day 13 \\ cycling

552 36 0

Song for atmosphere:
The Elephants - Friends

"Oh my God, are you okay,Y/N?" Jesse  turned to you and left his bike. He  took away the bike, what fell on you. He sat on his knee, looking at you. 

You felt so awkward. You almost never was clumsy, but when Jesse was near you were messing  things up - this time you fell  off the bike. You skinned your knees and they started bleeding; your hands were hurt after the fall. 

"I'm fine" you said, looking at your  your knees and  hands.

" Show me. Does it hurt?" Jesse started asking  and looked at your knees.

" Just a little, but it's okay" you said,rubbing your hands

" Oh, that's not "a little"" he said with guilty tone in his voice. You looked at him wondering. Jesse was always caring and kind person .

" It's fine. Well, lets just think that I remembered my childhood" you smiled "At least, I'm not injured seriously"

" We need to treat the scratches"  Jesse said and he took your hand. 

" Jesse, there is nothing serious" you said.

" No, we have to do that"he insisted. You understood that your behavior was way to rude. 

" Okay" you smiled " Thank you"

He smiled and helped you to stood up, holding you by hand. You brought your bikes to the bench and decided to stop there. You sat and Jesse took small pen case from his backpack. He sat near, while you were watching at your knees

"I'm not usually clumsy like that" you smiled " I'm sorry"

"Why you are? It's me who should been watching you"

"I don't need to be looked after. I can take care of myself" you said and a second later understood that it was even more rude than you thought. You sighed.

"Okay, sure" Jesse took  wipes and antiseptic from the pen case "Put you legs over mine" 

"Excuse me!?!" you asked, wondering, looking at him with your eyes wide open.

"Well, we have to treat the scratches and it is the most comfortable way, all bench is ours" he explained.

"Yeah, right, but are you sure that it's right?"

For a minute you thought about paparazzi and if they'll catch you and him together,you didn't want him to be in trouble ; Or even worse, if someone from your magazine see you together, then you'll be in trouble.

" Why do you ask that?" Jesse asked,looking at you.

" N-Nevermind" you said and placed you legs on his.

Jesse wiped  blood and mud  from your knees. You were watching him with doing that and smiled a bit.  Then he took antiseptic and looked at you for a second.

" It's going to be a bit unpleasant" he said,looking  you in the eyes.

"Go ahead, I'm ready" you smiled.

Jesse sprayed anticeptic on your knees and you bit your lower lip. It wasn't hurt,  just burning and pulsing  sensation on the skin. Suddenly Jesse started blowing on your knees and it wasn't that unpleasant anymore. You stared at him with at first with wonder, but later with  admiration and thankfulness. It was so cute of him.

" You know, your girlfriend must be very lucky"  you said, watching  him blowing on your knees. Jesse stopped and frowned a bit. You understood that you said something wrong" Sorry, if it's..."

"It's okay, we broke up.." he said and looked at you with smile on his face.

"Really? Oh, I didn't know, I just... I'm sorry for asking, but why?" you asked nervously. You were surprised by that. Jesse continued blowing on your knees.

" We were  too different and I felt that  too late. Don't worry, we broke up and stayed friends" he said calmly and looked  at you, cocking his head on the side "What about you?"

"Me?" you asked and he nodded.

"Yes, do you have someone in England ?" Jesse asked and memories from England made you a bit upset. You sighed and he panicked "What? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. There was a boy, but we broke not  friendly way as you did" you said, bowing your head.

"Did he hurt you?" Jesse placed his hands on your legs and started gently stroking them, avoiding spayed areas.

" I really don't want to talk about it. It was  in England,in the past..." You raised your head and looked at Jesse. You tried to smile as cheerfully as possible "...and I want it to stay there. I have a new start here and I don't have time for boyfriend in my shedule..." you laughed.

"That's right. You are right " he nodded looking at you and  stroking your legs. You smiled.

" Jesse?" you said with wide smile on your face.

" Yes?" he asked.

" You don't need  to comfort me" you said and looked at his hands on your legs,raising your eyebrows.

" Oh, sorry. It was subconsciously, I guess. I'm sorry..." he said taking his hands off you. Jesse  started searching something in his case. You  smiled  with the corner of your mouth " Now, we need to  stick  the plaster"

When you were back home, before enter the door of the apartment, you stopped. All  way home you were thinking how to thank Jesse for his kindnes and for that tour around the New York. He told you so many stories about New York.

"Jesse, wait.." you whispered,when he already opened the door.

"Yes?" he asked turning his head to you.

You were both caring your bike's. You smiled and took your bike wheel in one hand. You made several steps closer to Jesse and  stood on your tiptoes.

"Thank you for today" you said and kissed his cheek.

You stood on your feet and smiled.

"I-I'm glad you liked it..." Jesse said looking at you " otherwise, my sister would probably  kill me"

You both laughed.

guess who's back?
hi, guys, i'm sorry for not posting for a while,
but it doesn't matter, because I will change it even  sooner than you think.
thanks to everyone who read  and comment this book.i love you all.
hope you liked this day and...
see you very very soon.

with love,

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