day 135 \\ leaving

338 22 8

Jesse sighed and stopped in front of you. You were so busy doing your work that you didn't even notice him until he spoke up. When you looked up at him, you smiled. 

"Sorry, what did you say?" Jesse sighed and frowned to himself.

"I'm leaving...Y-you know, for that business trip. Remember?" you watched him as he bit his lip. Suddenly you were hit with a wave of grief, how could you be so ignorant? You immediately stood and walked towards him.

"Oh dear...Jesse I-I'm so sorry..."

"It's alright..." he sighed again and looked down. He then looked at you and kissed your forehead. 

"I'll see you soon, okay? I'll call you when I get there..." as he walked towards the door, you felt even worse. You opened your mouth to speak, yet you then shut it. You were dragged out of your thoughts as he looked at you. 

"Okay?" you nodded.

"Yeah...yeah. Yeah, I got it. Please just call me as soon as you can, okay?" Jesse nodded.

 He leaned over and kissed your cheek, making you smile and closed your eyes. Yet you felt dread when he pulled away. You kept your eyes closed. Suddenly, you thought everything over. Jesse wouldn't be gone too long. Yet, you missed him already.You already missed the idea of sleeping next to him, the way he'd hold you close to his body as if you were going to be gone. And you already missed the taste of his kisses and you already wanted him back. You could hear the wheels on his suitcase rolling towards the door. Then you heard the door open.

Then, you opened your eyes to see that he was gone. You quickly walked to the door and opened it, following him.

"Jesse wait." he stopped and turned to you. He raised both of his eyebrows.

"Hmm?" you walked towards him while he spoke, then throwing your arms around him and holding him tightly. He chuckled slightly as you buried your face into his neck.

 "I'm really going to miss you." he nodded and slowly hugged you back.

"I know--" you pulled away and cupped his cheeks with your hands.

"And I'm sorry I've been working so much lately. I promise that when you get back I won't work as much." he blushed a little as he kept nodding.

"Okay." he whispered. He leaned over and kissed your cheek again. "But I gotta go, okay? I'll call you soon. I promise." he smiled and began to pull away. You smiled back.

"Alright...G-G...G..." you were having trouble saying goodbye. He laughed and shook his head. 

"Don't say goodbye, this isn't goodbye. I'll see you later." you smiled a little more.

"Yeah...yeah you're right. I guess it is." as he turned and began to walk away, you whispered to yourself. It was so quiet that he couldn't hear. 

"I love you." 

Yet little did you know, that he had whispered the words also.

Hello, my dear friends and happy 1-st of October! How are you all?

This cute day was written by my lovely friend jessepeach and we both hope you liked it.

Also, I'd like to announce that I'm starting posting another story of mine called Soulmate, which is a Jesse Eisenberg story. So basically if you like 200dwy, you should check it out.

 So basically if you like 200dwy, you should check it out

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Thank you for your attention.
Have a good day/night.
your owl

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