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(A/N-please appreciate this picture of Robert Lewnadowski in a beanie, I can't take it.)


She didn't answer me, she tried to avoid my gaze, it took her too long to answer and I began to worry I came all the way her for nothing. At least I got to see her again, I thought to myself.

I looked at her beautiful brown eyes that tried their best to hide from me, I have no idea what is she trying to do but it doesn't work on me. I want her to move in with me so badly, I want to get back together with her and she knows it.

"Can we talk about it later?" she asked, I clenched my jaw.

"No, let me know now Aurora, I want you to come to Munich with me, what's so hard about it?" I asked, kind of regretting the last part because I know how she feels about Dortmund, she started a new life here and I'm about to take them away from her.

"I have to pack my things, can you call the guys to come and help me with it?" she said, my eyes went wide as I saw that sneaky smile forming on her lips. Did she really just agree to move to Munich with me or am I dreaming it all?

I nodded my head, getting out of her soon to be old room, Mario looked at me as if he was waiting for the final saying, did she agree or not? Marco and Mats both looked at me as well, expecting for the announcement.

"Well, there's no easy way to say it," I started saying, Marco's expression fell. "Fucking hell, come and help to pack her things." I said, I couldn't help bu smile, she was finally mine. I immediately felt my three best friends hugging me in happiness.

"Okay, okay, you can let go now." I finally said, we all went to Aurora's room to see her crying as she started packing her things. I just hope she won't regret it and stay here.

She wasn't crying because she's moving in with me, she's crying because she's living the place she loves the most, Aurora used to tell me she never felt like Barcelona was her home, on the other hand she felt the exact opposite about Dortmund.

"Oh my god, why are you so emotional?" Marco exclaimed as Mario and Mats started to gather her things up, I glanced at Marco, mouthing him to shut his mouth up already.

"I don't want to leave but at same time I do." she said, trying her best to smile. At that moment I knew for sure she's coming for me, she really does love me if she agrees to leave everything behind her.

We packed the things for the past three hours, she had too many clothes and shoes, more than I own. Yet, she always used to tell me what an ass I am for buying new pairs of shoes every single week. We also had to pack her drawings, Mario was the one to face the painting of me completely naked. He yelped out as soon as he saw it.

"It's not like you didn't see him naked before!" Aurora pointed out, it happened only one time, I wanted to remind her. After Marco and I graduated, we all started to play for BVB, at some point, after a training session we decided to play FIFA. Naked. We were just a bunch of four best friends who played FIFA, I don't see the problem.

"Touché." Mario muttered under his breathe.

As we finished packing we decided to finally eat, I haven't got the chance to eat for the whole day because of the flight and then Aurora agreeing to move to Munich with me.

"To the last time I'll have to wait to get in the shower because Aurora is shaving her legs!" Marco said as he raised a glass, I sighed, he's so dramatic sometimes. Aurora covered her face with her hands, trying to hide the fact she was laughing at Marco's bad joke.

"I think it's quite the opposite." Mats pointed out, Marco rolled his eyes. Sorry, he wasn't shaving his legs, he was waxing them to be correct.

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