day 45 // fundamentals of caring

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Jesse wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your neck. You giggled and turned your head to him. He kissed your cheek and you felt warmth of his breath on your skin. You smiled.

Suddenly, your phone buzzed in your pocket. Jesse didn't pay attention to it and continued kissing your cheek. You took your phone from the pocket and saw that it was Hallie. You gasped.

" What is it, love?" He asked and you showed him the screen of your phone.

" Maybe something happened" you said " I need to answer"

Jesse burried his face in your hair, pulling you closer. You answered on the call.

" Hey, Hallie. How are you?"

" Y/N, I need your help" you heard Hallie croaking in the phone and leaned away from Jesse. You turned around and looked at him.

" Sure, what is it, honey? What happened?" You asked worrying. Jesse frowned.

" I don't feel good. I think I have a fever" she said " And I have terrible headache"

" Oh, honey,-" you sighed and looked away.

" Can you, please, come over?" She asked.

" Of course, I can. Does Jesse know about it?" You looked at him again. This time he looked worried.

" I called him, but he seems to be on the rehearsals" Hallie said.

" Okay,I-I'll be there soon. I'll call him too. Lay down, honey and wait on me" you said.

" Thank you, Y/N. I love you"

" I love you too. Do you want something? Jam? Cookies?" you asked and brushed your hair wirh uour hand. Jesse pulled his sweater on.

" I want hot tea and a friend" she said and you smiled.

" Okay. I'll be there soon. Wait on me"

" Thank you"

You hung up the phone and looked at Jesse. He was watching you all worried and pale.

" Hallie fell ill" you said and took your sweater " She want me to come over. And you should be there too, where is your phone, Jesse?"

Three hours later...

Hallie was lying on your knees with her eyes closed, holding the pillow between her hands. Jesse was sitting in front of both of you and watching Hallie. He was worried about her. For the first time you saw him worried like that.

Hallie had a fever when you came. You made her two cups of tea and she finally was able to sleep. Then Jesse came and stayed with you, watching her. When his sister finally fell asleep, you placed you hand over his.

" She is going to be okay" you whispered and stroked his hand with yours.

" Yeah" he nodded. But he couldn't hide his sadness.

You both went to the living room. Jesse sat on the couch. You stood behind him and placed your hands over his shoulders.

" Hey, want some tea?" You whispered, stroking his shoulders, leaning over him.

Jesse nodded and you went to the kitchen. You watched him through the door-frame, sitting there quiet and upset, while the electric kettle was boiling. Situation with Hallie made you upset too.

" Thank you" he said and sipped from his cup. You took his empty cup and placed it on the coffee table.

" No problem" you smiled and took his hand in your " Hey"

" Mmm?" Jesse looked at you.

" She is going to be okay" you whispered

" I know, I know just..." he stopped for a second "... I remembered how Hallie was sick when she was a child and how we all took care of her, because she fell ill easily. Every fall and winter" You placed you head over his chest " It's harder now, here in New York"

" Well, I will help you" you said and he smiled " Hallie is my bestfriend... but I'm scared"

"Of what?" He asked.

" I'm scared that Hallie will disappoint in me or be angry on me, when she finds out about us" you finally said. You thought about that everyday and it was itching you about lying to your bestfriend about your love interest.

" She won't be angry on you at all. Why should she be angry if I'm happy with you?" Jesse asked and kissed your temple.

" Because, Jesse!" you sighed and looked t him " I was telling everyone that I don't need love and relationships. But then you...appeared from nowhere... all handsome and cool..." you said and Jesse smiled.

" Yeah, I'm like that" Jesse smiled " Don't worry abuot rhat. You don't know how thankfull I am for you to be in my life, so is Hallie for you being in her's " Jesse kissed your forehead and closed his eyes " Our life changed for better when you came back"

" Mine changed too" you nodded.

Somehow Jesse's words made you calmer than you were. He wrapped his hands around you and you took the blanket to cover him. Jesse pressed you closer and placed his head on yours, breathing in the scent of your perfume. You wrapped him in the blanket and placed your arm over his.

" I love you" he whispered in your hair.


hello, guys.
how are you? hope you are doing good.
I also hope you liked this imagine.
and I want to say that today I announced two another stories "Cursed" a Lex Luthor story and "Soulmate" Jesse Eisenberg story. 
check them out
your owl.

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