Chapter Four - Empty Phone

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We had lost all track of time. It was already nine at night and they were still here playing games. I think by now they had forgotten me and basically stole the games. But I enjoyed laughing at them. It was odd... to be completely honest. I've never been friends with people at my school before. And I've never actually had anyone at my house or been to someone else. Let alone it being a boy or two in this case. But it was surprisingly fun! Sadly, our fun was interrupted by Sage's phone ringing. Sage sighed, rolled his eyes, and picked it up. Jack looked up at him with a look that seemed slightly worried. "No... I don't want to leave." Sage tried to be quiet so we wouldn't hear. "Let us stay." his expression become angry and his hands turn to fist. Jack took notice quickly and grabbed the phone. "Yes... Okay... Sorry... We'll see you... Love you too." only hearing one side of it was annoying. I smiled at him when he blushed about having to say the "l word". He looked away and glanced at his shiny black church shoes. He must like to dress fancy I guessed. "Um, Sage, pal? We have to go now." he patted Sage's shoulder awkwardly. Sage nodded, and sighed once again. "Bye (Name)!" Sage suddenly smiled happily and gave me a tight hug. I forced a laugh and put one arm around him. His grip around me was so tight I felt as if I couldn't breath. "O-Okay Sage." I said, forcing another laugh. His chin tapped my shoulder as he nodded to say okay back. He stepped back and release me from his snake like grip. "See you tomorrow!" he grinned and waved. How he waved stuck out to me. His fingers moved, not his hand like you would normally. It was like how a baby waves when they are learning. It was cute, silly, but strange for a high school student. "Bye!" I said back to be nice. They turned to leave, Sage's phone in Jack's hand. "Bye Jack," I added. He looked as if he tensed at first. But then he turned and waved shyly. The door closed and one of my pictures hanging nearby fell off the wall. I groan and got up to fix it back in place. I heard my mother asking if they needed a ride. They rejected and decided to walk home. I shrugged and made sure the picture wasn't tilted even the slightest. Outside my window I "accidently" over heard their conversation. "I'm the one who makes the choices okay. Especially when it's has anything dealing with (Name). Got it?" Sage's voice was easily recognizable. "Yes I know, but Mom and Dad." Jack argued. "They don't matter. You know they don't care what we do," Sage answered. I took a quick glance  outside and watched them walk away. "Mom and Dad? They're brothers?" I thought out loud. They looked nothing alike. More like opposites. One had black hair and pale skin while the other had almost white hair. I shook my head and said they could have been adopted or something. I sighed and jumped onto my bed. I stretch, using up all the room on the small bed. I kicked something off the bed with my foot so I sat up to see what it was. My phone laid on the ground. I cringed and slowly reach for it because I could have broken it. When I held it up I sighed with relief, seeing that it wasn't cracked or destroyed. I pushed the circular button and a picture of a calm beach was the cover. I raised my eyebrow. This wasn't my phone and it could have been Sage's. Jack's! I panicked first and thought maybe I could run and catch them. But then I had quite an evil thought. Why not look through his stuff? It didn't have a passcode so it was asking to be looked through. Snickering to myself as I unlocked it. First I went to the photos of course! The first few where normal. A even saw a cute selfie he had taken in a bathroom mirror. And a lot of photos of him and Sage. But then I came across something... unsettling. Photos of me. They were my old social media screenshots and some that were taken from behind me where I wouldn't have noticed him. I was speechless. I shivered but decided to look on. Text messages were next. His mom was first on the list. I quickly scrolled though some. I stop and read one from almost a year ago.

Mom can someone stay with us for a while?

Who is this someone

Just a friend. His family is away and he needs a place to stay. Please.

Well, sure. I didn't even know you had friends so good for you.

I assumed they were talking about Sage. Funny. He only had two contacts. His mother and Sage. I added my own number just for fun. I clicked to Sage's next. He had a lot more text with each other. I found one weird part.

Did you find her Jack

I believe so. Here:

After that he sent Sage a picture of my old Facebook photo. Sage didn't reply after the picture was sent. The shivers down my spin were worst. It freaked me out so much! My mom knocked on the door. I jumped but then quickly shoved the phone under my pillow. "So those boys were cute! Do you like them?" Mom always tried to meddle in my love life. Which was none existing. "N-No." I stuttered, still flustered by the photos. "Suuuure," she laughed at me. "Here, I brought you some pie." she handed me a plate of chocolate pie that she had bought from Walmart or some place. "Thank you!" I smiled and took a bite. "Night (Name)." she closed the door behind her. I quickly ate the pie by basically shoving it into my mouth. I got up to throw away my plate and turn off the lights. I lied down on bed and burrowed under the blankets. I tried to sleep first. I closed my eye tight and tried not to think of the phone. But I couldn't help it. I pulled out Jack's phone and unlocked it again. I browsed through all the photos and text messages all over again. I stayed up all time almost just to figure out what was happening. I was a bad idea but I did it anyway. It was just so creepy...


My mom was shaking my shoulder trying to wake me up for school. "Stoooop I want to sleep," I groaned sleepily. "Who's phone is that?" my eyes opened and I saw the phone still in my hand. "Jack's. I just have to give it back today." I said honestly. "Hope you weren't snooping." she sighed and left me in my bed. I changed and did my normal routine. I jumped onto the bus and noticed Jack wasn't there. I was almost happy he wasn't. I sat down by myself and got out the phone. As soon as I unlocked it the sound of a bird tweeting was heard. It was a text from Sage to Jack. Or more like a text to me. "(Name) I know you have the phone. Don't read or look at anything. And if you dare do that, you will be in huge trouble!" it read. How did he know? What does he mean by trouble? I shivered. Someone grabbed my shoulder. It was a tight grip like when Sage had hugged me. I jumped and had to cover my mouth to not scream. Ava sat down beside me. "Did I scare you? Sorry!" she giggle up close in my face. "Oh, i-it's okay." I hid the phone. "The dance is coming up soon! I want Mark to take me or maybe Sean! They're both so cute! Who do you want to take you?" she rambled. "Dance?" I asked somewhat dazed. "Oh ya! It's the only dance of the year! A boy has to ask you out and you two get to dance the night away!" Ava daydreamed. Oddly enough when I imaged it, I imaged dancing with Jack. Even though his phone was weird... I still like him. The bus stopped suddenly and Ava's face slammed into the seat in front of us. Someone walked onto the bus. Sage smirked as he stepped up. I looked down in hopes that he wouldn't see me. "Hey (Name)," he leaned against the seat and grinned at me. "Ava move." he told her. She frowned and mumbled some curse. She moved back with her other friends and left me alone with Sage. "W-Where's Jack?" I asked. "He's... Sick. I had to ride the bus today since I didn't want to walk." he put his arm around me. "Now hand over the phone." he whisper so no one could hear. My hand shook as I handed it over. "Thank you! You're so cute!" he laughed and put it in his pocket. It was going to be a long ride to school today...


Sorry! I stop writing for awhile but I'm back!

So now you know not to look through people's phones ya creep!


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