day 190 \\"Vonnie"

425 21 5

You and Jesse were both fans of Woody Allen. And when you found out that Jesse was going to play main character in his new film you were so excited.  You and Hallie  litteraly made him promise  that you two will go to the cinema to see the film, when it'll  come out.

" Jesse, but you promised." You near to near him and frowned.

" He promised what?" Hallie leaned over the door-frame om the kitchen.

" Go to see 'Café Society' with me." you said turning your head to her. Jesse shook his head, smiling.

"Oh." Hallie arched her eyebrows."Yes you did,actually. On her birthday. And how is it possible for such Woody Allen's  fanboy like you refuse  to see his latest film, even if you are in? Mom told me about that  play."  Jesse's sister smiled cowardly.

"Oh, don't remind me about that" Jesse smiled and turned his head down. You were surprised of what was going on.

" What  play?" you asked looking at him and then at Hallie. " What are you two talking about?"

" You didn't tell her?" Hallie smiled victoriously rubbing her hands. " Ohhh..."

" Don't!" Jesse interrupted Hallie biting his lip down.

" He didn't tell me what? Hey!" You tried to show your conmpainment.

" Jesse is a  fanboy."  Hallie smiled widely.

" Please, don't-" Jesse begged.

" Fanboy?! I can't imagine Jesse bei-" You started talking,but soon was interrupted by Jesse.

" Right, because I never was." He frowned.

" Yes, of course. He-" Hallie nodded.

" Say one more word and I'll spoil the whole film." he foaled his arms, looking at Hallie.

" No, please" you said turning your head to him. Jesse looked at you and raised his eyebrow.

" That's cruel" Hallie said." Even for you...that's cruel."

" No, tell me" you said to Hallie, placing your hand over Jesse's mouth. You felt his lips widened in smile. Jesse licked his lips and your hand. You put your hand away and looked at him. He suddenly glanced on your lips.

" He wrote a play about Woody Allen as a teen and send it to him  3 times" Hallie said very fast and Jesse rolled his eyes, looking away.

" Oh, really?" you smiled " God, that is kinda cool. I mean I painted a guy I liked in high school, but this is even cooler. Oh and you were worried about it?" You took Jesse's hand and smiled.

" And then he recieved two cease and desist letters" Hallie added and you laughed a bit, leaning closer to him. Jesse didn't spoil movie for you. And you knew that he didn't want to do that.

"Why I can't say no to you?" He asked looking you in the eyes, after you looked at him begging.

"Because I'm your girlfriend. And you love me." You smiled widely.

" I guess that is the main reason."

That meant a yes. You leaned to kiss him and Hallie smiled watching on you two.

"You guys are so cute." She said when you aleadt kissed each other.

"Hallie, turn around."  Jesse said, leaning back a bit.

"Seriously?" girl with big curly hair rolled her eyes in a stagy manner.

"Seriously." Jesse said and leaned to you again.

" I have that strong shipping thing towards you two, guys, honestly." she said while he kissed you. You chuckled.

After the film you went home  through the half-empty streets.

"Tell me how it ended." you said, trying to jump over the puddle. It was raining all day and the whole streets were soaked. Jesse smirked  following you. You stopped and looked at him. He chuckled. "Oh, no-no, don't look at me like that...."

Jesse laughed.

" Jesse, it's important. It was beautiful and I feel so bittersweet about it. You have to tell me how it ended."

" But how do you think, had  Bobby and  Vonnie seen each other after that?" Jesse took your hand and his fingers slipped between yours.

"I don't know...that's why I'm asking you. Maybe there was something in the script? Maybe some hints?" Jesse laughed with his pretencious laugh, which seemed so familiar to you.

" Such things aren't written in the script, Love. This ending is open. We will never know." he said.

" Yeah, I know, but  how do you think Bobby and Vonnie were seeing each other after?" You asked, looking at him.

" Bobby... well, I think yes...sometimes." Jesse  said, looking on the street.

" I feel sorry about Veronica."  you bit your lip.

" Yeah. But that's life." He shrugged.

" And what would you chose?" you asked.

" Me?"

"Yes, you, Jesse." You stopped and Jesse stopped after you. You looked each other in the eyes.

" I can't choose. I don't have to choose." he laughed a bit, checking your collar caringly.

" But if you were to choose..." you said.

" I will never have to." Jesse smiled nervously shaking his head in disapproval.

" Jesse, but if you were!"

" You don't understand, I don't have to." He said softly and leaned to you, placing his arms on your waist. Jesse gently pulled you closer and looked you in the eyes " I have you. And I won't  choose anybody else. Ever. You are my "Vonnie"."

He pressed his forehead towards yours and you closed your eyes.

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