day 66 \\ read for me,please?

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You and Jesse were lying on the bed and watching tv in darkness. Over the bed you pinned christmas lights and room seemed warmer and cozier than it was before. Jesse was pressing you tight to his body as if you were going to run away,which was really cute,because a) you didn't want to run away from him;b) you placed your head on his chest, thus hearing his every breath and heratbeat. You were watching your favorite tv show about time traveling and it was final episode of the season. You sighed when it ended.
"You liked it?" you asked raising your head a little and looking him in the eyes. Jesse smiled "Yes, I know, strange thing to ask,because I probably made you watch whole season of it"
"I did" Jesse whispered.
"Really?" your eyes widened.
"Really" he nodded putting strand of your hair behind of your ear.
"...and you will watch new series with me?"
"I will if I'll be able" he said.
"You know what?" You said " I think you would play main character there perfectly well"
"Really? Why do you think so?" Jesse licked his lips,looking at you.
"Because main character has really long story and he is deep and...complex, at some point. You like to play deep characters, I know that" you smiled.
"Right, but why not a villian?"
" I don't know...maybe a villian then. Like Great Intellegence,for example... Oh, you don't know what I'm talking about,because we haven't seen those season,right..." you said and Jesse nodded,smiling. You placed your head on Jesse's chest. You feel protected and loved in his arms. Suddenly,you remembered something you wanted to tell him for a long time but you were always forgetting.
" I remembered!" You looked at Jesse again "I remembered that thing I always forget to say to you" you said.
"Really, what is it?" he asked.
" I know for whom you'll be a perfect face claim...young Peter Pettigrew from Harry Potter series. He was one of marauders
and he is kind of villian, and he has long story too"
Jesse smiled.
"Hm, I think I need to hire you as my agent. Really, maybe leave that magazine and go ahead with me?" he said and you laughed.
" Very funny, Jesse"
You noticed that something was wrong with Jesse. Something was bothering him.
"Do I annoy you with all that chattering? Maybe we should just go sleep,because you look tired" you said.
"No-no, I'm fine, just trying to distract myself..."
"From what?" you asked.
" Eh... nothing. Nevermind" Jesse smiled. You knew that fake smile. He never tells you what is bothering him.
" Read for me?" You asked after a long pause. Jesse was still smiling and watching at you. You knew that he likes reading to you. And you love listen to his voice. It has calming effect on you. Sometimes you even fall asleep listening him. You thought it would nice way of distracting. "...please?"
" Okay" Jesse stood up a little " What do you want me to read for you?"
" I want something from Bream gives me hiccups" you said, smiling. Jesse raised his eyebrows.
" Oh...really?" he asked and you nodded. You stood up a little and took Jesse's book from the shelf " Okay, what story you want me to read?"

You lay on your side and rested your chin on Jesse's shoulder. He covered you with blanket and placed his hand on your shoulder gently stroking it. Jesse put his glasses on and started reading, carrying the book in left hand.

You liked his stories, you liked his books. Actors books are usually pretty bad, but it wasn't about him. Jesse's works are always entertaining and smart. But sometimes he is way too critic to himself and then it's your time to show him how wrong he is. Every author needs that person -you thought - person, who will open author's eyes.

You closed your eyes still listening to his voice, which was changing in accordance to every line in dialouges. You were giggling on his ear. After a while you felt falling asleep, but noticed when Jesse stopped reading. You decided to make him think that you was sleeping.

You felt him turning his head to you. He sighed and closed the book. You still had those bad feeling that something was wrong. His hand stopped stroking your shoulder. Jesse put your hair from your face and switched off the light. He lay on his side, with his face to yours, just a bit higher. Jesse kissed your forehead, leaving his lips pressed to you for ten seconds and pulled you closer. His chin rested on your head and his left hand on your waist. You placed your hand over his back and left your "Thank you"- kiss on his neck.



Quick question :what is your favorite story from "Bream gives me hiccups"?
Hope you like this day.

with love,

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