Chapter Three - Empty House

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School was as you would believe it to be. Boring and dragged on for what seemed eternity. But what should I expect? Maybe something like high school is some kind of musical or maybe I'll met my true love?  Ha, doubt it. But I can tell from just today I'll be stuck with the always smiling Sage Thomas and the shy but cute Jack Green. I'd add Ava Knight to that as well, but I think Jack and Sage are going to get rid of her eventually. I just wonder how their past are connected or what happened to make them dislike her so much. Anyway I had stood outside of the school building waiting for Mom to come around and pick me up. She, unfortunately, never came. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and glanced at the screen. Mom had texted me saying 'Got 2 work l8 2night' . Sorry about being such a grammar nazi but it irritates me so much when she writes like that. She a grown adult woman! Text me with correct grammar please! But that's not important right now. After receiving that text, which should should have been sent sooner, I realized I had to walk home. I was use to that though. Mom was never someone to keep a promise. That had to be one of her worst flaws. When her and Dad were still married everything was better. I'd never have to walk home alone because Dad was always there. They were such a perfect couple. I just don't understand what caused them to brake up and hate each other. These sad thoughts started to cloud my mind and my (E/C) eyes. I shook my head think they'd fly away of I moved my head enough. But it didn't work very well in fact it made it worse. My thoughts became darker as my body froze. I felt numb, like I was about to faint. Faint from what though? The stress of my thoughts or something yet to come?
"(Name)!!! Over here!!" A cheerful and peppy voice snapped me back to reality. I slowly looked up at my house. It was average. Blue, white, and gray. Two bedrooms, one bath, one everything. Just a plain cookie cutter. Standing a top the white porch was two boys. One waving wildly at me and the other looking lightly embarrassed by his friends actions. I sighed. "Hi Sage," I smiled at them both. "I didn't expect you two to get here so quickly." I laughed nervously and joined them up on the porch. "Well Jack said he couldn't wait any longer. He just had to see your cute face!" Sage joked. I felt the blush on my face and quickly covered my face. I peeked at Jack who I noticed was also embarrassed. I rushed to open the door, but dropped the keys. I kneeled down to pick it up but it seemed Jack had that idea too. Like we were in a cliché romance movie, we touched hands while holding the key. "S-Stop it!!" I yelled at him suddenly. Jack stared at me bewildered and slowly backed off. "Sorry- I guess I um-" he stumbled on his words. In the corner of my eye I could see Sage stifling a snicker. I picked up the keys and played with the end of my (H/C) hair. Which is what I do when i'm nervous oddly enough.

The door creaked opened ominously. "Welcome to the (Last Name) manor," I stepped aside to let them in. Sage jumped into the house bubbling with excitement and hype. He wondered around the living room that was conjoined with the kitchen. "I love the scattered boxes! They really give the room a just moved mood, ya know?" He giggled sarcastically pointing out my bad taste in box placement. "Besides the boxes the house looks quite lovely," Jack stepped in. I nodded at him as to say 'thanks'. He glanced at me, blinking several times and then joining Sage. As of they owned the house, the two walked around completely ignoring me. Which gave me time to think. One big question I had was how did they know my address? But I didn't have much time to ponder on the question.

The lights fluttered and then shut off completely. Leaving me in a dark void. Suddenly all the doors in the living room slammed. All except one. It was the one to my room down the hall. I peered down that detection. The door slowly and creepily shut close. I didn't know how to feel about this. I had forgotten what I was originally doing. I stared at my down, suspiciously. I wasn't ever one to believe in fairies nor spirits. My mother wouldn't dare let me in the first place, she punished me for just wondering the possibility of Santa Clause. So naturally I didn't quite believe what was happening. But my curiosity was strong. I carefully walked to the door as if eggshells were spread across the soft carpeted floor. I lightly pushed my hand on the door, cracking it open just enough for me to see inside. I scanned the room quickly seeing nothing absurd. I sighed, disappointed, and opened it fully. "Ouch..." I heard a voice murmur behind it. "Ah!" Another voice yelled. Two arms wrapped around my waist tightly. "Got ya (Name)!" Sage giggled giddy. "Did we scare you?" He rested his chin on my shoulder. "Not particularly," I couldn't help but smile slightly. Jack moved out from behind the door. "How'd you do it?" I attempted to remove Sage's hand from me. "I shut off the power then him and me shut all the door as quick as humanly possible." Jack explained and the sat on the edge of my bed. Sage nodded in agreement and joined him like he always does. It seems where ever one goes the other follows in suit. "Well can you turn it back on. No power means no chargers. I can't live without my computer, especially of it's dead." I joked and sat on the neatly made bed. "Ya sur-" Sage covered Jack's mouth to shut him up. "Unfortunately no. We just don't know how it works!" The blonde boy lied easily. He tilted his small head and smiled charmingly at me. His lie was a dumb one but he said it so easily it seemed second nature for him. "Whatever you say," I played along, wondering what could be going on in his head.

You know how when you're having fun time flys by? What felt like minutes was actually hours? Ya that's what happened. Jack had found my video game collection. We all spent an hour playing Mario, Call of Duty, and Just Dance oddly enough. We laughed and shoved each other getting a little too competitive. Mostly Jack, which was surprising. I didn't see him as the competitive type really. So during all this we didn't notice the loud slamming of a car door outside. My mother came storming though the house, rushing to my room. Now let me tell you, my mom loved to tell me about how bad her day was after she came home from work. 'Oh (Name) can you believe my boss did this and that!? And so and so where just like such and such!' She complained often and loudly. A car door slamming was a sign she'd give me to say get ready for hours off talking shit of others! Don't get me wrong she was nice at times but I unfortunately see flaws mostly. She burst in without a single knock. She had her mouth open ready to start a rant. But see the boys she stopped and stared us down. "(Name)! Who are they!" She growled grimly. "Sage J. Thomas my fair lady! And this is Jack," the outgoing boy introduced himself, bowing. "Friends of (Name) I might add," he gestured toward me. "Oh... Okay..." Seeming confused and slightly dazed, Mother walked out. "Funny, she forgot her rant." I shrugged. "Ready for another round of Mario Kart?" Jack was about to start a new game. "No, I just want to see the decor." Sage shook his head. Me and Jack pushed each other playfully, trying to win the race.

A couple of minutes later and Sage picked up my small shell. "What is this odd trinket?" He smiled at it. "B-Be careful! Don't break it please." I panicked slightly. "No I wouldn't dare!" He examined it closely. I watched him with narrowed eyes as Jack looked at us both. Sage then dropped it. "No!" I yelled, dropping my remote. Jack gasped dramatically and panicked as well. As if in slow motion, Sage caught it careful in the other had just an inch above the ground. "Just kidding!" He snickered and tossed it up and down. I breathed out relived. Jack gave his friend an ugly look then sighed. "Why do you care about it so much?" Sage laid it down. "No real reason I guess. I just fell like it's important even though I've forgotten where I got it," I scratched my nose. Sage suddenly looked gloomy but then smirked like he always does. "Oh bother!" He randomly pecked Jack and my head with his finger.

And for the rest of that day we played games until they had to leave. I forgot to unpack too. In the words of the genius named Sage, oh bother!

Honestly, this chapter is a bit of a filler. Sorry it took so long to write! ^~^ Anyway, I wanted the reader to get to know both of them more before it becomes yandere. The next chapter will be more about Jack!

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