day 64\\ a cold

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After cleaning your apartment you took a nap. When you woke up, you had throbbing headache. It was already a evening and by that time Jesse should had been already at home. You took your phone to call him, but you heard his phone ringing in the kitchen - he was already home. You stood up and wrapped yourself in the blanket.
You found Jesse sitting behind the kitchen table and writing. You entered the kitchen and he raised his head. Jesse smiled and took his glasses off.

"Cinderella woke up" Jesse said and stood up "You are so adorable when you sleep"

You smiled and he hugged you. Jesse wrapped his hands around your waist and pulled you closer. You smiled looking him in the eyes.

"Then, when I'm awake - I'm not adorable?" you whispered,placing your hands over his shoulders.

" Do not carp at words" he laughed and kissed your forehead. His lips were pleasantly cold that time. You closed your eyes for a second,enjoying the moment. When you looked at him again, he was watching at you suspiciously.

"What?" you asked and turned your head away to sneeze "ACHOO"

"Just like I thought" Jesse said,touching your temples " You are hot"

"Yeah, I am, thanks" you said smiling.

" I mean your temperature. Love, I think you have a fever" Jesse said looking at you worried and brushing hair from your face.

" No, I don't think so. I'm just really tired and I want to hug my man" you rested your head on his chest, hugging him. Jesse sighed.

"If it is so, then lets just take your temperature?" he asked.

"Jesse, I'm fiine" you mumbled in his chest.

" Yeah, yeah. We'll take it anyway" he smiled and started stroking your back up and down.

It turned out that Jesse was right. You had a fever and he panicked a bit because of that. You were kind of amused of his behaviour until he mentioned a word "hospital".

" I will bring you to the hospital tomorrow" he said making tea for you.

" What? What for?" you asked, raising your head.

"They need to check you out. Prescribe you something " Jesse said, putting big cup of tea in front of you. He sat near to you and looked t you.

"No-no, please, Jesse, whatever it is, everything will be okay in the morning. There is no need for me to go there" Jesse knew you hated hospitals and you were sure that there is nothing really wrong with you. Just a cold

He smiled and took your hand in his. His hands were always warm, but this time his hand was cold for you.

" Let's just drink some tea and I'll leave you to continue writing" you said. You didn't like to worry him.

"Do you really think I'll be writing after this?" he whispered looking at your hands.

" Oh, don't worry about me that much. It's nothing serious" you smiled and Jesse raised his head to look at you "I'm fine"

" Please tell me if anything else gets worse"

" I will. I promise" you nodded and he looked at your cup of tea.

" Now. Tea" he smiled, looking at you worriedly.

In the next morning Jesse woke you up lightly shaking your shoulder.

" Wake up, love. Wake up" you heard his gentle voice.

"Mmmm" you mumbled, rubbing your eyes. You felt that you barely can move your body.

You saw Jesse sitting in front of you. He smiled and pressed his hand to your forehead; you raised your eyebrows.

"Still hot" you said interrupting Jesse, when he was ready to speak.

"That's really not good" he gave you thermometer "We need to take your temperature"

" Well, this is the worst "Good morning" greeting"you said, putting thermometer under your arm. Jesse smiled.

"Oh, really?" he asked and leaned back a little.

You saw that he made you a breakfast. Everything you like. Black tea, toasts with avocado and boiled eggs. You looked at Jesse and smiled. He tried to avoid looking at you, and looked up on the ceiling, but still with smile on his face.

" I take my words back. Thank you. That is very cute" you whispered

"What did you said?" he asked,looking at you.

" I said...that I take my words back. And thank you..." you said.

" Okay, then"Jesse said, putting small breakfast table closer to you.

Suddenly thermometer beeped and you gave it to Jesse, enjoying your breakfast. He sighed and you looked at him.

"What?" you asked.

" We need to call the doctor" Jesse said.

" Noo- " but suddenly he interruped you.

" Yes, Y/N" he said looking at you in the way he never did - begging " Love, this is serious..."

"...but this is only a cold,Jesse" you said

" But what if it's not? Why are you so scared of doctors?" Jesse asked and you turned your head down.

"Bad memories" you mumbled and Jesse took your hand.

" Hey... hey, honey" you raised your head and looked at him " Oh... Love... I won't let anyone hurt you. I just want to care about you, in any way possible" he said and you frowned, but deep inside it was nice to hear such words "Okay, we'll do it in such way... I'll call a doctor, he will come and check you and tell us what is it. I will insist on home trearment, okay?"

It was so cute from him and you couldn't help smiling. In order to hide your smile, you took a sip of hot tea from your cup. Jesse bit his lip, watching you.

" Okay" you said, placing your cup on the breakfast table.

" Good" he smiled and kissed your forehead.

" but..." you said and Jesse looked at you "..if they'll take me to the hospital... I'll bite you next time I see you " you said seriously , but your threats sounded childish. Jesse smiled first, then you smiled.

" Okay. That is actually interesting" he said, smiling and holding your hand.

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