day 28 \\ battlescars

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(continuation to day 27)

song for atmosphere :
Dodie Clark and Carrie Hope Fletcher - Gold star for me .

As Hallie went out to university, Jesse found you on the kitchen, cooking breakfast. There was first secret between you and him - secret about his panic attack.

" Y/N, oh, you woke up already" You looked back after hearing familiar voice. It was Jesse. He was already in his jeans and plaid shirt, but still looked sleepy.

" Yeah, I'm an early bird" you smiled " Breakfast is already done, so sit down"

" Oh, really? Thank you" he sat behind the table and rested his head on his hand " Usually, Hallie leaves me something on the pan or in the microwave"

" Well, at least now, till I am living here for short period of time, I volluntary decided to cook for you... both of you" you turned slightly red.

"That's nice from you" Jesse smiled.

" It is my way of paying rent. I cook - you let me stay" you laughed and put plate with scrambled eggs on the table in front of Jesse. Seconds later you put there a fork and cup of tea.

" Thank you... what about you?" he looked at you

" I had just eaten" you smiled " Enjoy your meal"

You went to your room to get changed. You've chosen fancy black and white dress and gray cardigan to go to office that day. When you came back to the kitchen, Jesse was staring at you.

" Y/N?" Jesse asked later

" Yes?" you turned to him.

" I-I just thought that.... I-I think that ... people like you and me should share things"

"W-What do you mean?" you asked and Jesse frowned. You understood how rude and dumb you sounded "Something happened? Is everything okay?"

" Yes" Jesse almost whispered. He stood up and put his plate in the sink. When he came closer you looked him in the eyes. He spoke again " I-I just thought that after my panic attack yesterday... we could... we can share such things and... if you need someone to... if you ever will be bothered by something... we can talk about it. You can count on me...we are friends, after all"

You smiled widely and he smiled too.

" Aww. Of course, we are friends. It is so sweet from you" you said and hugged Jesse. You didn't planned that, it was just some kind of subconscious reaction on his words, like gestue of thankfullness "Thank you"

Inspite of being surprised by your reaction he immediatley hugged you too, wrapping his warm hands around your back, almost on your shoulder-blades. He was warm and somehow you felt those scent of new printed newspapers.

He let you go slipping down his hands on yours . Jesse's moves were so gentle, it was strange. He stopped on your wrists and looked at them. You saw him biting his lip nervously. You looked down and saw that he is looking at your old scars.

"Oh, sorry..." he gasped.

" No, that's fine. I'm fine with them. I'm the one who should feel sorry that you saw them" you said, but he was still holding your wrists.

" Why did you...?" he asked, licking his lips, staring at your wrists.

" I call them battlescars, but it might be just very stupid" you said.

" No, there is nothing stupid in it. In them. Don't even mind me. Main point is that you are not continuing doing that" Jesse said, looking up at you,losing hold of your wrists.

" Yeah, I grew up, but scars left. God, it was stupid" you laughed, looking at small white marks, hiding your eyes from Jesse.

" Well, on my opinion,this that you won your war,right? And as far as I can see... you are not afraid to talk about them, and I guess , it makes you strong and brave...You are a warrior, at some point"

You looked up at him and smiled. You felt yourself happy because he wasn't judging you like everyone did. It was such a good beginning of your day. You noticed that he was looking at you in those weird caring way. It seemed strange for you,because usually you were the one who cared. You smiled nervously.

" Yeah, thank you. You are nice friend" you whispered and made a step back. You sipped your tea and took your bag.
"I have to go. Have a nice day"

" Thank you for breakfast. It was delicious. Have a nice day, too" he said, smiling widely, watching you leaving.

You left smiling because your day started pretty much good.

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