{Original Version} Chapter One - Empty Seat

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Note: the is the original version of the story, not the rewrite.

The smell of salt and sunscreen. The calming sound of the waves crashing gently onto the sandy shore, and the not so calming sound of kids screaming and splashing water. The feeling of the hot sun mixed with panic and fear. No one around, just some boy watching me as I cry for help. Thrashing my arms and legs violently. My frantic screams silenced by water rushing into my lungs. My body desiring to rest while my brain tries to convince me to keep fighting. But sometimes the body wins over the mind. My vision blurring as I give up and start to sink. The young boy watched carefully and looking as if he was taking notes. Almost completely gone I let out one finally plead for help as I fall into darkness.

"(Name)!" My mother runs into my room. Her face full of fear as she stares bewildered at me. Her face goes back to a normal bored expression that she always has. "Oh you're fine."
She sighs and places her hands on her hips. "It happened again... The dream." I touch my face, a tear crawls down my cheek. "We took you to a professional and even they didn't understand why you'd have a dream like that. Remember what I said, just forget it. That's what I've always done." Mom inspects my small room. Brown cardboard boxes speckled the floor, each with a duck tape label saying (Name)'s Bedroom. On top of one was a tiny white and yellowish shell. Someone gave it to me. I don't know who, I can't remember honestly. All I know is that I got it from the beach my dad lives at. It's basically my only way to remember him, that's the only reason I keep it with me wherever I go. "You need to unpack soon. This place looks awful when its cluttered with old dusty boxes. We've been here a week already." My mother turns around to exit. "Why? We're just going to leave this place in a month anyway. It's stupid." I mumble and lay my head back down on the pillow. The pillow was half empty - the stuffing had been used for making a teddy bear - and it was more like laying my head on the mattress. She shakes her head and ignores my ugly comment on how much we move towns. She can't even try to stay in one place, it's impossible for her. The only time she stayed in one place was when dad and her were still together. Even then she hated staying in one place. Mom suddenly slams the door making me jump. I pull the blanket over my head in frustration. I quickly fall to sleep again until... "You have you're first day of school tomorrow,"


The smell of salt and sunscreen. The calming sound of the waves crashing gently onto the sandy shore- "Get up! It's school time!" My mom shakes my shoulder. Luckily, she had woken me up before the nightmare started all over again. I've been seeing it happen over and over for a whole decade. I've never seen what the boy looks like or what happens after my vision goes hazy. "F-Five more seconds. No minutes..." I sputter still asleep. "Stop talking like a drunk idiot and get ready." Mom flicks my forehead. I pout and rub my head. She leaves, trusting that I won't fall back into a dream world. She knows me well. I can't go back to sleep once I've woken up, unless it's two in the morning like earlier. Kicking the quilt - my dead grandmother made me - I jump out of bed to get ready for this new school. On one's first day they must impress everyone right away. So always wear your best outfit. Mine just so happens to be a pair of ripped jeans, a shirt with a band name on it, and a jacket my mom got from a thrift shop. Ya, I don't have many clothes. Mostly because I hadn't unpack all of my outfits yet. I quickly rush out the door into the bathroom were all my hair and face stuff was. I straightened my (H/C) hair and put on a small amount of makeup. Grabbing a black hairband I pull my (H/L) hair into a not so perfect ponytail. "Bus is here!" I hear my mom's voice echo from the kitchen. Yelling in anger, I brush my teeth and clean up myself before leaving. "(Name)! Stop!" Mom grabs my arm. I turn and shrug at her as to say what. She rolls her eyes and hands me a heavy bag full of school supplies, a lunch, and a class schedule. I laugh quietly and take it. She waves at me as I walk outside to the bus. I hate the bus but Mom can't really afford to drive me everywhere so I just go through the pain. It's her fault, she keeps buying different houses and apartments. Just entering the school bus I can tell what kind of place I'm going to learn at. Everyone already looked like some kind of cliché. Nerds, jocks, cheerleaders, and the loners. How tragic. A guy my with plain black hair and brown eyes sat around the middle. He was by himself and I believed it'd be better to sit with him then the girl looking for some gold. As casually as a anti social girl can be, I slide into the seat with him. He glances at me then watches a squirrel run up a dead tree. Being me I just joined him and laughed when another squirrel attack the first one. The guy stares at me again and starts to blush. My face turns red as I realize I was so close to him our noses almost touched. "I'm Jack." He whispers and kicks his left foot at the seat in front of us. "(Name)." I awkwardly grin at Jack. He nods and then smiles a little too. My face feels even hotter as I stare at his smile. Is this my first crush? Really! I never had time to crush on some boy or girl. Who'd know it'd be a love at first sight thing? "You're new right? I heard the teachers talking about a new student." He ask turning directly to me. "Y-Ya! That's me!" I yell. I slap my hand over my mouth embarrassed by my outburst. He giggles like a child and nods again. "The school's pretty big. I got lost on the first day, if you need help getting around ask me. Okay?" Jack tells me and then turns back to the window. "Okay..." I reply and just look forward. I'm really bad with social stuff yet I've already got a friend! Who I just so happen to like? Actually I don't know if I like him, I think I do...

It didn't take long for us to reach the school. When the bus stop some poor kid fell out of his seat and hit the floor.  I laughed at him but then I felt bad because that guy looked embarrassed by it. Jack got out of the bus without me knowing somehow because as I looked beside me he was gone. I left my seat and grouped in with the others leaving. Jack was completely right about the school. It was giant! A plain white color with a huge clock at the top. I shivered a little at the sight of it. I search around the area for Jack so I wouldn't get lost without him. I found him in a very unexpected place. He was in the fountain that was smack dab in the middle of the school. Another guy was in the water with him. He wore an oversized sweater that was now completely soaked with water. In confusion and curiosity I walked over to them. Jack climbed out and removed his jacket to rid it of water. He saw me and then flicked some water at me. I frowned and smiled on the inside. "Already lost?" He joked. "No, just trying to make new friends." I shrugged. The boy in the water splashed water to get my attention. "If you want a friend you should meet me," he winked at me and leaned over the edge of the fountain wall. His white hair falling into his icy eyes. The water trailing down from his hair to his cheek bone. "Sage Thomas! You must be (Name)!" He smirked and tilted his head. Apparently I was a bit distracted because I really didn't notice he already knew my name. He grabbed Jack's hand and pulled himself out. Sage shook his head like a tiny dog who just had a bath. "Come Jack! Let's let this beautiful young lady follow us around like a little pet!" He patted my head, messing my hair up. "What do you mean by that?" I raise an eyebrow. "Just hang with us and you'll see eventually," Sage's lips still curved into his Cheshire Cat grin. Jack looks as confused as me but then laughs it off. "Come on!" Sage suddenly pulls me away running to the building. I frantically look back for Jack for was just walking calmly behind us chuckling. I guess this is just what he normally does and go with it. Who'd know such sweet boys could be terrifying psychopaths. But I guess that's what they're all like. A wolf in sheep's clothing. When they should be wearing a straight jacket.

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