeply in love with him like I did with Robert. Robert taught me to trust people, him especially, but, he also showed me how horrible people can treat you. He treated me so terrible on that club night, I prefered drinking alcohol than be around him, and I hate alcohol. Robert convinced me he's so in love with me, made ne come all the way to Munich just to break my heart into million of pieces.

"No thank you." was all I said, I continued eating my meal.

Right then Mario stormed into the house, his face was red, he looked livid.

"What happened now?" Marco yelled out to his friend with a mouth full of food.

"Oh, Aurora made food, is there more?" he asked, I let out a sigh and nodded my head. It seems like Mario can't make a lunch to himself so he stops by Marco's place because he knows he will get food here.

"Would you mind explaining what's going on with you?" Marco asked once again.

"I broke up with her, it's finally over, I'm a free man." he said, a smile plastered to his face. As much as I annoyed me seeing him happy because of a break up, I couldn't feel bad for his now ex girlfriend, she was a nightmare to all of us.

"Congratulations." I muttered.

"Just don't get so happy." he said sarcastically, sitting on the couch along with us. "What are we watching?" Mario asked, looking strangely at the television.

"Batman, the cartoon, of course." Marco answered to his best friend.

"Only because Marco has a weird fetish for the cartoon version of Harley Quinn." I said, Mario almost choked on his food, Marco on the other hand looked very unamused.

"I do not." Marco said, I bit my lips. He does. "Let's change the subject, let's talk about Lewy and Aurora." he said, I shot him a warning look, did he have to do that?

Mario is dissapointed in Robert and in me as well, he said I should've stayed and stand up for myself. I agree woth him, I left because I'm used to leave everything behind me, I always ran away from my problems. Robert, is exactly like when me when it comes to facing his problems, he likes to avoid them and ignore them for the rest of his life.

"Why? I think the last subject was more interesting." Mario said, I chuckled. Mario knew the last thing I want to talk about right now was Robert.

"I will ignore you." Marco said, back to his eating.

As I finished eating, I cleaned the dishes and went to my room, leaving the two to argue about a batman related stuff I couldn't pay attention to. I laid down on my bed and looked at my room, it was mostly filled with my paintings from the past few years. I haven't really got the time to paint anything lately.

The nude painting of Robert was still up on the wall, it was a thing I couldn't get rid of even if I wanted to, just like my love for him.

When I turned twenty two, Robert and I were already separated, yet, he cared for me enough to send me a present which was a signed football jersey of Messi, it was one of the best presents I've got. All the things I had in my room, somhow reminds me of tbe guy I left in Munich, the same guy who left me in Dortmund.

How can I still love him after all of that? It's like no matter what this guy is doing, I will love him unconditionally. Robert was my first and only love and I'm sure he will also be my last love. I hope he won't, I'm trying go be independent, I don't to let him think he can get me so easily after being cheated on.

I looked at the quick sketch Robert draw of my eyes, he had this special sense to mesmerize people's face claims and draw them right away. It was fascinating seeing him drawing, I'm just sad he stopped doing it because of his football career. I miss him.

All of those things makes me remember him, and miss him so much in particular. Making me realize it doesn't matter, I will always love him.

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