Empty Car

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The smell of salt and sunscreen. The calming sound of the waves crashing gently onto the sandy shore, and the not so calming sound of kids screaming and splashing water. The feeling of the hot sun mixed with panic and fear. No one around, just some featureless boy that watched me as I cry for help. I thrashed my arms and legs violently. My frantic screams silenced by water rushing into my lungs. My body desired to rest while my brain tried to convince me to keep fighting. But sometimes the body wins the mind. My vision blurred as I gave up and started to sink. I glanced at the boy for once last time. Suddenly, the boy was two boys. I stopped sinking and zoomed up towards the boys like I'm a camera. I realized the boys were actually Walker and Thomas. Their bodies and faces started to glitch. Walker's face would disappear and then glitch back; while Thomas would just glitch into an overdramatic and terrifying grin. Then these voices started yelling in my ears. Some voices said Thomas and Walker's names over and over again. Other voices repeated quotes that I've heard for the two and the others just screamed. And then I screamed. Loudly. My scream was bloodcurdling.

It was so scary that I woke myself up. I tried to sit up but when I got halfway up I just crashes back down and hit my head on something. I moved my hand to rub the spot that I hit just but my hands were tied behind my back. "Are you okay?" Thomas put his hand on my upper leg. His face was full of genuine concern for me. I looked down at my self. My ankles were tied together and were laying on Thomas's lap. I was still wearing my short black dress and heels. Not the ideal outfit to be wearing when you get kidnapped. It's hard to run in heels and a short dress is... Just bad. I swung my legs away from Thomas and put them on the floor. He removed his hand and shrugged. I was in a really uncomfortable pose. My head was laying against the door armrest and my chin was resting on my upper chest. My body was contorted painfully since my legs were on the ground but my hips were sideways. I couldn't feel my hands which were stuck under my back that I was partially sitting on. I looked at my bare legs, upper chest, and shoulders for any marks or bruises. There were none. "I'm glad you're finally awake. You've been sleeping for at least ten hours," Thomas smiled at me. His smile was so pure! How could a smile like that do this to me? I used my head and as much of my body as I could to scoot up. It took me a minute or two but I was sitting up against the door. I felt the blood rush to my hands and fingers. "What the fuck is going on?" I snarled. Thomas scooted close to me. He put his hands on both sides of me and then leaned close to my face. He smirked like always. "I'll be right back! Then I can answer all your questions," he gave me a small kiss on the cheek. Thomas stared at me for a reaction and I gave him a disgusted look. He backed away and then exited the car. I watched him out the window across from me. We were at a gas station. We were probably still in the same country because there was concrete and melting snow everywhere. Walker wasn't in the car and I saw Thomas walk into the store. I sighed and thought for a second. There was a lot going on that I had to process. I was just kidnapped and we were already ten hours away from home. Mom had probably called the cops since I didn't call or come home. Maybe even Walker and Thomas's parents had. But I doubted it since they don't seem to care about Walker too much. And Ava was probably freaking the hell out. There might have been a watch for us all too. A lot can happen in ten hours. I had a lot of hope. Maybe too much. But I decided I couldn't wait until the cops found me. First I moved my feet back onto the back seat. I tried to reach my mouth down to my ankles and chew off my ropes. But there was no way I could get to my feet. Then I moved my hands around the door on my back. I searched until I found a handle. I pulled it and pushed myself back with my feet. The door fell open and I fell head first to the ground. I braced myself to hit concrete but I was lucky enough to hit a patch of grass. It still hurt but at least I wasn't bleeding my brain out. I had my head against the ground and my butt still in the car. I was basically upside down. I kept pushing myself with my feet and moving my head until my entire body was out. I took a deep breath. The outside air felt great. But I didn't have time to think about that. I tried to do a sit up but I was weak as fuck. I decided to stick with what was working. I scraped my heels against the ground hoping it would push my body forward. It didn't. My heels just dug into the wet mud. I groaned loudly. I looked around for any sign of life but I couldn't see anyone. Regardless, I started to scream, yell for help, and all that shit. I heard a soft thud close by (somehow I heard it through all my screaming). I lifted my head to see what it was. It was Walker. He was holding a bunch of snacks but had dropped them at the sight of me. He rushed over to me and grabbed my shoulders. I started to scream louder and thrash my legs. I moved my whole body trying to get away from him. His eyes were huge and he looked scared. He sat me up and then moved behind me. He put his arms under my armpits and picked me up off the ground. I kept squirming and yelling at the top of my lungs. Walker then put one of his hands over my mouth. I licked his hand but he just ignored it. He turned me around and then dragged me back into the car. He got in with me and tried to wipe the mud and grass off of my back. I had grass and mud on my hair, back, butt, legs, and shoes. It was also impossible to get off. Walker sighed, frustrated, and then turned me back to face him. "What are you doing!?" He whisper/yelled at me. I didn't reply. I just stared at him angrily. "Thomas is crazy! He'll hurt you," Walker glanced down at himself. Once again I didn't reply but I did scream again. Walker smacked his hand onto my mouth and shut the door. Walker then started to take off his jacket and shirt. I panicked for a second. "Stay away from me!" I kicked his knee. He ignored me and then pulled off his shirt. I gasped. He was covered in bruises and weird marks all over his chest and a few on his upper arms. I also notice a some faded marks on his neck as well. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" My eyes water as I stared at him. He nodded and then put his clothes back on. "If he's hurting you then why don't you escape with me?" I asked. He shook his head. "I... Well... Thomas can be a really great guy. He's just not right in the head, you know? I-I couldn't just leave him. He'd kill himself or someone else." Walker scratched his hand nervously. I sighed and looked down. "Then help me escape at least," I swung my legs up to lay on his lap. "Untie me," I said. He stared at the rope for a second. He was clearly conflicted. He placed a finger on the rope. I smiled and thought he was going to do it. But then he shook his head again. "I can't (Name)! You just don't get it!" He pushed me away. Walker climbed out of the car and picked up the snacks he dropped earlier. That hurt. Like I was being rejected or something. I hit my head on the window in anger. I was so close to getting away. Walker got into the driver's seat and I opened my mouth to talk to him. But then Thomas came back. He opened the door I was laying against. I almost fell out again but Thomas caught me. He smiled down at me. "What are you doing on this side? I thought you were laying on the other side earlier," he laughed and then got into the car with me. He laid me sitting up normally in the seat. Thomas put his arm around my shoulder and snapped his finger. "Let's go Walker! We've got lots of time and little to do! Strike that. Reverse it," Thomas ordered. Walker started the car and drove away. Thomas pulled me closer to him and looked really happy. "Can I ask you questions now?" I said. "Oh ya! Ask away!" Thomas scooted away from me so that he could look me in the face. I opened my mouth to speak but then he interrupted me. He reached over me and grabbed the seat belt. He then buckled me in. Even though he wasn't wearing his seat belt. "So, where are you taking me?" I glanced out the window behind him. I couldn't recognise anything. Walker was driving fast and everything just looked like a blur. "That is surprise! And I know you'll love it," Thomas poked my nose. I grimaced at him. He was very unfazed by my reaction though. "Why did you kidnap me?" I went on. "To protect you of course!" Thomas said as if I was an idiot for not knowing. He then realised what he just admitted. "It's not kidnapping. Just relocating to a better, happier place," he corrected himself. "But why!?" I yelled. He put a finger over my mouth to shush me. He closed his eyes and shook his head. I bit his finger. He pulled it away and gave me an angry glare. "One thing could be Ava. She could probably talk you to death!" Thomas chuckled at his own joke. I rolled my eyes. "Okay, well how about teen suicide? It's very common now a days. Our own friend Walker Manson deal with it!" I glanced at Walker in the tiny car mirror. He just looked sad. I looked back at Thomas. He could tell I wasn't content with any of his answers. "The point is I just want to take you away from any misery or pain. I want you to have a perfect and happy life... With me!" Thomas held my arm. (He wanted to hold my hand but it was still tied behind me). In any other situation, what Thomas said would have been sweet. But I was really mad about being kidnapped so I kicked Thomas's knees. He exclaimed in pain and grabbed his knee. He gave me an evil stare. He looked like he wanted to murder me and he probably did. I assumed he was going to hurt me like he did Walker but instead he took a long breath. "Manson, please turn on the music." The radio turned on to some pop station. Thomas put his hand around my waist. He pulled me towards him again and then rested his head on my shoulder. I tensed up at first but after a while Thomas actually fell asleep. I started to relax a little after an hour and I even fell asleep. I fell asleep with my head on top of his. It would be cute if I wasn't tied up and he wasn't my capture.

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